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Showing posts from July, 2004


yOz. Bac hoMe aT aBt 2+pM. nOw is aReaDy 3.10pM. jUz fiNisH wAshiNg dA baLcoNy. cHaNgiNg mY dOg'z ToiLet'z nEwpapEr. & nAgGinG @ mY bRo. *siGh. nOw HaviN' a hEadaChe. bUt kinDa haPpy cOz mY mUm'z cOmin' bAc toNitE!! LaTer gOnNa bAthE. SwEep + mOp dA fLoOr. iF gOt tiMe dEn gOnNa 'puLL' mY dOg tO sHoweR. aBo sMeLLy. hM. jUz nOw wEnt tO JuroNg EntErTainMent CentRe.whiLe watin fOr oUr tEacheR. wE wEnt uP tO c dA 'iCe sKatiNg'. hM. iT LoOkz KiNda fUn. bUt iT loOkz sLipPerY. PeEpz kEpt faLLin' dOwn. sO niCe. a 'aNg moH' Lil' gaL waVed aT mE. sO cUte neHz. hM. aFter waTchin iT. weNt dOwn tO PizZa hUt tO eAt wth mY whoLe cLaZz + cOurSe TuTor. hM. So fuLL. gOt tO eAt 'HaWaiaN' pErsOnaL pAn PizZa + PePs + CreAm oF cHicKen sOup + BreAdsTicK. hAd a gReaT LunCh. i fEeL tHat i'M QuiTe 'XiNg fU' lo. oSo dUnNo y. i tHink thInk oF LotzA tHingZ. sUdDenLy feeL liKe tT. mAybE iTz beCoz i hAv soMeonE liKe my DaD & MuM. mY Dad i

~aLL aLoNe @ hOm3.~

hM. now. sOo rEaLLy lonely. aLL alone at homE. mY mum is iN BangkOk riTe now. mY eLder Sis is wt hEr. mY eLder bRo is oN duTy nOw aT ChanGi AirpOrt. mY dAd iS wOrkiNg. LeFt m3!! wt my cuTe+nOtti dOg. nOw i'M da onLy 'gaL' @ hoMe. i gOtta waSh dA cLotheZ. HaNg dEm' uP. waSh dA disHez. mAke aLL da bEdz. LoOk aFter mY dOg. & oSo mY dAd. gOtta gve hm taKe meDicinE as hE aLwayZ fOrgEt. tHs aLL are wAt mY mUmmy 'hAnd oVer' tO me. i'M nOt tirEd dOin thoSe. i'M jUz bOreD... i miZz mY mUm. wEn i cOme bAc fRom skOoL. i wiLL aLwayZ c hEr @ hOme. bUt nOw. nO oNe. onLy mY dAd & bRo. iTz liKe sO diFfereNt. hOw i wsh i wAs aT BanGkok wt her RiTe nOw. bUT aNywaY. sHe cOmin' bAc tOmoRo! yEsh! tOmorO! jUz tOmorO! KinDa Happy nOw. i'M eXcitEd fOr tOmoRo cOz...My wHoLe cLass iS gOnNa reLeaSed eArLy (aBt 11aM.) & wiLL be gOin tO JuRong cEntre @ JuroNg EasT tO eAt!! (fOr 'CTIS') i jUz liKe dA feeLing. gOin aS a BiG grOup Out tOg.. wE goNna eAt Piz


Please mommy, do not cry For ages now I have wanted to die Please little brother, do not weep I was haunted with nightmares in my sleep Please daddy, do not get mad It was not your fault that I was so sad Please big sister, do not scream I tried to live but could no longer dream Please teacher, do not feel blame If you had tried the results would be the same Please best friend, do not miss me On this earth I just was not meant to be Please boyfriend, do not go insane There was nothing you in could do to ease my pain Please grandpa, do not live in regret Things happened to me that I couldn’t forget Please grandma, do not shed tears I have not felt happiness for many years Please uncle, do not ask why I am sorry that I never got to tell you goodbye Please auntie, do not grieve I made the decision myself, I wanted to leave Please cousin, do not follow me to the grave In the end to my depression I was a slave I am sorr

~bAc heRe.~

So tired & stress nowadayz. my skool hourz is sooo long and by da time i reach home is aready nitE. but i'm excited about tis sunday! Manchester United is playinG! on da 25/7, 28/7 & got somemore! wow...but itz skool dayz..i'll be busy + tired..and again... PortugaL is playinG!! so happY!! but Ronaldo gonna miss da 1st four matches of Man U games. as he gotta pay for portugaL. 'Country comes 1st'. it'll be startin 1 Aug!! so excited!! i'm really lookin forward to it mAn! But my mUmMy is leaving S'pore for Bangkok for 4 dayz. from 25/7 to 28/7. me gonna miss her so much & she gonna miss da 2 Man U gamEz. i gotta watch sad...but itz soooo great tt i can c PortugaL pLay aGain!! ManchEster UnitEd tOo!! so hAppY!! ok cLass now..haVin lessOnz but i'm nOt listEning.. nOtti m3..keke..ok c yA!
hAiz. s|nce 5th juLy..i'vE been so sad. soo pain. so heartbroken. whY? becOz' of dA eUro 2004 finaL. portugal losT. i'M aReadY beRi sAd. dA 'pa|n tHiNg' iS...wEn i sAw c.RoNaLdo cRiEd...>_<, my heaRt fEeL sOoOo PAIN.. sOo sAd. to c h|m likE tHaT. hE wAs sO sAd tOo. iN sUcH a pAin. wEn i c h|m liKe tHaT..i fEeL moRe pAin. s|ncE yOung hE iS likE thAt. hE aLwayz maKe h|s tEam beLieVe tHat tHey wiLL w|n. iF tHeY losE..he wouLd cRy. hE iS sOoOo sOfT-hEaRtEd. hOw i w|sH i wAs tHeRe tO cOmfOrt h|m. hAiz. uNtiL nOw.. i'M sTiLL sOo sAd. i cAnT wAiT tO c tHeM pLaY aGaIn. tHey'LL WIN iN dA fUtUrE. aNyWaY..aLL dA bEsT tO mY pOrtuGaL, MaN U & mY dEaReSt c.RoNaLdO...LuV yA~