hm. the day b4 yesterday, on tuesday, me n my sec skool goodie frenz decided to meet up at orchard for a walk or smth. kin worked til abt 4pm. den she gonna meet her bf til abt 5pm. so i met her at orchard mrt at abt 5.30pm. i asked mao mao (my 'xiao di'/'sista') along. as well as jian xiong 'da ge' too. tink we last met on sept.. when we go bac sec skool tog for teachers day celebtn. i enjoyed myself being wit them. cant stand mao's n xiong's nonsense but funni stuffz. lolx. hm. so me n kin went to jln jln 1st. she bot a jeans frm 'ice lemon tee'. mao mao called me sayin that when he reach he dunno where to find us. (majiam hintin me wantin us to go mrt wait for him lolx. i got da msg). i said ok la ok la when u reachin u call den we wait for ya at mrt den he sounded happy. lolx. silly 'xiao di'. he reached abt 6+pm. not long after, xiong reached le. i felt happi seein them again. den we got no idea where to go.. were so undecisive. so we juz walked here n there. juz anywhere. we were window-shopping. da guyz juz followed behind us. so obedient yo.. im afraid that they gonna be bored juz following us walkin ard orchard like zombiez lolz. but they seems ok ba. xiong is beri quiet. but do joke sometimez. mao mao leh.. quiet at times but kinda crazy too. alwayz 'fightin' wit kin. last time kin used to complain to me abt mao bullyin her. but mao told me b4 she alwayz bully n smack him. lolx. being a so-called 'da jie' n a 'middle person', who can i listen to. i gotta c wit my own eyez yo. that day.. keke. kin is da bully yo. mao oni tried to avoid her smackz haha. i cld oni smile to myself seein them that way coz itz kinda funni da way they chased ard. but kin bad o.. didnt c xiong in her eyez. alwayz say 'da 3 of us'. maybe xiong invisible to her ba. hee mao mao agreed to tt too. erm. sometimes i notice it when kin alwayz 'play ard' wit mao n xiong 'looked' kinda left-out. im not sure if he does feel tt way but i did try to tok to him. coz he is real quiet. oni smile smile laugh laugh. maybe hez 'shy' to gals but we've known each other for yrs le ba.. no need like tt rite... lolx nvm ttz it. hm. actually i tot of watchin movie to spend time as i long time nv c movie le but they seemz like they dun wanna c so i anything lo. we went long john eat. den jln jln awhile b4 we head to somerset mrt at abt 8.45pm. we took the train bac. we all stay in yishun. kin slept in da train. probably was too tired after workin. mao mao n xiong listened to their music played frm da hp while i juz stared blank into the air lo. dreamin lolx. we did chat a lil' in the train. n i brot up an idea of playin a prank on kin. lolx. den mao n xiong oso had their new ideas which made me laughed so hard. all their nonsense lolx. mine too :P. keke. i really had a great time being wit them. me n mao said le.. our next outin maybe go play cs keke. wont be borin den.
tomoro me goin out wit sandra (chu) n siew fun (ah fang). rachel (da jia) n ravin (darlinx)
will give their ans tmr. but aniwae chu n ah fang is confirm goin. they're all workin mornin shift. so maybe i'll go bac plaza hotel find them (while meetin my ex-colleagues there). maybe ard 4pm. k gtg le. hope tmr i will enjoy myself wit those crazy funni cutie peepz. t@ta!