had class today. 10am-5pm.
about roulette. -- maths. numbers. digits. calculations.
made a new frennie. kang hao [kang kang]. from another batch de.
i laughed so hard at roy. when he was dealing at a roulette table. he said "paying....[paused] paying.... [paused] paying....." lol. majiam 'hang' like that, which reminds me of that 'Japanese funny (cannot laugh) show'. so funny.....
and he blur blur o. mentioned "payment 200 carli(curry)" (instead of 'colour'). so i continued by sayin "paying 200 mutton". lol. laughed alot.
when we were in the coach going to AMK,
me & roy played 'hei bai pei'. so funni! alwaez a fun game neh.... =)
me roy vik & sumann went to AMK Hub. bought 'Happy Veg'.
den go AMK central kopitiam.
my korkor arrived soon after.
left the guys. me & korkor going to kimkoon's chalet...
reached there around 7pm. unit no. 120. Pasir Ris Road [Elias Road].
couldnt believe that da bungalow is da chalet [below].
coz doesnt look like chalet. but more like a resident's bungalow.
itz soo big. can park 3 cars inside o.
and to my surprise, 3D/2N stay cost ONLY S$75!!!! cheap until lao sai o!
but only members can book.
i enter the main door...........
inside is sooo well furnished.
the living & dining room. big big. compared to those costa sands chalet.


a small room for mahjong session.
balcony 1....
master bedroom.
bedroom 1..
bedroom 2..
da actual rooms are much much bigger den what u can see here.
one of da toilets. there are 3 bathrooms in total.
balcony 2..
a view of dining room from 2nd floor..
washing machine...
BBQ area...
itz realli big n nice. and feel like home nor....
VCD/CD player oso have.
even kitchen utensils like pots, microwave oven, kettle, etc. oso have o!
so convenient isnt it?!?! and itz soooo worth it.
feel like booking one there le. lol!
zai, min & caige arrived at about 8pm.
zai gave me these [below]....

coz that time i went down to town juz to pass him his game i bought. ^-^
i took a pic of korkor standing in front of the bungalow, with his car parked there, it lookz as tho this is his house nor!! kekeke....
zai, min, rain, caige. blurred pic.
koon [da host] setting up da fire. so slow. :X
caige & caimei....

later korkor's friends (also my friends), baron & xiuqi came.
haven seen them for quite loooooong. da guyz are as funny as before.
koon heated this for us [below].
choco bread. quite nice.
about 9pm aaron came. da BBQ king. lol
the insanerz bbq-ing.....
yeah~ our (half of Da Insanerz) group photoz....

clockwise: min, rain, aaron, zai, caige.
and herez me & korkor's friends group photo.
clockwise: xiuqi, baron, korkor, koon, rain.
we chatted alot. hope insanerz had fun.
min & zai left at about 10.30+pm.
da rest of us left at bout' midnight.
xiuqi sent aaron & baron home. nice dude.
korkor sent caige home.
we got home 12.45am. and im bloggin now.
wanna go have my shower. tho itz 2.08am le. tired.
im happi. but sad.
im sad. but kinda happi.
about roulette. -- maths. numbers. digits. calculations.
made a new frennie. kang hao [kang kang]. from another batch de.
i laughed so hard at roy. when he was dealing at a roulette table. he said "paying....[paused] paying.... [paused] paying....." lol. majiam 'hang' like that, which reminds me of that 'Japanese funny (cannot laugh) show'. so funny.....
and he blur blur o. mentioned "payment 200 carli(curry)" (instead of 'colour'). so i continued by sayin "paying 200 mutton". lol. laughed alot.
when we were in the coach going to AMK,
me & roy played 'hei bai pei'. so funni! alwaez a fun game neh.... =)
me roy vik & sumann went to AMK Hub. bought 'Happy Veg'.
den go AMK central kopitiam.
my korkor arrived soon after.
left the guys. me & korkor going to kimkoon's chalet...
reached there around 7pm. unit no. 120. Pasir Ris Road [Elias Road].
couldnt believe that da bungalow is da chalet [below].
coz doesnt look like chalet. but more like a resident's bungalow.

and to my surprise, 3D/2N stay cost ONLY S$75!!!! cheap until lao sai o!

inside is sooo well furnished.
the living & dining room. big big. compared to those costa sands chalet.


da actual rooms are much much bigger den what u can see here.

itz realli big n nice. and feel like home nor....
VCD/CD player oso have.
even kitchen utensils like pots, microwave oven, kettle, etc. oso have o!
so convenient isnt it?!?! and itz soooo worth it.
feel like booking one there le. lol!
zai, min & caige arrived at about 8pm.
zai gave me these [below]....

coz that time i went down to town juz to pass him his game i bought. ^-^
i took a pic of korkor standing in front of the bungalow, with his car parked there, it lookz as tho this is his house nor!! kekeke....

caige & caimei....

later korkor's friends (also my friends), baron & xiuqi came.
haven seen them for quite loooooong. da guyz are as funny as before.
koon heated this for us [below].

about 9pm aaron came. da BBQ king. lol
the insanerz bbq-ing.....

yeah~ our (half of Da Insanerz) group photoz....

clockwise: min, rain, aaron, zai, caige.
and herez me & korkor's friends group photo.

we chatted alot. hope insanerz had fun.
min & zai left at about 10.30+pm.
da rest of us left at bout' midnight.
xiuqi sent aaron & baron home. nice dude.
korkor sent caige home.
we got home 12.45am. and im bloggin now.
wanna go have my shower. tho itz 2.08am le. tired.
im happi. but sad.
im sad. but kinda happi.