went to timezone. boom boom.
happi tt i finally can lead at 秋明山 o..
da food mall. italian foodz.
chicken n mushrm pesto for me. lasagne for alvin.
along wit our honeydew sago.
met sha for awhile. b4 me headed to yck. ssdc.
driving prac lesson 2.40-4.20pm.
luv da female instructor todae. she guided well.
alvin waited for me at yck mrt.
headin to town.
steamboat dinner tonite @ 6pm, marina, organised by ron.
but was early. so we dropped off at city hall. raffles place shoppin ctr.
went jln jln. alvin bot takoyaki [ham & cheese]. we shared. hmm... yoishi...
at abt 5.50pm. we took train to marina bay.
took bus to da steamboat place.
coincidently met ron n alex on da bus!
decided to try pin xian bbq steamboat.
ok la. to me itz not much diff ba.
we started eatin. lata sophia came. irene came quite late ba.
a [deaf] lady came to us. tryin to sell plush toyz @ $13 each [made by da deaf].
we rejected at 1st. but lata sophia n alvin asked if $10 each is possible.
she nodded. they bot one each for me o... so nice.... ^-^
mashi maro n 'orange gal'. my bday presentz.mashi maro n 'orange gal'. my bday presentz.
ate n ate. rest. fried n ate. full le.
alvin brot me to da bowlin alley. rested there coz got air con so nice....
den when we got bac. saw a beautiful white choco vanilla cake [bot frm Polar] on da table.they started to sing 'happi bday song'.. sooo nice of them.. ^-^
i made a wish.. blowed da candle.. bite it off da cake.. cut it.
my 1st white choco bday cake o. we finished up da cake.
ate our complimentary ice cream. wah... so beri da full o....
took da pin xian shuttle service bac to mrt.
alvin sent me home.
on my way home at 11.20pm,
ravin called me wishin me 'happi bday' [in advance]! glad he rem. keke.
got home 11.30pm.
at 11.55pm. went into my parentz room. da litez r off.
i saw candle lite. my family sang 'happi bday song'.
my mummy's hand was a plate of ice cream wit decoration [below].
so nice. for tt im glad n happi le! keke.
1st frm edwin. den foll by sandra ('chu'), 'da jie', ron, weijie, alex son, lydia so n so.
so nice of them. so surprised n glad tt they all do rem o. keke!
im happi todae! ^-^
hope tomoro will be happier o.. someone'z bringin me out o.. keke!