todae. went to skool as usual.
afta tt. me. ron. bao. edwin. zieg. alex. candice. bernard. joanna.
we all took train to dhoby ghaut. plaza singapura. food court. we makan.
me ate tempura ramen. $6.50 [da prawnz not nice. not fresh de].
afta tt. we went to comicz connection.
i was attracted to thoz Death Note accessoriez again!!
i browsed thru da stuffz, n saw Death Note's "L" de necklace! $7.90
n itz da one n only left. i grabbed it! lolx. so happi!! i bot it le.

i wanna own da Death Note Book oso de. but.
dun hav da real show'z A4 size de. hm. will consider ba.
bernard went to work. @ Gelato. basement 2.
we went there to 'visit' him. lolx. he let us try so many flavourz of da icecreamz.
itz 94% fat-free de o. in e end i did bot da 'Bon Bon Rocher' flavour. niCe~
da rest of them oso got buy. we shared ard tryin out da flavourz.
so full o... we den left @ 3pm. me headed home le.
got home 4+pm.
slacked. admiring my "L" de necklace! lOlx. satisfactiOn.
i like "L". his real name. Ken'ichi Matsuyama [松山研一].

click for his Profilez..
- Profile 1
- Profile 2
AND. wanna know y i like him? watch tiz...
he sitz in a odd manner. snack on candiez, tartz, dessertz everytime even during meetingz. he slp wit da tip of his thumb touchin his lipz. overall. he actz like a kid. BUT... his mind. his intellegence matchez or exceed otherz. he. is a genius.
afta tt. me. ron. bao. edwin. zieg. alex. candice. bernard. joanna.
we all took train to dhoby ghaut. plaza singapura. food court. we makan.
me ate tempura ramen. $6.50 [da prawnz not nice. not fresh de].
afta tt. we went to comicz connection.
i was attracted to thoz Death Note accessoriez again!!
i browsed thru da stuffz, n saw Death Note's "L" de necklace! $7.90
n itz da one n only left. i grabbed it! lolx. so happi!! i bot it le.

i wanna own da Death Note Book oso de. but.
dun hav da real show'z A4 size de. hm. will consider ba.
bernard went to work. @ Gelato. basement 2.
we went there to 'visit' him. lolx. he let us try so many flavourz of da icecreamz.
itz 94% fat-free de o. in e end i did bot da 'Bon Bon Rocher' flavour. niCe~
da rest of them oso got buy. we shared ard tryin out da flavourz.
so full o... we den left @ 3pm. me headed home le.
got home 4+pm.
slacked. admiring my "L" de necklace! lOlx. satisfactiOn.
i like "L". his real name. Ken'ichi Matsuyama [松山研一].

click for his Profilez..
- Profile 1
- Profile 2
AND. wanna know y i like him? watch tiz...
he sitz in a odd manner. snack on candiez, tartz, dessertz everytime even during meetingz. he slp wit da tip of his thumb touchin his lipz. overall. he actz like a kid. BUT... his mind. his intellegence matchez or exceed otherz. he. is a genius.