alright peepz.
Finally.... The Rain has come back! to Blogger world....~
lol reminds me of the rock. xD
yea i can finally SMILE.
these few days were DEADLY.
2 days ago, Sunday, that FATEFUL day, had 3 hours of sleep. nevermind....
in the afternoon, 3pm. terrorists attacked my beloved lappy.
named Trojan Bin Laden. planted 'bout 69 "Bombs".
O_O yesh. SIXTY-NINE bloody infections.
plus 60 (or more) other infections. T_T
a computer noob like me. my very 1st time encountering such kookoo.
so NICE of them to pay me a surprise visit.
NABEY. from 3pm i sit in fronda my lappy til night.
scanning, scanning, scanning.
asked friends for help & guides.
the ones i alwaez consult 'bout my lappy stuffs are kaixun, jiawei, gary.
that day, i saw kai online. i asked him for help. he did help, as alwayz.
downloaded SPYWARE DOCTOR.
scanned. after sometime. it detected 124 infections. i clicked "Quarantine".
it prompts "please purchase this software online". WHOA~!
u know?! the CHILL rushing through my nerves was like.. URGH!!!!!!!!!
den kai gave me another link for another spyware scanner.
i used my McAfee & AVG scanned no threats. bo bian need anti-spyware.
ad-aware all i also used. tried many ways. symantec's trojan removal.
but still. T_T really jialat lo. all those kookoo kept prompting out.
somemore kena my system32. gone case nah.
system restored. oso no use.
den kai mentioned REFORMAT. i more sad. =[
me been spending time finding & downloading my games.
downloaded. installed. but have yet to start playing.
den i asked about backing up those games. need external HDD.
i dun hav. means cant back up.
den he went offline liao. i stucked. dunno wat to do.
oso dunno if jiawei is in singapore or star cruise.
so i asked gary. he recommended trend micro's house call scanner.
still, cant quarantine those.
really 崩溃 lo.... really felt like slamming my lappy on the ground.
[and i have friends telling me throw at them better. they catch. =.=]
from 3pm until night about 10pm. i din eat anything.
den mummy cooked noodles for me....
the next day. chatted with erika.
and was busy helping her adjust her msn settings using remote assistance.
den 5pm left home. was hungry. but dun have 'much time'.
[as ver did say he'll be able to help me reformat after 6 or 7pm.]
when i was reaching yishun mrt station,
i realised i forgot to bring my lappy's recovery disk, OS disk & those needed.
i jitao sian 1/2 le. but bo bian.
i brought out my lappy. never bring OS disc. how to reformat?!
so i turned back. took feeder bus back home. dug out those disks. -_-
[grabbed 1 yakult from mummy's fridge.]
was really fed up at myself le. and tiring. somemore by the time, 5.30pm le.
thought ver might end work early, not wanting to let people wait tho.
so i took cabbie down to Sim Lim Square. $19. (got 35% charge lo..)
im so new to HDD. i dun really know 'bout hardware stuffs de.
still remember that time i went to sim lim was with jiawei they all.
they asked me along so they could explain & show more of those stuffs to me.
but i was alone this time. wat to do. have to be independent.
i saw some $25 i thought so cheap. i asked, they said case nia. toopid me.
i wondered around from shop to shop.
den i went to the cheapest one. saw my secondary skoolmate.
80GB at about $80. but got another brand promo 160GB @ S$118.90.
i called up jiawei and asked him. he said worth it. cheap.
so ok lo. i 'closed eyes' and paid for that. *heart pain*

soon after, ver told me he couldnt meet me. -_-"
i said i go down amk find him oso can. coz i already brought out my lappy le.
he still said he cant. =_= jitao sian diao.
bo bian. wat to do. it was me in need of help.
but frankly. i was really frustrated. really down.
can u imagine? carrying a big n heavy bag out, plus carrying my heavy baby (lappy) in my arms walking all about. den in the end it was all such a waste effort.
waste effort for rushing. taking cab. and bringing my baby along.
everything was thwarted.
i was so pek chek. i was getting back at myself.
scolding myself in my heart. why am i so unlucky. so SUAY.
that time mp3 spoil. last month digi camera screen blackout.
and now?! lappy down with virus.
AM I SUAY or AM I SUAY?!?!?!
i wondered why am i so TOOPID. dont even know how to reformat.
i was so exhausted and hungry. i browsed my hp contacts.
people i approached not free to help me. kai's hp off.
gary i dun wan call, later his gf unhappy. i was so helpless.
when i reached Fu Lu Shou Complex, 2nd floor.
i broke down. i really did. T_T
i could do nothing. but only to wipe off my tears and go get my stuffs.
i saw sport shoes. nice. pink somemore. @ S$10 nia. so cheap.
but. dun have my size. i know i suay =.=
i dropped by at a few shops selling those buddhist stuffs.
i finally found the one i wanted. the chain @ S$10.
and also saw a pink one. for my "Laa Hoo" 佛牌.
hmm. outside fu lu shuo complex, i saw a shop selling cute cute stuffs.
i spotted a Hello Kitty Headphone with microphone wor!
itz really pinkie~ selling at $26++ i tink.
i tink tink le, didnt buy. scared wait spoil like my current one, heart pain.
on my way home. my eldest bro heard that my lappy kena virus.
he said he know wat to do. asked me come home.
i felt better. when i reached bugis junction, was really hungry.
i bought my favourite starbucks's drink. pamper myself. for my wasted effort.
my 1st sip was like.... argh~ so niiiicceee....
really exhausted. arms tired out from carrying my baby.
and shoulder aching coz bag very heavy.
i reached home about 9pm.
den to realise, actually my eldest bro wanna help my restore system.
i told him i did. but made no difference. he den said he dunno how to reformat.
=.= i tell ya. i was really going bonker.
[ya i told fiz i wanted to call police!! tell them my lappy kena virus!]
i went to my parents room and broke down again.
cried til majiam my baby stolen like that. T_T
[my sis & dad laughed at me while consoling me lo. so bad~]
mummy den helped me called my cousin bro.
he asked me do back up 1st. about 11pm he'll come up.
whoa. i felt so relieved. so glad. help was on the way!
that was when i 'put my heart down' & have my dinner. my 1st meal of the day.
he came. i was still doing my back up =.=
den he reformat my lappy. and installed back all those drivers thingys n prog.
he chatted with mum too. leaving at 3am nor.
gonna thankx him lotz.
really appreciate his help.
one call and he's there.
today. also BUSY with my lappy whole day.
downloading & installing those programs i used to have.
den got errors. updates error or wat.
i den tried to figure out watz wrong.
my graphic card not installed. webcam not updated.
update my windows everything.
den i think. NOW. finally. should be ok le. I HOPE. =.= *pray pray*
today i finally 'promoted' my 佛牌 le. and changed some too.
from this
to this 
getting heavier. but im lOvin' it. =)
aniwae CONGRATZ to fiz. his team really won the cs competition finals o!
each player walked away with 5K wor~ wOot! aiseh!
im proud of my shifu! ^^
today is simi April's Fool day.
been sooooo busy these days that i totally didnt realise that.
AND.... i was fooled. =.=
receiving confession sms in the early morning really shocked me.
i didnt know what to say lo... den he ''happy april fool day!". O_O
wahliao HENG i dont have feelings for him. if not.......
i replied my confession den he said 'happy april fool day'
i can throw my face on the floor and step liao. lol!!! luckily din do silly things xD
received another sms, this fren getting married. 1st nov.
i asked if she's playing a april's fool joke. she hasnt reply.......
alrite. believe it or not. this post took me 3+ hours. now 4.30am le.
Finally.... The Rain has come back! to Blogger world....~
lol reminds me of the rock. xD
yea i can finally SMILE.
these few days were DEADLY.
2 days ago, Sunday, that FATEFUL day, had 3 hours of sleep. nevermind....
in the afternoon, 3pm. terrorists attacked my beloved lappy.
named Trojan Bin Laden. planted 'bout 69 "Bombs".
O_O yesh. SIXTY-NINE bloody infections.
plus 60 (or more) other infections. T_T
a computer noob like me. my very 1st time encountering such kookoo.
so NICE of them to pay me a surprise visit.
scanning, scanning, scanning.
asked friends for help & guides.
the ones i alwaez consult 'bout my lappy stuffs are kaixun, jiawei, gary.
that day, i saw kai online. i asked him for help. he did help, as alwayz.
downloaded SPYWARE DOCTOR.
scanned. after sometime. it detected 124 infections. i clicked "Quarantine".
it prompts "please purchase this software online". WHOA~!
u know?! the CHILL rushing through my nerves was like.. URGH!!!!!!!!!
den kai gave me another link for another spyware scanner.
i used my McAfee & AVG scanned no threats. bo bian need anti-spyware.
ad-aware all i also used. tried many ways. symantec's trojan removal.
but still. T_T really jialat lo. all those kookoo kept prompting out.
somemore kena my system32. gone case nah.
system restored. oso no use.
den kai mentioned REFORMAT. i more sad. =[
me been spending time finding & downloading my games.
downloaded. installed. but have yet to start playing.
den i asked about backing up those games. need external HDD.
i dun hav. means cant back up.
den he went offline liao. i stucked. dunno wat to do.
oso dunno if jiawei is in singapore or star cruise.
so i asked gary. he recommended trend micro's house call scanner.
still, cant quarantine those.
really 崩溃 lo.... really felt like slamming my lappy on the ground.
[and i have friends telling me throw at them better. they catch. =.=]
from 3pm until night about 10pm. i din eat anything.
den mummy cooked noodles for me....
the next day. chatted with erika.
and was busy helping her adjust her msn settings using remote assistance.
den 5pm left home. was hungry. but dun have 'much time'.
[as ver did say he'll be able to help me reformat after 6 or 7pm.]
when i was reaching yishun mrt station,
i realised i forgot to bring my lappy's recovery disk, OS disk & those needed.
i jitao sian 1/2 le. but bo bian.
i brought out my lappy. never bring OS disc. how to reformat?!
so i turned back. took feeder bus back home. dug out those disks. -_-
[grabbed 1 yakult from mummy's fridge.]
was really fed up at myself le. and tiring. somemore by the time, 5.30pm le.
thought ver might end work early, not wanting to let people wait tho.
so i took cabbie down to Sim Lim Square. $19. (got 35% charge lo..)
im so new to HDD. i dun really know 'bout hardware stuffs de.
still remember that time i went to sim lim was with jiawei they all.
they asked me along so they could explain & show more of those stuffs to me.
but i was alone this time. wat to do. have to be independent.
i saw some $25 i thought so cheap. i asked, they said case nia. toopid me.
i wondered around from shop to shop.
den i went to the cheapest one. saw my secondary skoolmate.
80GB at about $80. but got another brand promo 160GB @ S$118.90.
i called up jiawei and asked him. he said worth it. cheap.
so ok lo. i 'closed eyes' and paid for that. *heart pain*

soon after, ver told me he couldnt meet me. -_-"
i said i go down amk find him oso can. coz i already brought out my lappy le.
he still said he cant. =_= jitao sian diao.
bo bian. wat to do. it was me in need of help.
but frankly. i was really frustrated. really down.
can u imagine? carrying a big n heavy bag out, plus carrying my heavy baby (lappy) in my arms walking all about. den in the end it was all such a waste effort.
waste effort for rushing. taking cab. and bringing my baby along.
everything was thwarted.
i was so pek chek. i was getting back at myself.
scolding myself in my heart. why am i so unlucky. so SUAY.
that time mp3 spoil. last month digi camera screen blackout.
and now?! lappy down with virus.
AM I SUAY or AM I SUAY?!?!?!
i wondered why am i so TOOPID. dont even know how to reformat.
i was so exhausted and hungry. i browsed my hp contacts.
people i approached not free to help me. kai's hp off.
gary i dun wan call, later his gf unhappy. i was so helpless.
when i reached Fu Lu Shou Complex, 2nd floor.
i broke down. i really did. T_T
i could do nothing. but only to wipe off my tears and go get my stuffs.
i saw sport shoes. nice. pink somemore. @ S$10 nia. so cheap.
but. dun have my size. i know i suay =.=
i dropped by at a few shops selling those buddhist stuffs.
i finally found the one i wanted. the chain @ S$10.
and also saw a pink one. for my "Laa Hoo" 佛牌.

hmm. outside fu lu shuo complex, i saw a shop selling cute cute stuffs.
i spotted a Hello Kitty Headphone with microphone wor!
itz really pinkie~ selling at $26++ i tink.
i tink tink le, didnt buy. scared wait spoil like my current one, heart pain.
on my way home. my eldest bro heard that my lappy kena virus.
he said he know wat to do. asked me come home.
i felt better. when i reached bugis junction, was really hungry.
i bought my favourite starbucks's drink. pamper myself. for my wasted effort.
my 1st sip was like.... argh~ so niiiicceee....
really exhausted. arms tired out from carrying my baby.
and shoulder aching coz bag very heavy.
i reached home about 9pm.
den to realise, actually my eldest bro wanna help my restore system.
i told him i did. but made no difference. he den said he dunno how to reformat.
=.= i tell ya. i was really going bonker.
[ya i told fiz i wanted to call police!! tell them my lappy kena virus!]
i went to my parents room and broke down again.
cried til majiam my baby stolen like that. T_T
[my sis & dad laughed at me while consoling me lo. so bad~]
mummy den helped me called my cousin bro.
he asked me do back up 1st. about 11pm he'll come up.
whoa. i felt so relieved. so glad. help was on the way!
that was when i 'put my heart down' & have my dinner. my 1st meal of the day.
he came. i was still doing my back up =.=
den he reformat my lappy. and installed back all those drivers thingys n prog.
he chatted with mum too. leaving at 3am nor.
gonna thankx him lotz.
really appreciate his help.
one call and he's there.
today. also BUSY with my lappy whole day.
downloading & installing those programs i used to have.
den got errors. updates error or wat.
i den tried to figure out watz wrong.
my graphic card not installed. webcam not updated.
update my windows everything.
den i think. NOW. finally. should be ok le. I HOPE. =.= *pray pray*
today i finally 'promoted' my 佛牌 le. and changed some too.
from this

getting heavier. but im lOvin' it. =)
aniwae CONGRATZ to fiz. his team really won the cs competition finals o!
each player walked away with 5K wor~ wOot! aiseh!
im proud of my shifu! ^^
today is simi April's Fool day.
been sooooo busy these days that i totally didnt realise that.
AND.... i was fooled. =.=
receiving confession sms in the early morning really shocked me.
i didnt know what to say lo... den he ''happy april fool day!". O_O
wahliao HENG i dont have feelings for him. if not.......
i replied my confession den he said 'happy april fool day'
i can throw my face on the floor and step liao. lol!!! luckily din do silly things xD
received another sms, this fren getting married. 1st nov.
i asked if she's playing a april's fool joke. she hasnt reply.......
alrite. believe it or not. this post took me 3+ hours. now 4.30am le.