i got no idea wat to buy for mummy.
so, i decided to bake Pineapple Tarts for her. =D
easy de la..... with the pineapple tart mix =)
as well as....
-- 250g butter
-- 1 egg
-- pineapple jam (paste)

beat the butter until creamy, den add in egg & the tart mix, bit by bit.
until it becomes like 'dough'.
not like this tho. this is too 'soft'.
needa add more plain flour lo....
i flattened it onto a plate,
and put into the fridge for it to harden a lil'.
use a pattern 'chop chop'. xD

'chop' out the flowery shape. and top 'em with pineapple paste.
bake @ 180°C. for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

taDa~! the final product. LOL
aniwae i should've glazed 'em all with egg yolk. so it'll look better. =\
nvm. it tastes nice. thatz more important. xD
really lo.... not bad la. u want try? drop by at my house. LOL~
so, i decided to bake Pineapple Tarts for her. =D

as well as....
-- 250g butter
-- 1 egg
-- pineapple jam (paste)

beat the butter until creamy, den add in egg & the tart mix, bit by bit.
until it becomes like 'dough'.

needa add more plain flour lo....
i flattened it onto a plate,

use a pattern 'chop chop'. xD

'chop' out the flowery shape. and top 'em with pineapple paste.
bake @ 180°C. for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

aniwae i should've glazed 'em all with egg yolk. so it'll look better. =\
nvm. it tastes nice. thatz more important. xD
really lo.... not bad la. u want try? drop by at my house. LOL~