kwek bought the movie tickets early this afternoon.
i met up meepok & kwek @ Bishan Junction 8, 3.30pm.
looong time no see them le o.
meepok aimed his 'long-wanted' Yonex badminton racket.
and finally made up his mind & CHOP. he bought it @ S$39.90.
im having more n more badminton partners.
im gonna KEEP FIT! xD
went to catch the movie @ 4.20pm.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
NICE show. thrilling. a MUST-WATCH!!

after the movie. we ate KFC for dinner~
the 3 of us ordered that meal. plus cheesefries.
si meepok forced me to finish it. sooo fulll and cheesy-ded lo!
but thanks for the meal. despite my $2. LOL.
we walked around. not knowing where to go.
was in kwek's car, sending me home.
but on the way, pok suddenly changed his mind. LETS GO LAN GAMING.
so i recommended Chambers lo. since itz near my place. xD
we slacked at the nearby McDonald's while waiting for my gf Ziyu.

8+pm. we waited for an hour plus. i started yawning..... =.=
10pm. we headed in and started off 1st.
taDa~ their 1st time @ Chambers.

i was surprised to see so many kids playing there at THIS time.
*sigh* kids these days.... *shake head* lol~
pok not used to the logitech mouse. he prefer his cheena mini mouse. =.=
our computers was assigned in different places tho. not together.
so we couldnt 'ghost' lo. =P
we thought of tagging our FORMER clan tag
sll - nickname
but jus for that, the server admin thought we were IMPOSERS.
den our OWN clanmate polar oso thought we're FAKE.
kept sms-ing n calling us. but we were TOO in-game to take out our hp la.
kwek was rocket-ed TWICE and the 3 of were KICKED out. LMAO~!
WTH. this aint fun. so we just tagged up our normal tag lo. kns.
later finally ziyu arrived at about 11pm.
we had fun CS-ing.
most of all, i had fun OWN-ing & killing people.
wahahaa.... i was 'on form' tonight. killing spree =D
when we ended our lan-ing session, my frag was 51 - 27.
not that PRO la. but long time never had this kinda frag le o. ^^
we left Chambers at 12.30am.
headed to Northpoint's McDonald's. la-kopi.
aiseh~ kwek's treat nor. and mine is pok's treat =P
pok's iced choco. kwek's hot choco. ziyu's iced milo. and my double choco.

decoration nice eh??
den pok also gave me kwek's money to buy 'niap niap'. lol.
so i bought Fries & McNugget.

*i removed pok's pic. he 'hiam' ugly. kns. si uncle. lol!
did called meow meow ver & ervin ah chua.
but one playing mahjong.
another accompanying charbo.
lol. so nevermind den.
we chatted n talk-cock la.
den i bought supper for mummy.
last but not least, thanks for the ride home! =)
hmm... tonight didnt get to webcam with my honey. =[
coz he busy studying for exams. and i got home late.