yoyoyoyo i back with updates for the chalet~!
Venue: Cranwell Bungalow 2 @ Aloha Changi Resorts
Duration: 3 nights stay [8-11 Sept]
Party: Tuesday 9 Sept
Monday 8 Sept 08

i didnt take photos of the interior as i've taken those the previous time i stayed there. and here's the link if u wanna check it out ---> [ Family Chalet @ aloha Changi ]
me & mummy tidied up the place etc.
evening, papa came with uncle jimmy & louis, plus her 2nd son GOLI.

they've accompanied me & mummy for the 2 nights o~
the food we brought~ mummy bought bee hoon, noodles etc.
uncle ricky's maid cooked nasi lemak.

plus my (二姑) aunt's famous (罗米饭 "zhood-bi-png") glutinous rice.
this is GOLI (marble in hokkien) lol~
like mother............ like son....... xD

makan time~!

goli took these pics~

uncle huat & ah dang (thai). an amulet gift from him =)

Tuesday 9 Sept 08
~*Happy Birthday to Papa!!!*~
lol i was dolling up myself in the room when louis & goli joined in the 'fun'.
gOthic sia~
in the end become like wearing glasses lol.
random snaps*

goli gOli~
goli caught me emo-ing in one corner.

from left: louis, auntie ivy, mummy, rain.
[auntie ivy dun scold me xP. the photos PRETTY la.. =D]

*i feel.... beautiful. ^-^
me & louis den took a stroll down to.... Changi Point Boardwalk.
[go feed mosquitoes muahaha T_T]

we spotted this. o.O?
when we got back. these are neatly arranged on the table.
kueys & snacks ordered by ricky. thanks!
Esther's Pot
348 Bedok Road #02-24/25/26
Bedok Market Place
Bedok Shopping Complex
the early birds. was surprised when i saw a girl holding a bouquet of flowers.
i thought was someone else. but when she turned around, itz jerene! =D
jerene, rain, wilfred.
wilfred's birthday same as mine o.
same year, same month, same day & even same hospital o~
ziyu & her zhugong.
goli & me playing outside xP

loyal friends~
cake delivery charbo. my sis. xD
smile til so fake she! T_T
i took a peep at the cake she design. cute eh???
buy 4D!! xP
55 = papa. 21 = rain.
6.45pm. the buffet arrived.

the happy dudes out there~

aaron & claire.
aaron <--- my most unexpected invited guest. lol. great to see ya again.
8.45pm Cake chopping time!

the birthday HUNK and lady-to-be! hEex~
there goes the birthday song~ claps, wishes, and wHoOoO~!

this is none other, than louis's idea. pulling out the candle with mouth.

luckily no one pushes me into the cake lol.
mummy poor thing, auntie lek kept pushing her lol!
[mummy did it on behalf of papa]
me lil' cat face.
papa lets CHOP the cake!

[these pics kinda blurred tho. wilfred u gan jiong ar! shiver? lol T_T]
Left: rain & ziyu. Right: wilfred, rain, jerene.

Left: the guests out there enjoying their chit chat.

Right: ah hua auntie in the middle~
Standing: rain & koon. Sitting: mummy, hueiming, baron.

these dudies been emo-ing one corner.
polar & ver.
gary & his gf sinee.
my emo kias. idiots~ i snap they siam. =.=

LOL chiang macam kena beaten like that lo.
Sll session going on.
forgot to snap ah chua that emoist! =\
and another unexpected guest came. my LAODA!
also forgot to take his pic o~
finally he gathered with some Sll kias again =)
not forgetting francis & karen. =)
played mahjong with laoda, ver & ah chua. yay~ happy.
if i never play mahjong in chalet sure sadded de lol.
and i won o.... S$11. sorry and thanks guys. hEex.
they left at 3+am. thanks for staying til late with me~
and by the time, chiang & mao were fast asleep in room le.
time to pack n tidy the place.
after that, louis so anxious about my prezzies.
lol so i let her opened them. she looked so happy lol!

this (above) pic is the sweetest la!

so long never receive bunch of prezzies le! HAPPY~!

think itz my 1st time receiving bouquet of flowers from a fren o.
with my name engraved on the keychain. thanks jer, wilfred and..?
a gift personally from wilfred.
pinky & blinky. thanks~ my 'twin' bro. xD
a pinky & bling bling watch from ziyu. thanks girl~!

[pan-tang she asked me for 10cents lol]
spotted this on my bed. from my niece! thanks!
from auntie agnes. made by herself de o. thanks!
its Moonstone, Citrine, Peridot & Blue Topaz o~
Robinsons' vouchers from francis & karen~ thanks!

cute cartoon photo albums from gary & sinee. thanks~!
Gucci perfume from polar.
replacement for my other half huh. ok lo. lol. thanks bro~
Flower by Kenzo perfume. from auntie ivy. thanks!
photo frame and this CUTE mini purse chain from laoda! so cute leh~

thanks laoda! but clip where? lol
cutie birthday card & this very sweet precious moments ez-link card from aaron & claire. thanks!
Fila baby pink bag from korkor & joanne. thanks!
Converse black & pink bag from mummy~! ^-^
and not forgetting louis's chocolates!
Ferrero Rocher & Merci. wan me F A T lo... lol. thanks!
and also this gift given so advance, the week before.
Pentel Sophia pen
from my eldest bro & sis-in-law. thanks!
to me, itz not the value of the gift. but the value of the heart.
so dun worry. even if the gift is $2. or a handmade thingy, i'll love it. ^-^
i was like a lil' girl opening prezzies (with the help of louis) and observing the gifts and smiling to myself with delight lol! IM HAPPY.
moreover, i've cleared some buddies' doubts in mind. solved. IM HAPPY.
one birthday KISS! IM HAPPY.
not alot of my friends came. but those who came, and some, despite being busy, like ah chua & laoda came after work quite late tho. im kinda touched. mummy's fren Nick even came down in the afternoon as he couldnt make it at night. so nice eh? yep.
was 5am. den i dunno wat time mao's gonna wake up for school.
so i wrote a note to wake me up in the morning before leaving.
went into their room, saw chiang opening his eyes.
so i whispered asking him wat time mao's schooling, very softly,
and with that, mao suddenly WAT TIME NOW. lol~!
didnt know they're such light sleepers. xP
so they woke up and accompanied me chit chat.

see these emo kias. really emoing.
one sit so high & play with aluminium trays.
one looking out window with deep thoughts.
mao den passed me a paper bag asked me help him throw. and i did.
den they laughed & gave a "sian 1/2" look & walked off.
in fact itz a gift from them. i really threw into the trash bag LOL!
how i know la! ask me throw i throw la wat for open & see lol!

cute cute mini key & padlock pendant necklace~
i read the card they wrote i wan laugh lol.
thanks mao, chiang & shigong!
7.30am me & chiang sent mao off to the bus stop. he's off to school.
we den went for a stroll. all the way to Sunset walk.

me with the 'early morning look' =.=Zzz
headed back to the chalet. about 8.30am. SLEEP...
Wednesday 10 Sept 08
woke up at 12+pm. slacked around.

2.30pm my eldest bro came.
check out the chalet a day earlier tho.
he drove me & chiang to Vivo City.
chiang makan. i wasnt hungry.
*opposite vivo de hawker centre.
yay~! headed to vivo city! saw this pinky shop at one corner~
i aint a hello kitty fanatic tho. but saw a kitty pinky luggage. was like omg~
the price is also OMG. LOL.
went to shop for wilfred's birthday prezzie.
den went to ''see sea''. ''eat wind''.

back to vivo.
catch our 7.10pm movie.
Bangkok Dangerous.

not bad tho. action movie. with abit of love love.
killer do fall in love too o. but too bad the girl was freaked out by his killings.
left him. he was true to her but heartbroken too.
but his killings were daring. i love the sniper. lol.
but not as easy as game's awp i think. =P
bob came to look up for me after movie.
bought this prezzie for me~

cutie pinkie bear, ears pierced with 2 belly button rings, and a clip.
blings blings o.... thanks bob for that effort~
we den went our own way.
chiang & me went Emoing.
yea. i brought him to my ~*Emo Heaven*~.
beautiful place eh?
we put our legs into the water and relax lo.
my 1st time doing this, altho i've been there quite a number of times.

so nice. if there's Dr. Fish all over in the pond, it'll be best. lol.
we den moved to another emo spot. laid down and relax, emo.
the night breeze and wind were strong. i felt cold even with my jacket on.
3rd floor. overlooking the sea, sentosa, ships. imagine the beautiful scenery?
we left at 11pm.
i was so tired. could dozed off while standing in the train.
last but not least, a big THANK YOU. to my family and friends.
for sharing the joy of my ONCE in a lifetime birthday party.
. m u c h . l O v e .
Venue: Cranwell Bungalow 2 @ Aloha Changi Resorts
Duration: 3 nights stay [8-11 Sept]
Party: Tuesday 9 Sept
Monday 8 Sept 08
i didnt take photos of the interior as i've taken those the previous time i stayed there. and here's the link if u wanna check it out ---> [ Family Chalet @ aloha Changi ]
me & mummy tidied up the place etc.
evening, papa came with uncle jimmy & louis, plus her 2nd son GOLI.
they've accompanied me & mummy for the 2 nights o~
the food we brought~ mummy bought bee hoon, noodles etc.
uncle ricky's maid cooked nasi lemak.
plus my (二姑) aunt's famous (罗米饭 "zhood-bi-png") glutinous rice.
like mother............ like son....... xD
makan time~!
goli took these pics~
uncle huat & ah dang (thai). an amulet gift from him =)
Tuesday 9 Sept 08
~*Happy Birthday to Papa!!!*~
lol i was dolling up myself in the room when louis & goli joined in the 'fun'.
random snaps*
from left: louis, auntie ivy, mummy, rain.
[auntie ivy dun scold me xP. the photos PRETTY la.. =D]
*i feel.... beautiful. ^-^
me & louis den took a stroll down to.... Changi Point Boardwalk.
[go feed mosquitoes muahaha T_T]
when we got back. these are neatly arranged on the table.
Esther's Pot
348 Bedok Road #02-24/25/26
Bedok Market Place
Bedok Shopping Complex
the early birds. was surprised when i saw a girl holding a bouquet of flowers.
i thought was someone else. but when she turned around, itz jerene! =D
wilfred's birthday same as mine o.
same year, same month, same day & even same hospital o~
goli & me playing outside xP
smile til so fake she! T_T
i took a peep at the cake she design. cute eh???
55 = papa. 21 = rain.
6.45pm. the buffet arrived.
the happy dudes out there~
aaron <--- my most unexpected invited guest. lol. great to see ya again.
8.45pm Cake chopping time!
the birthday HUNK and lady-to-be! hEex~
there goes the birthday song~ claps, wishes, and wHoOoO~!
this is none other, than louis's idea. pulling out the candle with mouth.
luckily no one pushes me into the cake lol.
mummy poor thing, auntie lek kept pushing her lol!
[mummy did it on behalf of papa]
papa lets CHOP the cake!
[these pics kinda blurred tho. wilfred u gan jiong ar! shiver? lol T_T]
Left: rain & ziyu. Right: wilfred, rain, jerene.
Left: the guests out there enjoying their chit chat.
Right: ah hua auntie in the middle~
Standing: rain & koon. Sitting: mummy, hueiming, baron.
these dudies been emo-ing one corner.
my emo kias. idiots~ i snap they siam. =.=
forgot to snap ah chua that emoist! =\
and another unexpected guest came. my LAODA!
also forgot to take his pic o~
finally he gathered with some Sll kias again =)
played mahjong with laoda, ver & ah chua. yay~ happy.
if i never play mahjong in chalet sure sadded de lol.
and i won o.... S$11. sorry and thanks guys. hEex.
they left at 3+am. thanks for staying til late with me~
and by the time, chiang & mao were fast asleep in room le.
time to pack n tidy the place.
after that, louis so anxious about my prezzies.
lol so i let her opened them. she looked so happy lol!
this (above) pic is the sweetest la!
so long never receive bunch of prezzies le! HAPPY~!
think itz my 1st time receiving bouquet of flowers from a fren o.
with my name engraved on the keychain. thanks jer, wilfred and..?
pinky & blinky. thanks~ my 'twin' bro. xD
a pinky & bling bling watch from ziyu. thanks girl~!
[pan-tang she asked me for 10cents lol]
its Moonstone, Citrine, Peridot & Blue Topaz o~
cute cartoon photo albums from gary & sinee. thanks~!
replacement for my other half huh. ok lo. lol. thanks bro~
photo frame and this CUTE mini purse chain from laoda! so cute leh~
thanks laoda! but clip where? lol
Ferrero Rocher & Merci. wan me F A T lo... lol. thanks!
and also this gift given so advance, the week before.

from my eldest bro & sis-in-law. thanks!
to me, itz not the value of the gift. but the value of the heart.
so dun worry. even if the gift is $2. or a handmade thingy, i'll love it. ^-^
i was like a lil' girl opening prezzies (with the help of louis) and observing the gifts and smiling to myself with delight lol! IM HAPPY.
moreover, i've cleared some buddies' doubts in mind. solved. IM HAPPY.
one birthday KISS! IM HAPPY.
not alot of my friends came. but those who came, and some, despite being busy, like ah chua & laoda came after work quite late tho. im kinda touched. mummy's fren Nick even came down in the afternoon as he couldnt make it at night. so nice eh? yep.
was 5am. den i dunno wat time mao's gonna wake up for school.
so i wrote a note to wake me up in the morning before leaving.
went into their room, saw chiang opening his eyes.
so i whispered asking him wat time mao's schooling, very softly,
and with that, mao suddenly WAT TIME NOW. lol~!
didnt know they're such light sleepers. xP
so they woke up and accompanied me chit chat.
see these emo kias. really emoing.
one sit so high & play with aluminium trays.
one looking out window with deep thoughts.
mao den passed me a paper bag asked me help him throw. and i did.
den they laughed & gave a "sian 1/2" look & walked off.
in fact itz a gift from them. i really threw into the trash bag LOL!
how i know la! ask me throw i throw la wat for open & see lol!
cute cute mini key & padlock pendant necklace~
i read the card they wrote i wan laugh lol.
thanks mao, chiang & shigong!
7.30am me & chiang sent mao off to the bus stop. he's off to school.
we den went for a stroll. all the way to Sunset walk.
me with the 'early morning look' =.=Zzz
headed back to the chalet. about 8.30am. SLEEP...
Wednesday 10 Sept 08
woke up at 12+pm. slacked around.
2.30pm my eldest bro came.
check out the chalet a day earlier tho.
he drove me & chiang to Vivo City.
*opposite vivo de hawker centre.
yay~! headed to vivo city! saw this pinky shop at one corner~
i aint a hello kitty fanatic tho. but saw a kitty pinky luggage. was like omg~
the price is also OMG. LOL.
went to shop for wilfred's birthday prezzie.
den went to ''see sea''. ''eat wind''.
back to vivo.
catch our 7.10pm movie.
Bangkok Dangerous.
not bad tho. action movie. with abit of love love.
killer do fall in love too o. but too bad the girl was freaked out by his killings.
left him. he was true to her but heartbroken too.
but his killings were daring. i love the sniper. lol.
but not as easy as game's awp i think. =P
bob came to look up for me after movie.
bought this prezzie for me~
cutie pinkie bear, ears pierced with 2 belly button rings, and a clip.
blings blings o.... thanks bob for that effort~
we den went our own way.
chiang & me went Emoing.
yea. i brought him to my ~*Emo Heaven*~.
we put our legs into the water and relax lo.
my 1st time doing this, altho i've been there quite a number of times.

so nice. if there's Dr. Fish all over in the pond, it'll be best. lol.
we den moved to another emo spot. laid down and relax, emo.
the night breeze and wind were strong. i felt cold even with my jacket on.
3rd floor. overlooking the sea, sentosa, ships. imagine the beautiful scenery?
we left at 11pm.
i was so tired. could dozed off while standing in the train.
last but not least, a big THANK YOU. to my family and friends.
for sharing the joy of my ONCE in a lifetime birthday party.
. m u c h . l O v e .