woOhoOoo~ my sister's friend managed to recover all my lost photos!!
altho there are a few corrupted/damaged ones. maybe 'bout 3 only.
=D i sooo glad those photos are back~!!
alright. i've been trying to upload these photos since morning til now.
FINALLY. done with the uploading. and now. gonna blog about it.
so...... here i go.
Destination: Thailand
Vacation dates: 8 - 13 Nov 08
8 November 08
didnt sleep the night before.
played CZ for an hour til 3.30am.
had my shower, dolled-up, prepare my stuffs, etc.
5am left home.
my eldest brother sent me & my mum to the airport along with my dad.
Flight: Jetstar 3K511. 7+am.
our group organised by mummy & i, a total of 5.
Mummy, Rain, uncle Ricky, Jacky & Nick.
when checking-in my boarding pass, we spotted something really beautiful.
the Sunrise. i think is my 1st time seeing such 'huge & reddish' sun.
about to fly off. (not this sunrise)

the 'earrings' bob gave me as my 21st birthday present.
they're supposed to be navel-rings. lol.
8.25am arrived at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport.

we took 2 taxis down to Bangkok Don Mueang Airport.
we got there within 30mins. which was faster than what we expected.

ate duck noodles at the airport while waiting to catch our next flight.
Flight: Nok Air DD9210. 12.20pm [+7 GMT].
arrived at Udon Thani @ about 1.30pm.
the cute Nok Airplane.
i find this snap beautiful. with the blue blue sky.
sangwan drove us to Nong Khai, a city in North-East Thailand.
its my first time stepping into Udon Thani & Nong Khai o~
and i didnt expect that i could get to see Mekong River.
the one which i had researched before on the mystery of that river.
was looking outta the window from inside the van, admiring the loooooong stretch of Mekong River, when a really beautiful and conspicuous resort on the opposite side of the road caught my attention. i was like ''whoa~ mummy see! so beautiful~"
the van driver, slowed down, and made a U-turn.
know what? that resort is the one ajan had booked for us! OMG~!
all admiring the riverbank.
the resort....

had our dinner at the resort outdoor cafe.
where we can dine & admire the Mekong River scenery at the same time.

had a wonderful sleep. altho it was only about 5 hours.
9 November 08
i woke up to find that my right eyelashes extension had fallen off.
found near my pillow. WTH!! T_T
my mum laughed at me. =.="
i think i rubbed my right eye in my sleep. not even feeling the 'pain'. =.=
i had no choice but to pluck out my left eyelash extension as well.
otherwise, both my eyes would look disproportionate. =.=
morning view of Mekong River......

the weather there was rather cooling, windy at night, and peaceful.
i didnt expect that tho. i love that kinda weather =)

ball & sangwan cleaning the van.
*Enma Rain*

the peaceful Mekong River.............
the outdoor cafe.

i found this footprints.
beautiful mummy.
went to Ajan's temple in the mountain forest area.

the Crematorium built by ajan.
the open-hall.

distributing new bags to the children from the village.

EEEEEK~! i dare not eat =x
Thai tradition. may we be blessed.
the strings were then distributed to the locals.
and they queued up to tie the string on your wrist, blessing u.

somehow i felt happy when one by one of them came up to me, tied the string around my wrist while saying blessful words. most of them said in Thai.
we moved on to ajan's new found land among the peaceful nature
where he decided to built another temple there.

i recorded the surrounding nature.
the stream.
chanting session was held.

a lil' girl gave me this packet of Roller Coaster. so sweet of her =)
banana plantation.

by later afternoon we left for Udon Thani Airport.
Flight: Thai Airways TG1015. 8.25pm.
the 5 of us headed back to Bangkok for a night.
while ajan, ball & the rest took the long journey drive back to Phetchaburi.
Thai Air mini meal (snacks).

took Mr. Suvitchai's van to our hotel. Twin Towers Bangkok.

he then brought us out for dinner.
Chinatown Scala Shark's Fin. [Website]

Shark's fin in brown sauce & in clear soup.

my favourite. Bird's nest! =D
such a wonderful dinner treat by suvitchai.
10 November 08
checked-out in the morning.
me & nick.
were all waiting for ajan to arrive.
a 2 hours drive to Phetchaburi.
checked-into ''mango resort'' (as usual).
in the late afternoon ball drove us out.
Market Village.
pic snapped by honey.
at night we all chilled out at ajan's temple.
11 November 08
good morning~
ball brought us to Luang Phor Tuad Temple.

had our lunch at Cha-am Beach.
roasted pork & chicken.

this cute lil' puppy was running around on the beach.

(my face in that pic is CHUI. so...... lol.)
the freedom and happiness.

ball drove us to another shore. Puek Tian Beach.
where large & inquisitive statues can be seen.

back to Phetchaburi. ajan's temple.

English language class taught by an English teacher from Myanmar.
the flowers that finally bloomed after years.

mummy saw this pair of slippers in the temple.
wah. who so naughty! lol.
again, we chilled out & chit-chatted outside ajan's temple.
12 November 08
in the morning, waiting for sangwan, ah yang & ajan.
ball gotta get back to work after a 4-days leave. so he couldnt join us =[

in the room............

sangwan drove us to this place. high up in the mountains.
overlooking the big sea, nature & beautiful scenery.
and the best of all............ so WINDY!! =D
if there's a place like this near my home,
i'll definitely go there whenever i emo or just to chill out.

climb high high~

this special photo, is taken by ajan. ^-^

video shows a much more clearer view of the surroundings.
i took this group photo with the timer....

NICE?? i like this pic. our one & only group photo. =)
next, we went to........
Khao Luang Cave (near our resort).

when i looked down...... i almost fainted. lol no la.
but my legs turned jelly. i've got height phobia.
but i like to explore caves. itz formed naturally of many causes.

a goofy pose from me & the rest followed. LOL they're such fun people. xD

ball & sangwan had earlier planned to spend tonight at Cha-am/Hua Hin.
to celebrate Loy Krathong [ลอยกระทง] together~!
"Although not an official public holiday, Loy Kratong is one of the most popular and romantic of Thailand's traditional festivals. During the night of the full moon, intricately decorated with banana leaves & flowers, the krathong are lit and drifted afloat down rivers, ponds, and canals. Buddhists in Thailand believes that the act of floating away the candle raft is symbolic of letting go of all one's grudges, anger and defilements, so that one can start life afresh on a better foot. People will also cut their fingernails and hair and add them to the raft as a symbol of letting go of the bad parts of oneself. Many Thai believe that floating a krathong will create good luck, and they do it to worship and thank the Goddess of Water, Phra Mae Khongkha. Lanna-style hot-air lanterns (khom fai) made of rice paper are launched into the air. These are believed to help rid the locals of troubles."
at night, sangwan fetched ball on our way to Cha-am Beach.
my last meal with honey (for this trip). didnt eat much tho.

the full moon. with shade of glow around it. is so beautiful.

13 November 08
we went to Bangkok with ajan, sangwan & ah yang.
visited suvitchai's bangkok office.
Cyber Lock.
we were toured around & learnt about the inside of the factory works.

[Cyber Lock Website]
in the meeting room.......

LOL our nutty expressions. that's me & uncle jacky.
ah yang. nick. mummy.
beautiful mama.
suvitchai treated us on a meal again. at The Park.

evening, we headed to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport.
Flight: Jetstar 3K514. 8.50pm.
just a snap when i reached the airport.
having their puffs & chat before departure.

boarding pass.
super BIG lollipop!
nick jacky rain.
goodbye Thailand~
yea thats all for my Thailand trip. long post eh? lol.
by the way, that's not all. there are more photos. total of 415 photos.
if u're interested in viewing all the photos taken,
visit my multiply site --------- [Thailand Trip Nov'08 photo album]
PHEW* finally. mission accomplished. Thailand trip blog post published!
altho there are a few corrupted/damaged ones. maybe 'bout 3 only.
=D i sooo glad those photos are back~!!
alright. i've been trying to upload these photos since morning til now.
FINALLY. done with the uploading. and now. gonna blog about it.
so...... here i go.
Destination: Thailand
Vacation dates: 8 - 13 Nov 08
8 November 08
didnt sleep the night before.
played CZ for an hour til 3.30am.
had my shower, dolled-up, prepare my stuffs, etc.
5am left home.
my eldest brother sent me & my mum to the airport along with my dad.
Flight: Jetstar 3K511. 7+am.
our group organised by mummy & i, a total of 5.
Mummy, Rain, uncle Ricky, Jacky & Nick.
when checking-in my boarding pass, we spotted something really beautiful.
the Sunrise. i think is my 1st time seeing such 'huge & reddish' sun.
the 'earrings' bob gave me as my 21st birthday present.
they're supposed to be navel-rings. lol.
8.25am arrived at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport.
we took 2 taxis down to Bangkok Don Mueang Airport.
we got there within 30mins. which was faster than what we expected.
ate duck noodles at the airport while waiting to catch our next flight.
Flight: Nok Air DD9210. 12.20pm [+7 GMT].
arrived at Udon Thani @ about 1.30pm.
i find this snap beautiful. with the blue blue sky.
sangwan drove us to Nong Khai, a city in North-East Thailand.
its my first time stepping into Udon Thani & Nong Khai o~
and i didnt expect that i could get to see Mekong River.
the one which i had researched before on the mystery of that river.
was looking outta the window from inside the van, admiring the loooooong stretch of Mekong River, when a really beautiful and conspicuous resort on the opposite side of the road caught my attention. i was like ''whoa~ mummy see! so beautiful~"
the van driver, slowed down, and made a U-turn.
know what? that resort is the one ajan had booked for us! OMG~!
the resort....
had our dinner at the resort outdoor cafe.
where we can dine & admire the Mekong River scenery at the same time.
had a wonderful sleep. altho it was only about 5 hours.
9 November 08
i woke up to find that my right eyelashes extension had fallen off.
my mum laughed at me. =.="
i think i rubbed my right eye in my sleep. not even feeling the 'pain'. =.=
i had no choice but to pluck out my left eyelash extension as well.
otherwise, both my eyes would look disproportionate. =.=
morning view of Mekong River......
the weather there was rather cooling, windy at night, and peaceful.
i didnt expect that tho. i love that kinda weather =)
*Enma Rain*

the peaceful Mekong River.............
the outdoor cafe.
went to Ajan's temple in the mountain forest area.
the Crematorium built by ajan.
distributing new bags to the children from the village.
the strings were then distributed to the locals.
and they queued up to tie the string on your wrist, blessing u.
we moved on to ajan's new found land among the peaceful nature
where he decided to built another temple there.
i recorded the surrounding nature.
chanting session was held.
a lil' girl gave me this packet of Roller Coaster. so sweet of her =)
banana plantation.
by later afternoon we left for Udon Thani Airport.
Flight: Thai Airways TG1015. 8.25pm.
the 5 of us headed back to Bangkok for a night.
while ajan, ball & the rest took the long journey drive back to Phetchaburi.
Thai Air mini meal (snacks).
took Mr. Suvitchai's van to our hotel. Twin Towers Bangkok.
he then brought us out for dinner.
Shark's fin in brown sauce & in clear soup.
such a wonderful dinner treat by suvitchai.
10 November 08
checked-out in the morning.
were all waiting for ajan to arrive.
a 2 hours drive to Phetchaburi.
checked-into ''mango resort'' (as usual).
in the late afternoon ball drove us out.
at night we all chilled out at ajan's temple.
11 November 08
good morning~
ball brought us to Luang Phor Tuad Temple.
had our lunch at Cha-am Beach.
this cute lil' puppy was running around on the beach.

(my face in that pic is CHUI. so...... lol.)
the freedom and happiness.
ball drove us to another shore. Puek Tian Beach.
where large & inquisitive statues can be seen.
back to Phetchaburi. ajan's temple.
English language class taught by an English teacher from Myanmar.
mummy saw this pair of slippers in the temple.
again, we chilled out & chit-chatted outside ajan's temple.
12 November 08
in the morning, waiting for sangwan, ah yang & ajan.
ball gotta get back to work after a 4-days leave. so he couldnt join us =[

in the room............
sangwan drove us to this place. high up in the mountains.
overlooking the big sea, nature & beautiful scenery.
and the best of all............ so WINDY!! =D
if there's a place like this near my home,
i'll definitely go there whenever i emo or just to chill out.
climb high high~
this special photo, is taken by ajan. ^-^
video shows a much more clearer view of the surroundings.
i took this group photo with the timer....
NICE?? i like this pic. our one & only group photo. =)
next, we went to........
when i looked down...... i almost fainted. lol no la.
but my legs turned jelly. i've got height phobia.
but i like to explore caves. itz formed naturally of many causes.
a goofy pose from me & the rest followed. LOL they're such fun people. xD
ball & sangwan had earlier planned to spend tonight at Cha-am/Hua Hin.
to celebrate Loy Krathong [ลอยกระทง] together~!
"Although not an official public holiday, Loy Kratong is one of the most popular and romantic of Thailand's traditional festivals. During the night of the full moon, intricately decorated with banana leaves & flowers, the krathong are lit and drifted afloat down rivers, ponds, and canals. Buddhists in Thailand believes that the act of floating away the candle raft is symbolic of letting go of all one's grudges, anger and defilements, so that one can start life afresh on a better foot. People will also cut their fingernails and hair and add them to the raft as a symbol of letting go of the bad parts of oneself. Many Thai believe that floating a krathong will create good luck, and they do it to worship and thank the Goddess of Water, Phra Mae Khongkha. Lanna-style hot-air lanterns (khom fai) made of rice paper are launched into the air. These are believed to help rid the locals of troubles."
at night, sangwan fetched ball on our way to Cha-am Beach.
my last meal with honey (for this trip). didnt eat much tho.
the full moon. with shade of glow around it. is so beautiful.
13 November 08
we went to Bangkok with ajan, sangwan & ah yang.
visited suvitchai's bangkok office.
we were toured around & learnt about the inside of the factory works.
in the meeting room.......
LOL our nutty expressions. that's me & uncle jacky.
suvitchai treated us on a meal again. at The Park.
evening, we headed to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport.
Flight: Jetstar 3K514. 8.50pm.
having their puffs & chat before departure.
super BIG lollipop!

yea thats all for my Thailand trip. long post eh? lol.
by the way, that's not all. there are more photos. total of 415 photos.
if u're interested in viewing all the photos taken,
visit my multiply site --------- [Thailand Trip Nov'08 photo album]
PHEW* finally. mission accomplished. Thailand trip blog post published!