yesterday ziyu & me went for our KTV session at yishun safra again.
5pm - 8pm.

ziyu suddenly changed til so womanly siol~
make up and wear til so feminine. put perfume somemore.
we go yishun only lo. kns. lol!
but it's a good change...... xP
thanks for the treat girl.
hmmm. my chinese reading seriously sucks. lol.
anyway. here's a personalised mug i won from a Downtown East club contest.
baby. hope u'll feel better after u wake up. =(
5pm - 8pm.
ziyu suddenly changed til so womanly siol~
make up and wear til so feminine. put perfume somemore.
we go yishun only lo. kns. lol!
but it's a good change...... xP
thanks for the treat girl.
hmmm. my chinese reading seriously sucks. lol.
anyway. here's a personalised mug i won from a Downtown East club contest.
baby. hope u'll feel better after u wake up. =(