finally i've brought back home my bowling ball.
the bag was so dusty all over. i vacuumed it & cleaned it.
happily... i opened up the bag, only to find my pair of bowling shoes...
they were left in my dad's office untouched for years.
when i last wore them, they were still new n white.
now they're like.... =.= CHUI.
goodbye my first pair of bowling shoes.
i threw them away.
but my dad is so cool. he asked me to go find the bowling shoes i wanted
& he'll pay for it. waHaha~!! so happy!!
10pm gary came to fetch me, along with sinee & jinming.
bowled at Home Team NS Bukit Batok.
OTAKU neh. sia la. like real LOL.
see how sinee pamper her new pink ball.

candid snaps by gary. =.=

my powdery hand.
what the heck are they doing??
WTH! "Sinee Pig". so bad eh they. lol.
we bowled for 4 games each.
and then lastly, sinee & i bowled for one last game.
headed back to yishun and had our supper at Mcdonald's.
monopoly lucky draws.... xP
so tired. i was packing my luggage.
i'm flying off tomorrow.
which is in fact, LATER. as it's 5am now.
so tired.... so sleepy....
i'm gonna be away from Singapore for 8 nights.
forget-me-not people!
will be back for long updates again.
and to my silly baby.
be good. take good care. no starving.
i'll be good too.
the bag was so dusty all over. i vacuumed it & cleaned it.
happily... i opened up the bag, only to find my pair of bowling shoes...
they were left in my dad's office untouched for years.
when i last wore them, they were still new n white.
now they're like.... =.= CHUI.
i threw them away.
but my dad is so cool. he asked me to go find the bowling shoes i wanted
& he'll pay for it. waHaha~!! so happy!!
10pm gary came to fetch me, along with sinee & jinming.
bowled at Home Team NS Bukit Batok.
see how sinee pamper her new pink ball.
candid snaps by gary. =.=
we bowled for 4 games each.
and then lastly, sinee & i bowled for one last game.
headed back to yishun and had our supper at Mcdonald's.
monopoly lucky draws.... xP
so tired. i was packing my luggage.
i'm flying off tomorrow.
which is in fact, LATER. as it's 5am now.
so tired.... so sleepy....
i'm gonna be away from Singapore for 8 nights.
forget-me-not people!
will be back for long updates again.
and to my silly baby.
be good. take good care. no starving.
i'll be good too.