lecture room.

today after work, went to town for my appointment at Paragon.
larry rode & accompanied me there.
after my stuff is done, we went to Takashimaya and bought niap niaps.
i've always seen people buying this japanese noodles but didnt tempt me.
however, larry said wanna try, so we did.
and it's yummy!! (with cheese & egg).
takoyaki & tori-Q.

walked walked around town, before heading back to yishun.
went to the pasar malam and bought some niap niaps.
potato twist with cheese. nice.
watched Being Human @ 8.40pm.
not bad. funny & meaningful storyline.
damn i've been eating alot lately and i just cant stop. help.
today after work, went to town for my appointment at Paragon.
larry rode & accompanied me there.
after my stuff is done, we went to Takashimaya and bought niap niaps.
i've always seen people buying this japanese noodles but didnt tempt me.
however, larry said wanna try, so we did.
takoyaki & tori-Q.
walked walked around town, before heading back to yishun.
went to the pasar malam and bought some niap niaps.
watched Being Human @ 8.40pm.
not bad. funny & meaningful storyline.
damn i've been eating alot lately and i just cant stop. help.