my FIRST time going outta Singapore on my own
without my family's companion~
4 August 2010, Wednesday
finished my work at 4am. waited for larry til 7am.
and we rushed to Golden Mile Complex.
Five Stars hotel/transport vouchers.
Destination: Singapore - Genting
Departure: 8am
setting off~
guess what?
we totally forgot to change Ringgit,
and this is all i've got in my pocket during the journey to Genting.
we cant even eat/buy stuffs at those stopover
with just RM6.40~!
LOL sadded.
arrived in Genting @ 2pm.
tada~ that's First World Hotel!

the bling bling lighting gave me a X'mas feeling. hahax.

so many people waiting for check-in yo~
our SUPER shag faces.
we went to the Casino to kill time while waiting for the rooms.
only after 2 hours+, then its our turn yo.
Room 20 830.

both of us knocked out once we got to the room.
was just too too tired.
we went to sleep with hunger.
we woke up with super hunger.
outside the main entrance. the lighting's so nice.
i was feeling soooo cold standing out there.
the night was REALLY cold. *grrrrr* i miss that feeling.~!!!
larry brought me to the Restaurant @ Mushroom Farm for dinner.

ullu place but yummy.
i love the buttered fried fish!!
all 4 dishes for just RM80.
baskin robbins ice cream shop. saw this promo.

Wed = Pink Day.
[coincidently, we were both wearing PINK! so we got the discounts]
candy floss + world class chocolate flavors for me.
ferris wheel.
eiffel tower.
spotted this Cooking Mama game! but didnt try it.
take-away KFC for supper.
5 August 2010, Thursday
woke up at 12noon.

i love the fog out there~!! it was sooo cooling in the afternoon at 1.45pm yo~

we took a teksi to Kuala Lumpur. RM70/trip.
check out the foggy foggy fog! i so wanna touch 'em~

an hour plus journey to KL.
his beloved Clot. Juice shop in KL.

had Mac for lunch.
indoor coaster.
Times Square.
so many shops!!
Sungei Wang.
Auntie Annie's Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel.
RM3.20 only!
we in front of the Genting Eiffel Tower.
candy floss!

Haunted House in 4D, for RM8 ONLY~!

good graphics + good effects = super worthy!
Statue of Liberty.
had Pizza Hut for supper.

Hawaiian Supreme Pizza + 2 Pepsi + 2 Soup + Toasts = RM37 only!
late night movie. Premium seat = RM17 (inclusive of popcorn, drink, snack).

Air, Water, Earth, Fire. Four nations tied by destiny when the Fire Nation launches a brutal war against the others. A century has passed with no hope in sight to change the path of this destruction. Caught between combat and courage, Aang (Noah Ringer) discovers he is the lone Avatar with the power to manipulate all four elements. Aang teams with Katara (Nicola Peltz), a Waterbender, and her brother, Sokka (Jackson Rathbone), to restore balance to their war-torn world. Based on the hugely successful Nickelodeon animated TV series, the live-action feature film The Last Airbender is the opening chapter in Aangs struggle to survive.
nice movie.
and guess there's probably a part 2 for this movie. =]
spotted this flower outside.
the hotel logo looks beautiful at night yo~
6 August 2010, Friday
larry brought me to this restaurant for Dim Sum.
"好友记" (hao you ji)

Dim Sum Breakfast = RM55.90
the wishing well! i didnt make any wish tho.
coach back to Singapore.

Destination: Genting - Singapore
Departure: 11.30am.
arrived in Singapore at about 6pm.
on that tiring night, i cooked supper for us.
yummy neh?
yet, the happy night shattered.. just like that.
without my family's companion~
4 August 2010, Wednesday
finished my work at 4am. waited for larry til 7am.
and we rushed to Golden Mile Complex.
Destination: Singapore - Genting
Departure: 8am
guess what?
we totally forgot to change Ringgit,
and this is all i've got in my pocket during the journey to Genting.
with just RM6.40~!
LOL sadded.
arrived in Genting @ 2pm.
tada~ that's First World Hotel!
the bling bling lighting gave me a X'mas feeling. hahax.
we went to the Casino to kill time while waiting for the rooms.
only after 2 hours+, then its our turn yo.
both of us knocked out once we got to the room.
was just too too tired.
we went to sleep with hunger.
we woke up with super hunger.
i was feeling soooo cold standing out there.
the night was REALLY cold. *grrrrr* i miss that feeling.~!!!
larry brought me to the Restaurant @ Mushroom Farm for dinner.
ullu place but yummy.
i love the buttered fried fish!!
all 4 dishes for just RM80.
baskin robbins ice cream shop. saw this promo.
Wed = Pink Day.
[coincidently, we were both wearing PINK! so we got the discounts]
5 August 2010, Thursday
woke up at 12noon.
i love the fog out there~!! it was sooo cooling in the afternoon at 1.45pm yo~
we took a teksi to Kuala Lumpur. RM70/trip.
check out the foggy foggy fog! i so wanna touch 'em~
an hour plus journey to KL.
his beloved Clot. Juice shop in KL.
Times Square.
Auntie Annie's Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel.
Haunted House in 4D, for RM8 ONLY~!
good graphics + good effects = super worthy!
had Pizza Hut for supper.
Hawaiian Supreme Pizza + 2 Pepsi + 2 Soup + Toasts = RM37 only!
late night movie. Premium seat = RM17 (inclusive of popcorn, drink, snack).

Air, Water, Earth, Fire. Four nations tied by destiny when the Fire Nation launches a brutal war against the others. A century has passed with no hope in sight to change the path of this destruction. Caught between combat and courage, Aang (Noah Ringer) discovers he is the lone Avatar with the power to manipulate all four elements. Aang teams with Katara (Nicola Peltz), a Waterbender, and her brother, Sokka (Jackson Rathbone), to restore balance to their war-torn world. Based on the hugely successful Nickelodeon animated TV series, the live-action feature film The Last Airbender is the opening chapter in Aangs struggle to survive.
nice movie.
and guess there's probably a part 2 for this movie. =]
6 August 2010, Friday
larry brought me to this restaurant for Dim Sum.
Dim Sum Breakfast = RM55.90
coach back to Singapore.
Destination: Genting - Singapore
Departure: 11.30am.
arrived in Singapore at about 6pm.
on that tiring night, i cooked supper for us.
yet, the happy night shattered.. just like that.