i worked night shift on the 25 Mar til the next morning at 7am.
headed to Segamat without sleep.
sisters' preparation on 26 Mar in Segamat, Malaysia.
played fireworks that night. had fun. ^-^
27 March.
only slept 2 hours.
woke up at 4am to prepare.
done dolling up by 6.30am.
first time in my life im wearing heels THIS high.
me & the lovely beautiful bride.
the "Sisters".
Groom's arrival at 7am along with fellow "brothers".
had so much fun at the Gate Crashing.
here are the "Brothers" of the Groom.
cob cob.
ah ming ge.
wee siang.
Leaving for Singapore...
The Regent Hotel...
Wedding Couple's Room. 1029.
special decor on the bed.

in the hotel room.
done preparing for the Wedding Dinner.
Formal. and then.....
taDa~! the guys are so cute LOL!
kaixun. rain. michelle.
michelle & i.
with roy~ haax.
its Rain! Emcee of the night.
me & the newly weds...
Mr & Mrs Yoong.
the BEAUTIFUL bride... weee weet~! ♥

our table group snap.

me & one of my best buddies. cob cob. WE ROCK!
the gang of Brothers & Sisters~!
The MBS gang~ wOoo~! ♥
dinner over.
back to room.
i think they all drank too much LOL!!!
jason, ryan, marco. all went crazy. lol~
the newly weds took a rest.
while we decided to go out for a KTV session at late night.
met up with the rest of our MBS kakis.
ben ben & nixon哥
sang til 6am.
marco, ah ming哥 & i, take-away Mac breakfast back to the hotel.
showered. knocked-out at 7am. SO SHAG.
28 March.
just woke up at 2pm after 7 hours sleep.
we checked-out the room at 3pm.
i kept laughing all the way when i saw marco left the hotel wearing these bedroom slippers and WALK AROUND ORCHARD!! LOL~!!!
headed to Segamat without sleep.
sisters' preparation on 26 Mar in Segamat, Malaysia.
played fireworks that night. had fun. ^-^
27 March.
only slept 2 hours.
woke up at 4am to prepare.

Groom's arrival at 7am along with fellow "brothers".
had so much fun at the Gate Crashing.
here are the "Brothers" of the Groom.

The Regent Hotel...
Wedding Couple's Room. 1029.
special decor on the bed.

in the hotel room.

me & the newly weds...

the BEAUTIFUL bride... weee weet~! ♥

our table group snap.

dinner over.
back to room.
i think they all drank too much LOL!!!
jason, ryan, marco. all went crazy. lol~
the newly weds took a rest.
while we decided to go out for a KTV session at late night.
met up with the rest of our MBS kakis.

sang til 6am.
marco, ah ming哥 & i, take-away Mac breakfast back to the hotel.
showered. knocked-out at 7am. SO SHAG.
28 March.

we checked-out the room at 3pm.
