hm. tiz morning went bac to skool. SHATEC. (s'pore hotel and tourism education college). wit minah, rena, nurul, raidah, rosie!! "da introverterz"! [see thoze picz on da rite!] keke. miz skool lotz. but see lotza new facez.. hav yet to c all those skoolmates of mine from early batch. tink they'r aready out to industries/outletz ba. was bac to skool to hand bac the skool'z Log Book. i completed it. mr tham checked & said 'ok'. ("phew..") lolx. erm. c the same old tutorz.. i took picz wit them!! lolx happi. den we went to eat Mac @ da place opp bukit batok mrt. til abt 2pm. nurul & rosie went off. da rest of us went to West Mall jalan jalan a lil' den go library sat down.. private tokz. til abt 4pm. we went game arcade played Daytona.. lolx. itz raidah'z first time playin. so funni. kinda exciting lo. i played 2 games. den we went off. i took train from bukit batok to tiong bahru. den from there take bus no. 16 to the temple along zion road to find my mum. hm. and.. about my personal life.. nothing much lo. he seemz bz today. so din bother him. hm. i really dun understand guyz wor. i dunno when to believe, when not to. which wordz he say is true, and which is not. haiz.. >_<.. he said he likez me. but it can be any kinda likez. maybe as a good fren.. buddy.. or itz becoming love. itz complicated. confusin me. it do hurtz alot to tink of/miss someone so much & not sayin it out. itz all in da heart. silence. he sense it a lil'. but he dun really show much respond. yea he did say he miss me.. he likes me.. but.. i dun get the straight point from him. wat he really means. hm. maybe it juz takez time ba. yea. i'll wait. im alwayz waiting for my mr. rite. ^-^ k. will be bac for more updatez ya. tata.~