slpt at 4.30am last nite. wakin up at 10am tiz mornin. alvin came to my hse at 2+pm. we played 'restaurant empire'. hm. at ard late aftnn, mummi daddy n koko came bac home frm msia. mummi jiejie alvin me were chattin n laughin. mummi den suddenly say wanna go hat yai [thailand] on 19 oct. for 4 nitez stay. me checked my skool schedule.. hmm.. no skool. from 20 oct til 24 oct. so can go. n for alvin.. not confirm. mummy asked me to book da flight tix thru net for 3 pax. mummy me n uncle ricky. really hope alvin can go lo. got more acc. keke. [but too bad wj cant go. abo can acc alvin too]. hm. at abt 6+pm. alvin n me left home.
go NP. bot ice blended oreo kopi. den go timezone. wanna boom. but waited for thoz idiotic guyz to finish playin their gamez for so long. esp da one guy sittin there whoz not playin.. alwaez laughin like a moron.. duhx. da way he tok so 'dao' lo. tt was da guy i mentioned once in my past postin too. so pissed off by his attitude n behaviour. hmphx. n know wat?! we waited for abt 1 bloody hour n finally we get to play afta alvin asked them de. blind catx lo. hm. used 'toyota mr-s s edition' [below] to challenge alvin n found it quite fast.
hm. afta boomin. dunno where to go. we juz went jln jln ard NP lo. til 9+pm. still no callz frm wj.. we decided to walked home le lo.
walk walk walk.. when my hse was juz a distance away frm me le.. me den rem.. i forgot to buy mcnuggetz n kfc cheese friez for koko. so we took bus to 200+ there [itz when wj called. but kinda late le. so din meet lo]. bot da neccessary stuffz le. headed home le. got home at 10+pm.
daddy asked me to create a new co. logo n namecard o. n me done wit it le o. im a guai guai nu' er o.. kekeke.
go NP. bot ice blended oreo kopi. den go timezone. wanna boom. but waited for thoz idiotic guyz to finish playin their gamez for so long. esp da one guy sittin there whoz not playin.. alwaez laughin like a moron.. duhx. da way he tok so 'dao' lo. tt was da guy i mentioned once in my past postin too. so pissed off by his attitude n behaviour. hmphx. n know wat?! we waited for abt 1 bloody hour n finally we get to play afta alvin asked them de. blind catx lo. hm. used 'toyota mr-s s edition' [below] to challenge alvin n found it quite fast.
walk walk walk.. when my hse was juz a distance away frm me le.. me den rem.. i forgot to buy mcnuggetz n kfc cheese friez for koko. so we took bus to 200+ there [itz when wj called. but kinda late le. so din meet lo]. bot da neccessary stuffz le. headed home le. got home at 10+pm.
daddy asked me to create a new co. logo n namecard o. n me done wit it le o. im a guai guai nu' er o.. kekeke.