left home at 12.30pm. claire called. shez in her dadz car. shez offerin a lift. so nice of them. her dad drove us to yishun mrt. [we're goin out for self-study]. was juz nice when da train arr. ron inside tt train. so we 3 took da train down to bugis.
met up joanna there. we hungry le. da 4 of us went to bugis junction de kfc. ate there. joanna den lead us da way to da spore largest library.[saw a watch @ bugis junction. itz time written in trad chinese de. itz special]. me soo regret din bring my camera along wit me o. da library so nice. as well as da view of da city from da high level of da library. hm. lata aaron came too. we got there at abt 3pm. but oni at abt 4pm we managed to find a place to sit down. start our revision. but abt half an hour lata. we were told not to sit on da floor. so got up. look for placez to settle down but was too packed. claire den went off wit her fren. me ron aaron joanna walked bac to bugis junction. mac. find a place. sat down. hav a drink. did some of my stuff. revision.
closed book at abt 5.30pm. we go 'sony gallery'. saw a mp3 not bad. wan ask my bro buy. muahaha. my frenz left for home.
alvin came down to find me. we den go jln jln. saw many nice stuffz. shop til abt 6.30pm. alvin acc me go bac plaza parkroyal hotel. happi to c da jie, chu, shida, so n so de. they still as hyper, funni n sociable as b4! ^-^ they get to know alvin as well. keke. we were chattin n playin. they wearin new uniform o. changed again. tiz time de nicer den b4. more elegant. hm. da jie say me slim down again. but in fact tink dun hav ba. lolx. da jie say tmr afta their aftnn shift [finish at 11+pm], they goin for swensen's late nite supper @ orchard area. itz her treat. asked me to join along. not sure me gonna go or not o. hm. afta chit chattin. alvin n me went off le. he carried my bag for me o. coz heavy. back pain somemore. hm. thanx to him.
we headed bac yishun. meet weijie. go NP de food mall. hungry le. time to eat. alvin n me tried da rice w/ sweet n sour chic n egg de. not bad. 9pm le. we go timezone boom boom. tried new carz again. dunno which one beta o. tink if i were to buy another new car.. i choose nissan s14 [below] as wat alvin said de lo.
hm. boom le. go gv. alvin bot ice blended oreo coffee. shared wit me. we walked home. sat under my blk. chat til 11pm. time to go home. they den headed home too le.
met up joanna there. we hungry le. da 4 of us went to bugis junction de kfc. ate there. joanna den lead us da way to da spore largest library.[saw a watch @ bugis junction. itz time written in trad chinese de. itz special]. me soo regret din bring my camera along wit me o. da library so nice. as well as da view of da city from da high level of da library. hm. lata aaron came too. we got there at abt 3pm. but oni at abt 4pm we managed to find a place to sit down. start our revision. but abt half an hour lata. we were told not to sit on da floor. so got up. look for placez to settle down but was too packed. claire den went off wit her fren. me ron aaron joanna walked bac to bugis junction. mac. find a place. sat down. hav a drink. did some of my stuff. revision.
closed book at abt 5.30pm. we go 'sony gallery'. saw a mp3 not bad. wan ask my bro buy. muahaha. my frenz left for home.
alvin came down to find me. we den go jln jln. saw many nice stuffz. shop til abt 6.30pm. alvin acc me go bac plaza parkroyal hotel. happi to c da jie, chu, shida, so n so de. they still as hyper, funni n sociable as b4! ^-^ they get to know alvin as well. keke. we were chattin n playin. they wearin new uniform o. changed again. tiz time de nicer den b4. more elegant. hm. da jie say me slim down again. but in fact tink dun hav ba. lolx. da jie say tmr afta their aftnn shift [finish at 11+pm], they goin for swensen's late nite supper @ orchard area. itz her treat. asked me to join along. not sure me gonna go or not o. hm. afta chit chattin. alvin n me went off le. he carried my bag for me o. coz heavy. back pain somemore. hm. thanx to him.
we headed bac yishun. meet weijie. go NP de food mall. hungry le. time to eat. alvin n me tried da rice w/ sweet n sour chic n egg de. not bad. 9pm le. we go timezone boom boom. tried new carz again. dunno which one beta o. tink if i were to buy another new car.. i choose nissan s14 [below] as wat alvin said de lo.