todae had mornin + aftnn classes.
during breaktime i bot a 'mini baseball jersey'. cute n cheap. keke.
i left skool in da mid of aftnn class. 2.40pm.
mr siew marked attendance early coz of my request o. he'z sooo 'steady' n gr8. XD
daddy came n fetched me to yck. ssdc.
me got Traffic Police Test at 4.30pm. warm-up lesson at 3.35pm.
recieved encouragement smses from some peepz. so glad.
n oso some wishez good luck to me in person.
i took their advice. stay calm. drive slowly wit care. so n so.
my tester was mr K. Murthy. da way he spoke was nice. not da 'act cool' type.
i passed!! i got 8 demerit points! so happi!! i kept smiling to myself.
i could smile at everyone i c. i siao le. den one guy smile bac. den we chatted.
he oso passed. so many smilez around! keke.
my wish came true. i wished for '1-1-1'.
meaning.. 1 attempt basic thry, 1 attempt final thry & 1 TP test. no retake. i did it!!
oh yea. i saw hakim (my classmate) crossin da rd during my test. he saw me too.
afta my test i saw him again. we chatted a lil'.
i was real happi! me reached northpoint. spent sometime shoppin ard.
got home abt 7pm.
i asked my niece to wear da 'mini baseball jersey' i bot.
made her posed like hip hopper (below)! keke.

my sis present me these for my passing result. ^-^
during breaktime i bot a 'mini baseball jersey'. cute n cheap. keke.
i left skool in da mid of aftnn class. 2.40pm.
mr siew marked attendance early coz of my request o. he'z sooo 'steady' n gr8. XD
daddy came n fetched me to yck. ssdc.
me got Traffic Police Test at 4.30pm. warm-up lesson at 3.35pm.
recieved encouragement smses from some peepz. so glad.
n oso some wishez good luck to me in person.
i took their advice. stay calm. drive slowly wit care. so n so.
my tester was mr K. Murthy. da way he spoke was nice. not da 'act cool' type.
i passed!! i got 8 demerit points! so happi!! i kept smiling to myself.
i could smile at everyone i c. i siao le. den one guy smile bac. den we chatted.
he oso passed. so many smilez around! keke.
my wish came true. i wished for '1-1-1'.
meaning.. 1 attempt basic thry, 1 attempt final thry & 1 TP test. no retake. i did it!!
oh yea. i saw hakim (my classmate) crossin da rd during my test. he saw me too.
afta my test i saw him again. we chatted a lil'.
i was real happi! me reached northpoint. spent sometime shoppin ard.
got home abt 7pm.
i asked my niece to wear da 'mini baseball jersey' i bot.
made her posed like hip hopper (below)! keke.

my sis present me these for my passing result. ^-^
