forgot to wear my watch out todae.
hm. had mornin class.
QQ brot strawberriez.
itz my beri 1st time eva eatin 'raw' strawberry o... not bad. abit sour.

n for my hair. claire n a few otherz said it lookz like 'shih tzu' dog.
zai called me 'flinestone de wife'. XD
hm. ah bao. faster go for 'blood test'!! heex... :X
afta skool. me. QQ. bao. cai ge. zai. took bus to orchard.
ate famous hainanese chicken rice @ far east plaza.

finish eatin at abt 1.15pm. we acc zai go buy some stuffz. jln jln. gia gia.
laughed alot at cai ge. lol. dun sad la... ya juz so cute n funni! ^-^

me 'gek' til my face so chubby. hakx! hm. QQ was juz rite beside me. on my right side.
at abt 2pm. me took train wit QQ. took picz while waitin for train!

hm. had mornin class.
QQ brot strawberriez.
itz my beri 1st time eva eatin 'raw' strawberry o... not bad. abit sour.

n for my hair. claire n a few otherz said it lookz like 'shih tzu' dog.
zai called me 'flinestone de wife'. XD
hm. ah bao. faster go for 'blood test'!! heex... :X
afta skool. me. QQ. bao. cai ge. zai. took bus to orchard.
ate famous hainanese chicken rice @ far east plaza.

finish eatin at abt 1.15pm. we acc zai go buy some stuffz. jln jln. gia gia.
laughed alot at cai ge. lol. dun sad la... ya juz so cute n funni! ^-^

me 'gek' til my face so chubby. hakx! hm. QQ was juz rite beside me. on my right side.
at abt 2pm. me took train wit QQ. took picz while waitin for train!

me got off @ yck. went to ssdc. drivin lesson. 2.40 - 4.40pm.
was a borin sunny aftnn. i caught my instructor dozin off.
me too o! nearly dozed off sia. on da road somemore. haiz. sleepy....
[how i wished i stomp on da break. gave him a shock. den wun doze off. :p]