~*'AnTi-DruGz' GrEen CaMpAiGn!!*~
todae. mornin + aftnn classes.
my throst haben recover. my cough gettin worse. so is my headache.
went to skool. had lesson.
head damn pain. cough. headache. flu. feelin sleepy too.
rest on da table. nearly fell asleep.
[min min captured me on cam. XD]
lata i turned to da bac, to find ber ber dozing off. so cute. cant wait to capture him on video. keke. n we did. here it is. check it out! cute o. hakx!
we in class nehx.
during mornin breaktime. we took pic @ our skool canteen. iTz Greeny Day!

tHe KiLLeRz!!
me & rOnnie! [i was tip toe-ing. he so tall!]

Left: vanessa, me & sophia. Right: me & irene. [all green!]
we've been seein tiz 'hello kitty BMW' in our skool! lookz sooo sweet!

we were 'daring' neh. acted as if da car is ourz! but we din touch it! swear! :p

we headed to queensway, Anchor Point for our lunch.
me bot panadol 'extra'. coz my headache was killing me! >_<
my sickness made me so unwell. no appetite.
da choco bday cake [bot frm bangawan solo].
todae. mornin + aftnn classes.
my throst haben recover. my cough gettin worse. so is my headache.
went to skool. had lesson.
head damn pain. cough. headache. flu. feelin sleepy too.
rest on da table. nearly fell asleep.

lata i turned to da bac, to find ber ber dozing off. so cute. cant wait to capture him on video. keke. n we did. here it is. check it out! cute o. hakx!

during mornin breaktime. we took pic @ our skool canteen. iTz Greeny Day!

Left: vanessa, me & sophia. Right: me & irene. [all green!]

we were 'daring' neh. acted as if da car is ourz! but we din touch it! swear! :p

we headed to queensway, Anchor Point for our lunch.
me bot panadol 'extra'. coz my headache was killing me! >_<
my sickness made me so unwell. no appetite.
but did ate yong tau foo. [din finish it tho]
afta makan, we went to buy a bday cake for candice's bday (tmr is actual day).
afta makan, we went to buy a bday cake for candice's bday (tmr is actual day).
class startz 1pm. were late for aftnn class. got there 1.30pm.
lesson anded early todae. abt 2.45pm o.
we den brot in da cake to surprise candice wt a loud bday song behind her!

PS: we bot da 'magic candlez' whereby da candlez were blown out, it will light up again n again! watch tiz video on how candice tried so hard to blow out thoz candlez! hEex. n oso.... we made she 'bite out' da candle outta cake! letz watch 'em all!
afta skool, me min bao caige zai went to orchard. jln jln. bao left soon afta.
zai requested me to let him c me in dress. meaning... go try out a dress or two let them c. they so curious. neva c me in dress b4. lol. n yea. i granted their request. keke. ^-^
we left town at abt 7pm.
me got home. had my dinner.
8.30pm. daddy drove me to Mount Alvernia Hospital. visit doctor.
Dr. Ho said therez asthma symptomz. n i've been coughin for 2 monthz. no good. he claimed tt i needa use da 'asthma thingy'. [Ventolin Evahaler] which takes abt 15-20mins. so i sit there, wearing da 'ventolin nebuliser mask' to inhale da solution vapour. purpose is to 'open up da airwayz' in my lung to prevend asthma n helpz breathin o. [hmphx. when i was young i alwaez go thru tiz process de. afta pri skool. no longer. coz asthma no serious. but now bac again. haiz.] afta da ventolin process is done, my heart was pumpin so damn fast [abt 130beatz/min] majiam feelin so nervous, til i feel shiverz inside me. Dr. said itz normal.
he gave me a no. of medicine. cough syrup. flu. antibioticz. throat lozenges. asthma inhaler. total bill $100.80 o. sobx. so exp. realli cannot waste daddy's money le. muz avoid thoz junkie foodz n cold drinkz strictly. i muz!
got home 10.20pm.
herez a funni clip found in youtube.
korean stars dressin like other popular ppl, n dancin hip hop! niCe!
Kang Ta as Osama, Jun Jin as Elvis Presley, Moon Hee Jun as Michael Jackson!
click [HERE]