happi chinese new year!!
-=Rain'z room exposed!=-
'Big tidying' [大扫除] over!
my dressin table.

my wardrobe.


n herez my man united jerseyz collection!!

had reunion dinner wit my whole family last nite.
todae many ppl came. to my hse.
as usual, ang baoz....... lolx!
juz now played 'hei bai pei' & '5, 10, 15, 20' hand gamez wit my sis-in-law.
forfeit: red wine~!
my 1st time drink so much nehx.
everyone laughed at my super duper reddie face. hakx.

even my eyez turn so red o..
i felt da hotness. face, head, my heart pumpin fast. headache.
now feelin beta le. wanna go for a cold shower.
not forgettin to wish u guyz again...
"新年快乐! 祝你们身体健康,全家幸福安康,猪年行大运哦!"
-=Rain'z room exposed!=-
'Big tidying' [大扫除] over!
my dressin table.

my wardrobe.


n herez my man united jerseyz collection!!

had reunion dinner wit my whole family last nite.
todae many ppl came. to my hse.
as usual, ang baoz....... lolx!
juz now played 'hei bai pei' & '5, 10, 15, 20' hand gamez wit my sis-in-law.
forfeit: red wine~!
my 1st time drink so much nehx.
everyone laughed at my super duper reddie face. hakx.

even my eyez turn so red o..
i felt da hotness. face, head, my heart pumpin fast. headache.
now feelin beta le. wanna go for a cold shower.
not forgettin to wish u guyz again...
"新年快乐! 祝你们身体健康,全家幸福安康,猪年行大运哦!"