todae had Fundamentals of Information Technology exam.
FINALLY!!! all exams R OVER!!! yeaH~!! yiPpie!!! =D
we should all celebrate for this!
examz ended at 5pm.
me. QQ. min. bao. caige. ber. bobby. zai. took bus to Orchard.
wanted to eat Seoul Garden but changed plan. [caige other day o! =P]
went to N.Y.D.C. outdoor cafe outside The Heeren.

caige wanna hav a bite. lol...

after we finished our dishes, we played with this lil' hairy wormy... >_<

we den went to The Heeren. shopped for my friend'z gift.

dunno what did ah bao said or did that made this happened. XD

zai left at about 8+pm.
we walked to Parklane area.
today's toot toot fellas!!!!
toot toot rain. toot toot min. & toot toot win. hEex!!!
we planned to have some fun at The Mind Cafe.
but were fully occupied. so we went to da Funland @ Paradiz Centre.
me played initial D with bobby. yeah~ so long no play le.
after a while, they all joined in other games~

1st place: caige
2nd place: min
3rd place: QQ

1st place: rain ^-^
2nd place: bao
we den moved on to da dunno what game.
da "red, green & blue big buttons 'piak piak' game" lolx.

& i won! heex... ^-^ =)
itz about 11pm. QQ left. we played pool.

we finished playing pool @ about 12mn.
we den walked to Kopitiam at a distance away.

we den chit chat n joked n crapped til about 1.30am.
we left da place. bao, caige & me took cab to bao's place.
den from there he drove me & caige home o. ^-^ much much thankiex~!
on our way to my area,
we saw this at da road junction opposite khatib reservoir.

me got home about 2.15am.
i had much much fun today o!
no more schooling le o!! gonna slack. slack. slack~!!
gOod nitEz~!
signing off.
rain [3.42am]