~*haPpi 21st BiRthDay tO JeReNe!!*~
she's a friend of mine i known in SHATEC.
me & my koko were invited to her chalet today.
East Coast Park. C12.
we got there at about 7+pm.
this is today's birthday girl!!
wilfred, me & koko were chit chatting, catchin up with one another's life.

[wilfred & me were born on da same day, month, year, & even hospital!! =)]
later came Roger.
as well as Steve & his girlfriend.
we all joked around, barbeque stuffz...
10+pm. here comez da birthday cake!!
aiyo yo.... da baby tweety is soooo cute nahx.... =)

when she saw da cake, she looked surprised & delighted
she with her boyfriend & dunno whose cutie child.
make a wish........
hooooosshh~ blow off da candles.
and this is when da fun came....
2 big + 1 small candlez. til her last small candle.....
lOlx!!!! da culprit was roger o... but she didnt know.
da clown/vampire of da day~! kekeke....
we ate da cake. left at 11pm.
wanna go watch Manchester United's match now. tata~!
she's a friend of mine i known in SHATEC.
me & my koko were invited to her chalet today.
East Coast Park. C12.
we got there at about 7+pm.

wilfred, me & koko were chit chatting, catchin up with one another's life.

[wilfred & me were born on da same day, month, year, & even hospital!! =)]

we all joked around, barbeque stuffz...
10+pm. here comez da birthday cake!!
aiyo yo.... da baby tweety is soooo cute nahx.... =)

and this is when da fun came....

we ate da cake. left at 11pm.
wanna go watch Manchester United's match now. tata~!