ahakx! i miss my short fringe.
so yesterday i juz took out my 'layered hair scissors'. gave it a trim. keke.

a working day before a holiday [vesak day].
this morning koko and i had 'economic bee hoon'.
9am. work work.
joanne will be at hougang's site [with me] til this week.
next week her permanent site will be at sembawang.
me no companion. no one to guide me about work. bored.
but anyway im gonna start schooling soon.
so itz alrite. hopefully i'll be able to cope within these weeks.
koko snapped this photo when i was doing some paper work.
looked so hardworking neh. lol
den koko nothing better to do. he recorded this. bo liao. lol.
6pm. yeaH~ time to leave.
koko dropped me off at Compass Point.
i was finding my way to Sengkang MRT. so confused. got LRT & MRT there.
but i managed get there.
itz my very 1st time stepping into
MRT Station. lOlx!
took train down to Orchard.
dunno why today i was so blur. got down at Orchard instead of Somerset.
i was supposed to go to Cineleisure. nearer to somerset station. -_-"
i walked fast, 15mins, reached Cineleisure at about 7pm.
went to B1. an Indonesian Cafe.
met up raidah & rosie [from indon]. they're my shatec darlinx.
but rosie was going to leave for church.
so we snapped some photoz before letting her go. lol.

'Bandung Soda'. Nasi Goreng. Grilled Bread [with cheese & choco rice!!]

yummy. nice & cheap. this meal was my treat.
as rai has alwayz wanted my treat. heex. u got it rai~ ^-^
me & rai den went shopping. me didnt window shopped today. but shopping!!
itz been a long time since i last spent money & purchased stuffz like this.
[usually even if i see things i like but not selling at cheap-average price, i wont really wanna buy it (unless i realli love that item). i would juz pass by. but today was different o. 1stly i saw a necklace [i've been wanting to get one 'weighty, long necklace'] @ only S$5!! damn cheap. 2ndly i saw a nail sticker @ S$1 each, i bought it [not surprising tho, as i alwayz buy them]. den i went up, spotted a 'sort of off-shoulder' top. @ S$29.90. i tried it. and i like it. but not sure if i SHOULD buy it. i walked out that shop. but later turned back. "excuse me, hmm... can i have that top". lOlx! me like blur sotong. was undecisive.]
but im happy i didnt get home emptied-handed today!
and im satisfied with the stuffz i bought!
the necklace i bought. ^-^
i got home about 10pm. [koko still say i got home EARLY. -_-"]
had my shower. n i had this tattoo here [below]. lOlx!

fake tattoo. u think i'll realli have a Pirates of the Carribean tattoo meh. keke
u people whom i've shown u this tattoo @ Starbucks. dun laugh at me hor. lol.
nah. juz for the fun of it.
hmphx!! tomoro is Vesak Day.
dunno wanna go temple visit my thai master or not.
abo tomoro can sleep til afternoon. ahakx.
hmmm. i cant wait for this weekend!!!!!!
im so looking forward to it. dun disappoint me. hEex.
so yesterday i juz took out my 'layered hair scissors'. gave it a trim. keke.

a working day before a holiday [vesak day].
this morning koko and i had 'economic bee hoon'.
9am. work work.
joanne will be at hougang's site [with me] til this week.
next week her permanent site will be at sembawang.
me no companion. no one to guide me about work. bored.
but anyway im gonna start schooling soon.
so itz alrite. hopefully i'll be able to cope within these weeks.
koko snapped this photo when i was doing some paper work.

den koko nothing better to do. he recorded this. bo liao. lol.
6pm. yeaH~ time to leave.
koko dropped me off at Compass Point.
i was finding my way to Sengkang MRT. so confused. got LRT & MRT there.
but i managed get there.
itz my very 1st time stepping into

took train down to Orchard.
dunno why today i was so blur. got down at Orchard instead of Somerset.
i was supposed to go to Cineleisure. nearer to somerset station. -_-"
i walked fast, 15mins, reached Cineleisure at about 7pm.
went to B1. an Indonesian Cafe.
met up raidah & rosie [from indon]. they're my shatec darlinx.
but rosie was going to leave for church.
so we snapped some photoz before letting her go. lol.

'Bandung Soda'. Nasi Goreng. Grilled Bread [with cheese & choco rice!!]

yummy. nice & cheap. this meal was my treat.
as rai has alwayz wanted my treat. heex. u got it rai~ ^-^
me & rai den went shopping. me didnt window shopped today. but shopping!!
itz been a long time since i last spent money & purchased stuffz like this.
[usually even if i see things i like but not selling at cheap-average price, i wont really wanna buy it (unless i realli love that item). i would juz pass by. but today was different o. 1stly i saw a necklace [i've been wanting to get one 'weighty, long necklace'] @ only S$5!! damn cheap. 2ndly i saw a nail sticker @ S$1 each, i bought it [not surprising tho, as i alwayz buy them]. den i went up, spotted a 'sort of off-shoulder' top. @ S$29.90. i tried it. and i like it. but not sure if i SHOULD buy it. i walked out that shop. but later turned back. "excuse me, hmm... can i have that top". lOlx! me like blur sotong. was undecisive.]
but im happy i didnt get home emptied-handed today!
and im satisfied with the stuffz i bought!

i got home about 10pm. [koko still say i got home EARLY. -_-"]
had my shower. n i had this tattoo here [below]. lOlx!

fake tattoo. u think i'll realli have a Pirates of the Carribean tattoo meh. keke
u people whom i've shown u this tattoo @ Starbucks. dun laugh at me hor. lol.
nah. juz for the fun of it.
hmphx!! tomoro is Vesak Day.
dunno wanna go temple visit my thai master or not.
abo tomoro can sleep til afternoon. ahakx.
hmmm. i cant wait for this weekend!!!!!!
im so looking forward to it. dun disappoint me. hEex.