my doggie sleepin' last nite.
oooo... so cute.
todae i overslept. woke up at 8.10am instead of 7am.
my koko has gone out. -_-" [y he didnt wake me up]
i called him. he thought that i dun wanna go work today. -_-
[tho im da 'boss's daughter', doesnt mean i can choose to skip work whenever i like nor. im not spoilt. although im now working as a free labour. lOl!]
my koko later came back to pick me up at 8.40am.
lunch time. me. koko. & joanne went to Compass Point for our lunch.
were so undecisive. we ended up in Swensen's.
we had Swensen's Executive Lunch promo.
i ordered Salmon & Mushroom Pasta. not bad!
comes with soup-of-the-day, drinks, and dessert.

this is what my koko had. gorgotten the name le.

itz a special drinks under the Pirates of the Carribean promotion.
hm. recently a new beverage had released. [u should have heard of it already]
"Anything" & "Whatever".

i should try it one day. they look interesting.
oh yea. a lastest news was just heard. read below.
Friday May 25, 6:17 PM
Water spout sighted off Singapore's east coast
SINGAPORE: A water spout has been spotted from the eastern parts of Singapore.
Most callers to the MediaCorp News Hotline reported seeing what looked like a tornado or a twister over the sea.
Most said they saw the phenomenon at about 2.30pm and that the phenomenon lasted about 15 minutes.
Witnesses said it was moving in a circular motion.
The water spout could be seen in several areas including Chai Chee, East Coast Park, Suntec City and Potong Pasir.
Last August, a water-spout was also spotted off the coast of Sentosa Island.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) said intense thunderstorms were the cause of the phenomenon.
The water spout is a narrow column of water that is sucked to the base of a cloud, making it look like a funnel.
An average diameter of a waterspout is 50 metres and it has average wind speeds of up to 150 kilometres per hour.
The NEA added that water spouts will dissipate rapidly near the coast.
It also clarified that water spouts are not rare as there are actually several sightings each year. - CNA/yy
and for your info, a water tornado looks like this

alrite. bye bye. im off to malaysia! missed.

todae i overslept. woke up at 8.10am instead of 7am.
my koko has gone out. -_-" [y he didnt wake me up]
i called him. he thought that i dun wanna go work today. -_-
[tho im da 'boss's daughter', doesnt mean i can choose to skip work whenever i like nor. im not spoilt. although im now working as a free labour. lOl!]
my koko later came back to pick me up at 8.40am.
lunch time. me. koko. & joanne went to Compass Point for our lunch.
were so undecisive. we ended up in Swensen's.

comes with soup-of-the-day, drinks, and dessert.

this is what my koko had. gorgotten the name le.

itz a special drinks under the Pirates of the Carribean promotion.
hm. recently a new beverage had released. [u should have heard of it already]
"Anything" & "Whatever".

i should try it one day. they look interesting.
oh yea. a lastest news was just heard. read below.
Friday May 25, 6:17 PM
Water spout sighted off Singapore's east coast
SINGAPORE: A water spout has been spotted from the eastern parts of Singapore.
Most callers to the MediaCorp News Hotline reported seeing what looked like a tornado or a twister over the sea.
Most said they saw the phenomenon at about 2.30pm and that the phenomenon lasted about 15 minutes.
Witnesses said it was moving in a circular motion.
The water spout could be seen in several areas including Chai Chee, East Coast Park, Suntec City and Potong Pasir.
Last August, a water-spout was also spotted off the coast of Sentosa Island.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) said intense thunderstorms were the cause of the phenomenon.
The water spout is a narrow column of water that is sucked to the base of a cloud, making it look like a funnel.
An average diameter of a waterspout is 50 metres and it has average wind speeds of up to 150 kilometres per hour.
The NEA added that water spouts will dissipate rapidly near the coast.
It also clarified that water spouts are not rare as there are actually several sightings each year. - CNA/yy
and for your info, a water tornado looks like this

alrite. bye bye. im off to malaysia! missed.