~*HaPpi BiRthDae tO WiLfRed, ChUn Ru, & RaiN mYseLf!!*~
last nite papa gave me a red packet. as my birthday gift. =)
whoa.. havent had enough sleep these days. 4 hours plus. -_- and thighs still aching...
this morning. catched the 9am empty train.
most typical singaporeans. gan jiong spiderz lo.
train just arrived [have yet to come to a stop], people all go over the yellow line, stood so near the edge. itz not surprising if therez accident like slipping/falling off the edge nor.
when the door opened, all SQUEEZED in de. pushed me somemore. i HATE it.
i got in. went up to an empty seat, but an typical guy rushed from behind and sat on 'my' seat before me. so RUDE. i was like 'ok. nvm. beside him still got another seat.' i moved one step forward to that seat, den that IDIOTIC uncle saw me approaching to that seat, he quickly moved his bloody @ss from his actual seat to the seat [beside him] that i was about to turned and sit down le lo! and he was like sitting in between 2 seats. he was 'booking' that seat for his female friend or whoever lo! and left me standing just RIGHT in fronda him with no seat. WTF! hell!!! so f***ing RUDE! early morning. made me so pissed off! i immediately shook my head and walked off to the door entrance's side. i had a good look at him from that distance. n i noticed da way he glanced at other females, is so tikopek! dUhx! HATE THIS KINDA RUDE DISGUSTING TIKOPEK! spoilt my mood.
reached ang mo kio mrt station. i went to the Cheers nearby.
was hungry. didnt eat anything before i left home. so i bought lychee tea.
made the payment at the cashier counter.
the cashier. an indian guy. asked me: "you. japanese huh?"
i was like.. "huh?" smiled and shook my head.
den he said i kept nodding my head like how japanese usually do.
-_-" lol. ya la. im used to doing that le. sorry or thank you. i would nod a lil' de. to me itz more like a sincerity thingy ba. lol.
alrite. he made me smiled. i felt better. =)
went to school.
many people didnt turned up o..
sumann. roy. siwei. jeremy.
nothing much to do as we've finished our baccarat assessment.
den adrian asked gary, vik & me to helped deal roulette for inspection.
vik volunteered to be da 'chipper'. so me & gary be da dealers.
jace be my player. & heuer be gary's player.
damn. i haven touched the roulette table for weekz nor.
was trying to hard to 'load' my roulette memory. but majiam rusty le o..
jace wanna cash buy-in...
rain: "cash buy-in!"
"total cash buy-in 5000"
"changing 5000 cash!"
jace and the inspector looked at me like one kind.
coz... i changed all cash chips. no colour chips. lOlx!!
sia la.. my mind was with baccarat la...
itz like im dealing roulette with baccarat knowledge. xD
after changing the color chips. etc. jace placed his bets.
i announced loudly "last call for bets!"
jace & the inspector was stunned. they looked at me like one kind again nor.
i gave jace da face expression asking whatz wrong.
they were still looking stunned. O.O
den i realised.... da announcement i just made is for baccarat. lOlx~!
jace laughed lo! so did i! dUhx. so maluuu..... *-_-*
i should have said "next spin/game" 1st... omG~
malu nor... like vik alwaez says. "make mistakes confidently". xD
only after about 2 games, my roulette memory has been successfully loaded.
when i was dealing halfway, the receptionist, samantha, came up to me and said that therez something i need to sign. [i thought it must be the course thingy or wat]
i told her i'll come later after my dealing.
12noon. lunchtime.
jace reminded me. to find samantha. [i've got beri short term memory nah]
went up to the counter. she said she signed for me le.
den she handed me a huge Prima Deli cake box.
i was like........ oh my gOsH! i couldnt believe it man... it was such a big surprise nor! so touched nah.... and the EmO me.... T_T tearz........ lol. so happy nah.... itz da 1st time someone ordered n delivered something to my workplace/school o.... sOb sob..
i looked at the receipt. saw my sister's name. ala.... itz her nah....
i called her. she sounded happy that i am happy. =D
called mummy. itz my mummy & jie de idea o... im so touched... ^-^
den vik peeped at the cake. but they dun let me see. kept it in Ricky's office. -_-
we went for our lunch.
jace said me.. "不是笑,就是哭。不是哭,就是笑。。." hmphx. hEex.. =P
i ordered meatball mee sua. but pig organ mee sua was served.
i dun eat pig organs de... 2 meatballs got eat de nia.
lol nvm nor. no appetite aniwae. =]
my darling keleng kia. lol. my mr. bombastic.
lao da jeremy came o!
"itz raining on rain's birthday" - lao da. xD
da guyz at the entrance observing the thingy.
gary was observing my camera. den he snapped this.
emo. lOl.
oh ya. i lost aarolyn's pen which she lent me o.... feelin sooo guilty n bad nah..
and if im not wrong, adrian helped me 'pay' her back 5 pens for the 1 lost pen.
sobx. so pai seh.... my memory. really bad o..
later lao da they all started playing texas hold'em.
i was playing at 1st de. but were too 'into' the PSP gary lent me.
the fighting game... altho is beri violent. but... niCe o! hEex... =)
i ended up sitting there playing with his PSP. im outta da texas game. =P
the school cleaner auntie wished me a happy birthday o... so nice. =)
lao da left at 2+pm.
at about 2.45pm.
my asst trainer, arthur, challenged me card shuffling from poker strip.
the procedure til card burning, plus 3 dummies games.
i won o.. lala.
thatz when adrian asked me & our class to go over helped to be dealer n player at the roulette table for the supervisors to inspect on.
me player. jace dealer. nic & one more guy inspectors.
lolx. funny la! this time is jace's turn to do 'funny weirdo mistakes' le. xD
he oso after 2 games den can deal properly o.... hEex.
was betting on even/odd with nic. i owe him 2 bandungz. duhx. lol
after school.
jace. gary. kai xun. marco. chanel. nic & xiong stayed to celebrate with me.
trainerz Ricky. adrian. bonnie. joined too!
jace helped me carry the cake over to the school's pantry.
and helped me opened the box.
whoa.. da cake.. nice eh?? pinkie...

"Happy Birthday Rain. 加油! With ♥: Mum & Dad"
herez mummy's prezzie which i received last night.

they were trying to guess whatz in there. lOlx.

i took quite sometime to unwrap it.

i opened it up. to my surprise... itz serviette [for the cake]. -_-"
they all laughed like hell nor.......
lol. but nice one mummy! a gooood idea huh.
chanel helping me.
chit chatting.
birthday song.... whoa... keke..

*make a wish* "can i have more den one?" xD
blurred pic of croupier gary & kaixun.
yeaH! our group photoz.... ^-^

and chanel came up with this idea.

jace was taking the photo while trying to push my head. lol. luckily he didnt really use strength. hEex.. and i managed to bite it out without touching da cake o! =P
cake cutting time~!

distribution of cakes....
there goes to da trainerz...
me & daddy aka. otosan Ricky.
adrianO & rainO... aBiSh~
bonnie bonnie~
den now my people!
龙家大少爷 Jace. pose majiam 'prize presentation'. lol.
xiao rain & marco...
gary. our pose damn funny la! lOlx. gold in da cake?! xD
chanel. & gucci. lol.........
bumble rain & nicholas tron.
i punched xiong xiong. =P
da leftoverz?? letz distribute to everyone..
here we go~
trainer rajan.
student service de eileen. =)
Head of Training. Ignitius.
adrian helped me gave one to aarolyn.
i gave one to anna too. and she gave me a kiss. lol. a peck seh. *^-^*
when i returned to da pantry.
chanel & marco 'piak' a lil' cream on my face. lol.
and adrian DIDNT know im so vain. xD
thankx jace for being the photographer.
my sincere thanks to ya'll for spending da lil' time in the pantry. ^-^ loved.
we ran & catched the 5.30pm bus.
received this prezzie from nic. he did himself de o.
a pen. with this. cooL huh? niCe~ thankx!
and i received this from my eldest bro & sister-in-law.

Espirit Pink leather pen. so sweet.. thankiex~
mummy fried bee hoon. fishballs. & chicken wings.

got home. after figuring out something. we den realised...
jiejie ordered 2 cakes. she cock-up.
da one [below] with casino (cards) picture is supposed to be sent to my school de. lolx! ala...... no wonder...
but itz nice o.....
2nd round at home.
me with no make-up. -_-
all my siblings.... ^-^
i am happy today!
i think itz my 1st time receiving so many birthday wishes....
and quite a number are so unexpecting ones o....
25 smses.
around 25 friendster comments.
plus those stated in previous posts who wished me in msn.
whoa. quite alot o.... =D so glad people do remember.
once again. Thank ya'll! *hUgGiEx*
itz 3.46am now... Zzzz..... tired tired tired.
last nite papa gave me a red packet. as my birthday gift. =)
whoa.. havent had enough sleep these days. 4 hours plus. -_- and thighs still aching...
this morning. catched the 9am empty train.
most typical singaporeans. gan jiong spiderz lo.
train just arrived [have yet to come to a stop], people all go over the yellow line, stood so near the edge. itz not surprising if therez accident like slipping/falling off the edge nor.
when the door opened, all SQUEEZED in de. pushed me somemore. i HATE it.
i got in. went up to an empty seat, but an typical guy rushed from behind and sat on 'my' seat before me. so RUDE. i was like 'ok. nvm. beside him still got another seat.' i moved one step forward to that seat, den that IDIOTIC uncle saw me approaching to that seat, he quickly moved his bloody @ss from his actual seat to the seat [beside him] that i was about to turned and sit down le lo! and he was like sitting in between 2 seats. he was 'booking' that seat for his female friend or whoever lo! and left me standing just RIGHT in fronda him with no seat. WTF! hell!!! so f***ing RUDE! early morning. made me so pissed off! i immediately shook my head and walked off to the door entrance's side. i had a good look at him from that distance. n i noticed da way he glanced at other females, is so tikopek! dUhx! HATE THIS KINDA RUDE DISGUSTING TIKOPEK! spoilt my mood.
reached ang mo kio mrt station. i went to the Cheers nearby.
was hungry. didnt eat anything before i left home. so i bought lychee tea.
made the payment at the cashier counter.
the cashier. an indian guy. asked me: "you. japanese huh?"
i was like.. "huh?" smiled and shook my head.
den he said i kept nodding my head like how japanese usually do.
-_-" lol. ya la. im used to doing that le. sorry or thank you. i would nod a lil' de. to me itz more like a sincerity thingy ba. lol.
alrite. he made me smiled. i felt better. =)
went to school.
many people didnt turned up o..
sumann. roy. siwei. jeremy.
nothing much to do as we've finished our baccarat assessment.
den adrian asked gary, vik & me to helped deal roulette for inspection.
vik volunteered to be da 'chipper'. so me & gary be da dealers.
jace be my player. & heuer be gary's player.
damn. i haven touched the roulette table for weekz nor.
was trying to hard to 'load' my roulette memory. but majiam rusty le o..
jace wanna cash buy-in...
rain: "cash buy-in!"
"total cash buy-in 5000"
"changing 5000 cash!"
jace and the inspector looked at me like one kind.
coz... i changed all cash chips. no colour chips. lOlx!!
sia la.. my mind was with baccarat la...
itz like im dealing roulette with baccarat knowledge. xD
after changing the color chips. etc. jace placed his bets.
i announced loudly "last call for bets!"
jace & the inspector was stunned. they looked at me like one kind again nor.
i gave jace da face expression asking whatz wrong.
they were still looking stunned. O.O
den i realised.... da announcement i just made is for baccarat. lOlx~!
jace laughed lo! so did i! dUhx. so maluuu..... *-_-*
i should have said "next spin/game" 1st... omG~
malu nor... like vik alwaez says. "make mistakes confidently". xD
only after about 2 games, my roulette memory has been successfully loaded.
when i was dealing halfway, the receptionist, samantha, came up to me and said that therez something i need to sign. [i thought it must be the course thingy or wat]
i told her i'll come later after my dealing.
12noon. lunchtime.
jace reminded me. to find samantha. [i've got beri short term memory nah]
went up to the counter. she said she signed for me le.
den she handed me a huge Prima Deli cake box.
i was like........ oh my gOsH! i couldnt believe it man... it was such a big surprise nor! so touched nah.... and the EmO me.... T_T tearz........ lol. so happy nah.... itz da 1st time someone ordered n delivered something to my workplace/school o.... sOb sob..
i looked at the receipt. saw my sister's name. ala.... itz her nah....
i called her. she sounded happy that i am happy. =D
called mummy. itz my mummy & jie de idea o... im so touched... ^-^
den vik peeped at the cake. but they dun let me see. kept it in Ricky's office. -_-
we went for our lunch.
jace said me.. "不是笑,就是哭。不是哭,就是笑。。." hmphx. hEex.. =P
i ordered meatball mee sua. but pig organ mee sua was served.
i dun eat pig organs de... 2 meatballs got eat de nia.
lol nvm nor. no appetite aniwae. =]
lao da jeremy came o!
"itz raining on rain's birthday" - lao da. xD
gary was observing my camera. den he snapped this.
oh ya. i lost aarolyn's pen which she lent me o.... feelin sooo guilty n bad nah..
and if im not wrong, adrian helped me 'pay' her back 5 pens for the 1 lost pen.
sobx. so pai seh.... my memory. really bad o..
later lao da they all started playing texas hold'em.
i was playing at 1st de. but were too 'into' the PSP gary lent me.
the fighting game... altho is beri violent. but... niCe o! hEex... =)
i ended up sitting there playing with his PSP. im outta da texas game. =P
the school cleaner auntie wished me a happy birthday o... so nice. =)
lao da left at 2+pm.
at about 2.45pm.
my asst trainer, arthur, challenged me card shuffling from poker strip.
the procedure til card burning, plus 3 dummies games.
i won o.. lala.
thatz when adrian asked me & our class to go over helped to be dealer n player at the roulette table for the supervisors to inspect on.
me player. jace dealer. nic & one more guy inspectors.
lolx. funny la! this time is jace's turn to do 'funny weirdo mistakes' le. xD
he oso after 2 games den can deal properly o.... hEex.
was betting on even/odd with nic. i owe him 2 bandungz. duhx. lol
after school.
jace. gary. kai xun. marco. chanel. nic & xiong stayed to celebrate with me.
trainerz Ricky. adrian. bonnie. joined too!
jace helped me carry the cake over to the school's pantry.
whoa.. da cake.. nice eh?? pinkie...
"Happy Birthday Rain. 加油! With ♥: Mum & Dad"
herez mummy's prezzie which i received last night.
they were trying to guess whatz in there. lOlx.
i took quite sometime to unwrap it.
i opened it up. to my surprise... itz serviette [for the cake]. -_-"
they all laughed like hell nor.......
lol. but nice one mummy! a gooood idea huh.
birthday song.... whoa... keke..
*make a wish* "can i have more den one?" xD
yeaH! our group photoz.... ^-^
and chanel came up with this idea.

jace was taking the photo while trying to push my head. lol. luckily he didnt really use strength. hEex.. and i managed to bite it out without touching da cake o! =P
cake cutting time~!

distribution of cakes....
there goes to da trainerz...
den now my people!

da leftoverz?? letz distribute to everyone..
adrian helped me gave one to aarolyn.
i gave one to anna too. and she gave me a kiss. lol. a peck seh. *^-^*
when i returned to da pantry.
chanel & marco 'piak' a lil' cream on my face. lol.
and adrian DIDNT know im so vain. xD
thankx jace for being the photographer.
my sincere thanks to ya'll for spending da lil' time in the pantry. ^-^ loved.
we ran & catched the 5.30pm bus.
received this prezzie from nic. he did himself de o.

and i received this from my eldest bro & sister-in-law.
Espirit Pink leather pen. so sweet.. thankiex~
mummy fried bee hoon. fishballs. & chicken wings.
got home. after figuring out something. we den realised...
jiejie ordered 2 cakes. she cock-up.
da one [below] with casino (cards) picture is supposed to be sent to my school de. lolx! ala...... no wonder...
2nd round at home.

i am happy today!
i think itz my 1st time receiving so many birthday wishes....
and quite a number are so unexpecting ones o....
25 smses.
around 25 friendster comments.
plus those stated in previous posts who wished me in msn.
whoa. quite alot o.... =D so glad people do remember.
once again. Thank ya'll! *hUgGiEx*
itz 3.46am now... Zzzz..... tired tired tired.