~*haPpi biRthDae tO RonaLd hO*~
this mornin sumann & i were walking to yishun mrt station.
he was walking behind.
so i turned around (while walking) to see where he is.
right.... dun have...
left.... hm. there is he. we smiled.
i turned back looking straight.... damn! *emergency break*
i grabbed hold of the pole.
i almost knocked onto it nor. was so close. so malu.
sumann was laughing away. xD
i brought those dvdz that came together with my lappy for jace to see.
finally. my back up recovery drive thingy solved.
those dvdz are da back up dvdz. =)
today in skool.
learnt a new game.
Carribean Stud Poker.
an interesting game tho. for both player & da dealer.
our trainer Rajan was introducing & explaining that game to us.
when he was shuffling da cards.. doing da Chemy part...
marco: "hurh hurh. like making roti prata."
LOL~ funny la. really looks like making prata nor. he's indian somemore. xD
croupier brought 3 unused dvdz for me. he got lotz. =)
on my way home in yishun.
met May on da bus. we catched up a lil'.
her dad passed away last tuesday.
i did went to da funeral tho. feel for her. -_-
recieved a sms from my ex-primary skool mate.
ROM thingy. whoa. getting married. young huh.
my best wishes for her & her soon-to-be hubby. ^-^
oh yea. my class de final assessment has been postponed to da week after next.
next week we'll be starting on our supervisory course.
itz a good news. as we will have more time practising. =)
mama & jiejie flying to HatYai this comin saturday.
and will be back on tuesday night.
so....... household stuffz. handing over to me le.
not easy to feed him de o.... must 'bluff' him to eat de nor.
if he make me frustrated. i order KFC delivery for him uh.
xP cannot cannot.
hm. that time bought a few new dvdz. hav yet to watch it. no time la.
unlike jace. who can finish watching my 12 dvdz in 2 days. whoa *clap clapz*
somemore i got a number of movies from him.
hope i can start watching them this weekend. =)
this mornin sumann & i were walking to yishun mrt station.
he was walking behind.
so i turned around (while walking) to see where he is.
right.... dun have...
left.... hm. there is he. we smiled.
i turned back looking straight.... damn! *emergency break*
i grabbed hold of the pole.
i almost knocked onto it nor. was so close. so malu.
sumann was laughing away. xD
i brought those dvdz that came together with my lappy for jace to see.
finally. my back up recovery drive thingy solved.
those dvdz are da back up dvdz. =)
today in skool.
learnt a new game.
Carribean Stud Poker.
an interesting game tho. for both player & da dealer.
our trainer Rajan was introducing & explaining that game to us.
when he was shuffling da cards.. doing da Chemy part...
marco: "hurh hurh. like making roti prata."
LOL~ funny la. really looks like making prata nor. he's indian somemore. xD
croupier brought 3 unused dvdz for me. he got lotz. =)
on my way home in yishun.
met May on da bus. we catched up a lil'.
her dad passed away last tuesday.
i did went to da funeral tho. feel for her. -_-
recieved a sms from my ex-primary skool mate.
ROM thingy. whoa. getting married. young huh.
my best wishes for her & her soon-to-be hubby. ^-^
oh yea. my class de final assessment has been postponed to da week after next.
next week we'll be starting on our supervisory course.
itz a good news. as we will have more time practising. =)
mama & jiejie flying to HatYai this comin saturday.
and will be back on tuesday night.
so....... household stuffz. handing over to me le.
not easy to feed him de o.... must 'bluff' him to eat de nor.
if he make me frustrated. i order KFC delivery for him uh.
xP cannot cannot.
hm. that time bought a few new dvdz. hav yet to watch it. no time la.
unlike jace. who can finish watching my 12 dvdz in 2 days. whoa *clap clapz*
somemore i got a number of movies from him.
hope i can start watching them this weekend. =)
