mummy cooked dinner last night.
including fried fish.
i ate it.
to my surprise....
da bones are blue blue de wor....

hope itz not poisonous. =
this morning.
bought a pack of WarHeads sour sweets.
just to prevend myself from dozing off.
i felt better in skool.
being da cheerful me. =D
emo-ing is tiring. and not enjoyable.
smiling & laughing makes me feel 'light at heart'. ^-^
ahakx. adriano eyez small small.
sleepless night. coz of his lil' baby. woooaaaa...... *cries*
jace heuer & siwei conned me so 'prodedly' lor...
i fell asleep in class during lecture. (da sour sweets din help)
sorrie Ricky but... i just couldnt control le. were dozing off. -_-
den when i woke up, i saw my name written on da whiteboard.
i asked jace whatz that all about.
during breaktime,
he explained to me that itz about the upcoming Mock Casino thingy.
saying that Ricky appointed me to be one of da leader.
jace himself & heuer are under me. (heuer 'added salt & pepper' & agreed).
siwei said he is not under me, but croupier.
i was like.. whoa i missed out so many important thingys.
so i immediately went back to skool to ask Ricky about it.
make me malu..... u all bluffed me de nor....
itz juz an EXAMPLE of blah blah blah... hmphx* kuku de notti boiz. xD
after breaktime. practical.
i was with laoda & kai.
funny la. especially kai. lol. sha sha de supervisor. still can 'kok' my head. xD
after skool.
took cabbie down to zion road. blk 92.
da temple i used to hang around years back with my parents.
got dunno what special event. pray pray de.
den got buffet. mam mam..
later those aunties jio-ed mummy play mahjong.
papa & i got nothing to do. so i jio-ed him go Queensway Shopping Centre.
he drove me there.
my motive was to buy the Le Coq Sportif bag.
but i've forgotten which shop i spotted it
(when i went there with laoda & siwei da previous time)
3rd storey...... sector clear.
2nd storey..... dun have also.
[papa poor thing followed me everywhere. walk here n there. =P]
back to ground floor... there it is!
i stormed the front.
spotted the ONE i want! white & pinkie de~
so happy...... price is da same as the ones selling 'outside'. S$69
but good thing about Queensway shopping ctr. can BARGAIN~
i asked politely "what is the cheapest price u can sell?"
that girl said "20%." (after calculating...) "so it'll be S$55"
whoa. not bad o... im satisfied with the discounted price.
papa paid for it. xD yippiE~

one wishstriked off from wishlist le... =)
tomoro. saturday.
not sure if im going back skool...
am sooo tired recently.
izzit becoz i slept too much during da weekends? duhx..
including fried fish.
i ate it.
to my surprise....
da bones are blue blue de wor....

hope itz not poisonous. =
this morning.
bought a pack of WarHeads sour sweets.
just to prevend myself from dozing off.
i felt better in skool.
being da cheerful me. =D
emo-ing is tiring. and not enjoyable.
smiling & laughing makes me feel 'light at heart'. ^-^
ahakx. adriano eyez small small.
sleepless night. coz of his lil' baby. woooaaaa...... *cries*
jace heuer & siwei conned me so 'prodedly' lor...
i fell asleep in class during lecture. (da sour sweets din help)
sorrie Ricky but... i just couldnt control le. were dozing off. -_-
den when i woke up, i saw my name written on da whiteboard.
i asked jace whatz that all about.
during breaktime,
he explained to me that itz about the upcoming Mock Casino thingy.
saying that Ricky appointed me to be one of da leader.
jace himself & heuer are under me. (heuer 'added salt & pepper' & agreed).
siwei said he is not under me, but croupier.
i was like.. whoa i missed out so many important thingys.
so i immediately went back to skool to ask Ricky about it.
make me malu..... u all bluffed me de nor....
itz juz an EXAMPLE of blah blah blah... hmphx* kuku de notti boiz. xD
after breaktime. practical.
i was with laoda & kai.
funny la. especially kai. lol. sha sha de supervisor. still can 'kok' my head. xD
after skool.
took cabbie down to zion road. blk 92.
da temple i used to hang around years back with my parents.
got dunno what special event. pray pray de.
den got buffet. mam mam..
later those aunties jio-ed mummy play mahjong.
papa & i got nothing to do. so i jio-ed him go Queensway Shopping Centre.
he drove me there.
my motive was to buy the Le Coq Sportif bag.
but i've forgotten which shop i spotted it
(when i went there with laoda & siwei da previous time)
3rd storey...... sector clear.
2nd storey..... dun have also.
[papa poor thing followed me everywhere. walk here n there. =P]
back to ground floor... there it is!
i stormed the front.
spotted the ONE i want! white & pinkie de~
so happy...... price is da same as the ones selling 'outside'. S$69
but good thing about Queensway shopping ctr. can BARGAIN~
i asked politely "what is the cheapest price u can sell?"
that girl said "20%." (after calculating...) "so it'll be S$55"
whoa. not bad o... im satisfied with the discounted price.
papa paid for it. xD yippiE~

one wish
tomoro. saturday.
not sure if im going back skool...
am sooo tired recently.
izzit becoz i slept too much during da weekends? duhx..