an ang moh gao net fren of mine drew me this in the middle of the night.

lol with the half black half gold hair seh.
that was so 'cartoon'. so i asked if he can draw me a better piece.

hey. not bad eh. drawn using the 'pen device' or wat de. =)
he still told me that my lips he drawn looked messy coz he was laughing. =.= LOL
i was browsing Facebook. and came across this photo. which shocked me.

WTF? is that ME?! this girl looks like me without my make-up sia!
somemore in this pic her hair looks sorta goldish black eH?
wahliao! my long lost twin sister i never knew??
heard from people saying that in this world there'll be 7 people who looks like U!
im not sure. i dont get a chance to view her profile & other pics tho.
slept for 'bout 3 hours waking up at 10am.
11am. went over to my next door malay neighbour's house.
their newborn baby girl 'full month' celebration.
oooo.... looks so fragile... shez just 3 weeks old tho.
my neighbour's sister's baby boy! SO CUTE LAA!!!!

looks so 'ang moh' de. fair fair. big big eyes. hardly cry. anyone can carry o!
oh my. really cute nah..... babie babie~

when's gonna be my turn to hav my own.... LOL!
haiyo! still long. xD
their culture different. my 1st time experiencing.
baby full month celebration. they gonna chant.
it lasted for 2 hours. we just sat there. endured our hunger. lol
altho my neighbour asked us to eat 1st. but. we wanna show respect. so wait lo.

about 2 plus. i returned home.
showered. prepared. dolled up.

my 1st time wearing this kinda kookoo socks. lol.
met up polar at harbourfront. at 'bout 5+pm.
his frens joined later. one by one. hello hello hello~
made many new frens in a day o.
headed to Chinatown.
had our dinner at these indian buffet restaurant. "Annalashmi".
most of the dishes are spicy de. so i aimed those without curry or chilli.

not bad tho. juz the rice & the keropok. really not bad. lol.
itz ok polar. dun feel bad. everything must try ma.
hey guys. somemore this restaurant, buffet. u ate liao. pay any amount u want!
"Eat what you like. Give as you feel. We believe in you & trust you"
thatz their motto!
after that we headed to Orchard.
movies. so packed down at orchard tonite wor. movies, lotz sold out le.
so we catched the movie, The Orphanage @ 1.40am.
it was only about 9+pm we shopped & slacked. kill time.
they played pool @ level 8, K-Pool.
polar & me!
olsen & junhao at the table.
shihui, polar & charis.
and sheng da,
the super crap hip hopper cum negro wannabe. bth all his funny pattern. lol.
The Orphanage

not bad tho. think itz been such a long time since i last watch ghost movies & tried to cover my ears to prevent those BOOM BOOM from frightening me. lol.
show ended at 3.35am.
me, charis, shengda & junhao den catched a cabbie home.
in the 1st place my area supposed to be the last destination among us.
but bcoz of the receipt, dunno when we gonna meet again tho,
so they changed, im the 1st one to get home! yeaH~ lol.
free cab somemore. bcoz. shhh.
all guys & girls are friendly peepz o. thankx lotz.
and thankx polar for treats.
dun alwaez like that la. abo i dun dare to go out with u liao. lol.

aniwae im now using this mouse. polar lent me de. cooL~
finally a proper mouse. not used to it tho. will de ba.
hmmm. itz 6.47am now. i better turn in le.
tomoro gonna sleeeep til late late.
recharge my energy.

lol with the half black half gold hair seh.
that was so 'cartoon'. so i asked if he can draw me a better piece.

hey. not bad eh. drawn using the 'pen device' or wat de. =)
he still told me that my lips he drawn looked messy coz he was laughing. =.= LOL
i was browsing Facebook. and came across this photo. which shocked me.

WTF? is that ME?! this girl looks like me without my make-up sia!
somemore in this pic her hair looks sorta goldish black eH?
wahliao! my long lost twin sister i never knew??
heard from people saying that in this world there'll be 7 people who looks like U!
im not sure. i dont get a chance to view her profile & other pics tho.
slept for 'bout 3 hours waking up at 10am.
11am. went over to my next door malay neighbour's house.
their newborn baby girl 'full month' celebration.

my neighbour's sister's baby boy! SO CUTE LAA!!!!

looks so 'ang moh' de. fair fair. big big eyes. hardly cry. anyone can carry o!

when's gonna be my turn to hav my own.... LOL!
haiyo! still long. xD
their culture different. my 1st time experiencing.
baby full month celebration. they gonna chant.
it lasted for 2 hours. we just sat there. endured our hunger. lol
altho my neighbour asked us to eat 1st. but. we wanna show respect. so wait lo.

about 2 plus. i returned home.
showered. prepared. dolled up.

my 1st time wearing this kinda kookoo socks. lol.
met up polar at harbourfront. at 'bout 5+pm.
his frens joined later. one by one. hello hello hello~
made many new frens in a day o.
headed to Chinatown.
had our dinner at these indian buffet restaurant. "Annalashmi".
most of the dishes are spicy de. so i aimed those without curry or chilli.

not bad tho. juz the rice & the keropok. really not bad. lol.
itz ok polar. dun feel bad. everything must try ma.
hey guys. somemore this restaurant, buffet. u ate liao. pay any amount u want!
"Eat what you like. Give as you feel. We believe in you & trust you"
thatz their motto!
after that we headed to Orchard.
movies. so packed down at orchard tonite wor. movies, lotz sold out le.
so we catched the movie, The Orphanage @ 1.40am.
it was only about 9+pm we shopped & slacked. kill time.
they played pool @ level 8, K-Pool.

the super crap hip hopper cum negro wannabe. bth all his funny pattern. lol.
The Orphanage
not bad tho. think itz been such a long time since i last watch ghost movies & tried to cover my ears to prevent those BOOM BOOM from frightening me. lol.
show ended at 3.35am.
me, charis, shengda & junhao den catched a cabbie home.
in the 1st place my area supposed to be the last destination among us.
but bcoz of the receipt, dunno when we gonna meet again tho,
so they changed, im the 1st one to get home! yeaH~ lol.
free cab somemore. bcoz. shhh.
all guys & girls are friendly peepz o. thankx lotz.
and thankx polar for treats.
dun alwaez like that la. abo i dun dare to go out with u liao. lol.

aniwae im now using this mouse. polar lent me de. cooL~
finally a proper mouse. not used to it tho. will de ba.
hmmm. itz 6.47am now. i better turn in le.
tomoro gonna sleeeep til late late.
recharge my energy.