Monday 17 March 08
my eldest bro drove the ladies to aloha Changi at 2+pm.
[me, mummy, my aunt, erika, & auntie Jean]
alighted at our booked chalet unit. while they waited there,
my bro drove me to the reception for check-in.
Cranwell Bungalow 2

now let me explore & introduce the areas....
BBQ Pit area
when u enter from the main door....
big eh???
Living room
near the kitchen....
Room 4
the corridor..
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
BIG EH? yea. 4 rooms. so spacious. @ S$70 per night. not bad ba.
i den walked around with the Inventory list. checking at items. etc.
tired. i rested on the bed awhile.
shag. wOot~ i got sideburn seh. lol.
i stood like a gangster. lol.
at abt 5pm. uncle (姑丈) & aunt (姑姑) came.
my aunt cooked "joot bi png".
her trademark 罗米饭 beri nice de lo!
soon after, papa arrived with my 'zhong eh' uncle jimmy (lol) & louis.
they brought fried 'ngoh hiong'.
it seems more like a Potluck & BBQ party.
so nice eh.... family chalet with people bringing foods & stuffs. =)
da folks chit chatting.
papa posed for my snap xD
while the girls here slacked in kitchen
den i spotted something...
OMG!!! Death Note L's name!!!
the font exactly the same o.... so coincident... her name Louis. "L" oso...
a snap. in the loo. xD
uncle Ricky came. he's in charge of the BBQ stuffs.
he prepared all the raw food.
and he made this!
louis later started the fire.

see my cute aunt, her face. xP

me & erika
Satay man! lol
louis & uncle jimmy. with aunt & mum behind 'em.
later, i made Chocolate Fondue. learnt from my Lord adrianO de.

my aunt, sis-in-law & erika said itz yummy o!
eat it with marshmallow. or even fruits!
my eldest bro came with my sis-in-law & niece, elder sis, & cousin sis.
my korkor came with his gf.
den uncle jimmy & mummy's frens also came.
rojak prepared by ricky.
the BBQ stuffs.
chicken chops, pork chops, prawns, 3-layered pork meat, you tiao, chicken wings, sotongs, fish, fish balls, and more!

i seldom stand at the pit to bbq & eat de lo...
i even helped with 'refilling' charcoals. so hardworking. 难得。。 xD
see... dirty my own hands. hEex.
da folks sitting outside the chalet on the grass patch looking at one direction.
what are they looking at?!
we all played
!!!! lol
uncle ricky vs my aunt
long time nv play le.
i tink almost 70% of the people there played. at least a few hits. lol.
uncle jimmy, papa, mummy, those uncles, also played. xDD
took turns. funny la. i had lotza fun playing that.
especially when versus louis. we played til dun feel like running.
so my aunt suggested us to cooperate.
me & louis. 20 hits. cannot let the shuttlecock land on ground.
if land on ground, counts will reset. O_O
we tried n tried. cannot 20 la! 10 oredi not easy. lol!
laughed & laughed lo! den my aunt set it to 10 hits.
we tried to be calm. 1..2..3.. until 8, i shouted at louis, "dun 9 hits liao u drop hor!"
instead, after i shouted, i missed my hit. muahaha! she was like GRRR! LOL~
i lauhed til squat down lo...
she ask me laughed finish den continue. abo wait i miss. lol.
den finally we managed to hit 10! that last hit was mine. i smack it at her!
she thought the counts haven finish, she "OI!!!" lol.!!!! xDDD
was catching my breath. *pant pant*
felt good. perspiring. long time no exercise le! =)
and my face alwaez turns red after exercise.
exhausted face. =.=
10+pm. Mahjong time.

i set up the mahjong thingy in the masterbedroom. coz got air-con. xD
beri spacious o. can open one more table.
im with my ''beginner's luck" again. we played 20/40 cents.
won S$17. the only winner i tink. ^-^
me after shower.
[with my primary skool "adopt-a-park" shirt. xD]
mummy they all played dai-dee.

so i slacked around. louis lent me her lappy. she got the internet device o!
4+am go out to living room. only to see uncle jimmy & louis sitting there.
so mummy & i accompanied them.
i hungry. went to the kitchen hunt for food. xD
[there got microwave o. so useful!]
louis wearing my The Rock's shirt. lol~
she 1st time wear til like that. xD so baggy. LOL.
she didnt intend to stayover de. but mummy & i asked them to.
so they did. steady o! den my sis brought my shirts for her to change.
we turned in at 5.30am. i was soooo tired. really.
i slept with lights on. coz. off light. too dark. =.=
Tuesday 18 March 08
early morning. my hp rang & rang. was my alarm. forgot to switched off.
i didnt hear it lo. until my mum woke me up.
even my aunt at corridor can hear my alarm lo. lol.
i cancel my alarm. went back to sleep.
waking up at 11am.
red red eyes. hair went inside. =.=
i tried to take it out with my finger. touched my eyeball many times. still cant.
breakfast. ate last nite's leftovers.
they den requested to play card games. with me, as dealer.

i brought my 'treasure briefcase' there lo. with the chips & green felt.
as requested by them de. xD
we played Baccarat & Blackjack. with casino standard rules of coz.
mummy was my banker. hee..
i won $4 nia. lol. plus extra $5 tips from my aunt. =)
i caught mummy looking out the window here. EMO xD
we started the 2nd nite BBQ in the late afternoon. cant wait le.

our group photos. funny eh? xDD
the 2nd pic, my aunt asked us all to jump upon snap.
but only auntie jean & sis-in-law jumped. me & louis laughed n laughed. xD
national day ar?! =.="
on 2nd day not many came. only family nia. and uncle ricky.
i was really sian-ed. no mahjong kakiz.
so i jio my niece play. lol. with my sis-in-law & erika.
played Donkey. Snap (not that fun). and heart attack!
she's da Donkey!
my niece didnt wana played heart attack. so asked my korkor to join.
wahliao he smacked real hard lo! even the table will move seh!
we played til stand up lo. wan hit hard hard. revenge. xD
see erika's hand. red red le.
me also kena. my left hand. my korkor & dasao oso. lol.
she sha sha de. 1st time heart attack so happy. den she wan revenge smack hard hard, we all siam, she smacked her own hand. real hard. LOL!!! xDD
last minute. my parents decided to go home sleep instead of staying over for the night & to wake up early in the morning to check out at 9.30am.
we left the place at about 10.30pm. shag.
this is a gift brought back from japan by my aunt.
cutest makan gift.

the japanese mochi. i l0ve it!
Wednesday 19 March 08 (Today)
woke up at 3.45pm today.
me, mummy, daddy, my aunt & erika went to Northpoint.
foot massage.

whoa! itz 'gan' PAIN lo!
i was so cool. no response. watched tv. but deep inside. SIBEI TIAH!
the guy still can tell me, "wan harder or not? u dun seem to feel any pain"
=.= i told him "NONono please. im enduring." -_-
after that. we had our dinner at the food court.
and thatz all for today!
my eldest bro drove the ladies to aloha Changi at 2+pm.
[me, mummy, my aunt, erika, & auntie Jean]
alighted at our booked chalet unit. while they waited there,
my bro drove me to the reception for check-in.
Cranwell Bungalow 2

now let me explore & introduce the areas....

when u enter from the main door....

near the kitchen....

BIG EH? yea. 4 rooms. so spacious. @ S$70 per night. not bad ba.
i den walked around with the Inventory list. checking at items. etc.
tired. i rested on the bed awhile.

at abt 5pm. uncle (姑丈) & aunt (姑姑) came.
my aunt cooked "joot bi png".

soon after, papa arrived with my 'zhong eh' uncle jimmy (lol) & louis.
they brought fried 'ngoh hiong'.

it seems more like a Potluck & BBQ party.
so nice eh.... family chalet with people bringing foods & stuffs. =)

den i spotted something...

the font exactly the same o.... so coincident... her name Louis. "L" oso...

uncle Ricky came. he's in charge of the BBQ stuffs.

louis later started the fire.

later, i made Chocolate Fondue. learnt from my Lord adrianO de.

my aunt, sis-in-law & erika said itz yummy o!

my eldest bro came with my sis-in-law & niece, elder sis, & cousin sis.
my korkor came with his gf.
den uncle jimmy & mummy's frens also came.

chicken chops, pork chops, prawns, 3-layered pork meat, you tiao, chicken wings, sotongs, fish, fish balls, and more!

i seldom stand at the pit to bbq & eat de lo...
i even helped with 'refilling' charcoals. so hardworking. 难得。。 xD

da folks sitting outside the chalet on the grass patch looking at one direction.

we all played

long time nv play le.
i tink almost 70% of the people there played. at least a few hits. lol.
uncle jimmy, papa, mummy, those uncles, also played. xDD
took turns. funny la. i had lotza fun playing that.
especially when versus louis. we played til dun feel like running.
so my aunt suggested us to cooperate.
me & louis. 20 hits. cannot let the shuttlecock land on ground.
if land on ground, counts will reset. O_O
we tried n tried. cannot 20 la! 10 oredi not easy. lol!
laughed & laughed lo! den my aunt set it to 10 hits.
we tried to be calm. 1..2..3.. until 8, i shouted at louis, "dun 9 hits liao u drop hor!"
instead, after i shouted, i missed my hit. muahaha! she was like GRRR! LOL~
i lauhed til squat down lo...
she ask me laughed finish den continue. abo wait i miss. lol.
den finally we managed to hit 10! that last hit was mine. i smack it at her!
she thought the counts haven finish, she "OI!!!" lol.!!!! xDDD
was catching my breath. *pant pant*
felt good. perspiring. long time no exercise le! =)
and my face alwaez turns red after exercise.

10+pm. Mahjong time.
i set up the mahjong thingy in the masterbedroom. coz got air-con. xD
beri spacious o. can open one more table.
im with my ''beginner's luck" again. we played 20/40 cents.
won S$17. the only winner i tink. ^-^
[with my primary skool "adopt-a-park" shirt. xD]
mummy they all played dai-dee.
so i slacked around. louis lent me her lappy. she got the internet device o!
4+am go out to living room. only to see uncle jimmy & louis sitting there.
so mummy & i accompanied them.
i hungry. went to the kitchen hunt for food. xD
[there got microwave o. so useful!]
she 1st time wear til like that. xD so baggy. LOL.
she didnt intend to stayover de. but mummy & i asked them to.
so they did. steady o! den my sis brought my shirts for her to change.
we turned in at 5.30am. i was soooo tired. really.
i slept with lights on. coz. off light. too dark. =.=
Tuesday 18 March 08
early morning. my hp rang & rang. was my alarm. forgot to switched off.
i didnt hear it lo. until my mum woke me up.
even my aunt at corridor can hear my alarm lo. lol.
i cancel my alarm. went back to sleep.
waking up at 11am.
i tried to take it out with my finger. touched my eyeball many times. still cant.
they den requested to play card games. with me, as dealer.
i brought my 'treasure briefcase' there lo. with the chips & green felt.
as requested by them de. xD
we played Baccarat & Blackjack. with casino standard rules of coz.
mummy was my banker. hee..
i won $4 nia. lol. plus extra $5 tips from my aunt. =)
we started the 2nd nite BBQ in the late afternoon. cant wait le.
our group photos. funny eh? xDD
the 2nd pic, my aunt asked us all to jump upon snap.
but only auntie jean & sis-in-law jumped. me & louis laughed n laughed. xD
on 2nd day not many came. only family nia. and uncle ricky.
i was really sian-ed. no mahjong kakiz.
so i jio my niece play. lol. with my sis-in-law & erika.
played Donkey. Snap (not that fun). and heart attack!
my niece didnt wana played heart attack. so asked my korkor to join.
wahliao he smacked real hard lo! even the table will move seh!
we played til stand up lo. wan hit hard hard. revenge. xD
me also kena. my left hand. my korkor & dasao oso. lol.
she sha sha de. 1st time heart attack so happy. den she wan revenge smack hard hard, we all siam, she smacked her own hand. real hard. LOL!!! xDD
last minute. my parents decided to go home sleep instead of staying over for the night & to wake up early in the morning to check out at 9.30am.
we left the place at about 10.30pm. shag.
this is a gift brought back from japan by my aunt.

the japanese mochi. i l0ve it!
Wednesday 19 March 08 (Today)
woke up at 3.45pm today.
me, mummy, daddy, my aunt & erika went to Northpoint.
foot massage.

whoa! itz 'gan' PAIN lo!
i was so cool. no response. watched tv. but deep inside. SIBEI TIAH!
the guy still can tell me, "wan harder or not? u dun seem to feel any pain"
=.= i told him "NONono please. im enduring." -_-
after that. we had our dinner at the food court.

and thatz all for today!