these 2 days, i was woken up by ziyu's morning call.
this charbo.......
yesterday morning she called me.
"eh u havent wake up ar?? wake up leh.. i playing cz now.. were killed many times... come help me leh.... accompany me play..."
i woke up, freshened up, and started cz-ing with my sleepy look. =.=Zzzz
funny la. she started using microphone in cz.
that time she shouted "全部回来! 全部回来! (fall back! fall back!)"
SO FUNNY la.... lol~ i kept laughing while playing xD
this morning she called me.
asked me go LAN gaming after she knocked off from work.
she said to meet 4pm at Northpoint.
later she postponed to 4.30pm coz her bus came late.
at 4.16pm. she smsed me "i reachin liao.."
i quickly shut down my lappy and took feeder bus down.
when i jus alighted the bus. she called.
ziyu: "where u"
me: "i juz reach northpoint"
ziyu: "i juz got home hahaha"
me: "wah juz now u sms me say u reaching liao, kns"
ziyu: "i meant, i reaching home."
-____-" like that oso can. macam i can read her mind thru her sms. T_T
den she actually wanted to cook my favourite cream of mushroom soup for me.
but she realised she got no tuperware or plastic container to bring it. lol!
in the end i met up with her at Chambers, 5pm.
she bought sandwiches & cream of mushroom soup from the nearby stall.
not bad o~
and she oso bought these pinky tidbits for me.
lol~ really pinky.
but i told her altho i love pink stuffs. but...... not food la~ lOL~
i prefer chocolate more den strawberry =\
nvm la~ i really appreciate your sincerity.
R u a replacement for my BF when he's not around? to take care of me? lol~
jus kiddin'. xP wait my BF kill me. lol~
we CZ-ed from 5pm to about 9pm.
lol this charbo play CZ, more excited than i do.
she shouted and scoldvulgarities de. FIERCE O_O
but made me laugh even more. xD
anyway, is World of Warcraft (WOW), Dota, really that FUN??
nowadays, most of the gamers in LAN shop play DOTA.
no one play CS lo....
really that fun meh? i tried WOW but i still prefer CS.
CS = more skilled game. ^^
mai siao siao~ xD
we waited damn looooong. for the bus. so i started snappin'.

this girl hor!
when i smile properly she do funny faces.
when i do funny face she smile properly.
see the center photo below. it made me LOL la hahaha~ she's so funny!!!

she's gonna strangle me next time when she sees this xP
aniway, i'm going to Malaysia tomoro.
will be back 2 days later......
my honey will be comin' to Singapore again. SOON. ^-^
this charbo.......
yesterday morning she called me.
"eh u havent wake up ar?? wake up leh.. i playing cz now.. were killed many times... come help me leh.... accompany me play..."
i woke up, freshened up, and started cz-ing with my sleepy look. =.=Zzzz
funny la. she started using microphone in cz.
that time she shouted "全部回来! 全部回来! (fall back! fall back!)"
SO FUNNY la.... lol~ i kept laughing while playing xD
this morning she called me.
asked me go LAN gaming after she knocked off from work.
she said to meet 4pm at Northpoint.
later she postponed to 4.30pm coz her bus came late.
at 4.16pm. she smsed me "i reachin liao.."
i quickly shut down my lappy and took feeder bus down.
when i jus alighted the bus. she called.
ziyu: "where u"
me: "i juz reach northpoint"
ziyu: "i juz got home hahaha"
me: "wah juz now u sms me say u reaching liao, kns"
ziyu: "i meant, i reaching home."
-____-" like that oso can. macam i can read her mind thru her sms. T_T
den she actually wanted to cook my favourite cream of mushroom soup for me.
but she realised she got no tuperware or plastic container to bring it. lol!
in the end i met up with her at Chambers, 5pm.
she bought sandwiches & cream of mushroom soup from the nearby stall.

and she oso bought these pinky tidbits for me.

but i told her altho i love pink stuffs. but...... not food la~ lOL~
i prefer chocolate more den strawberry =\
nvm la~ i really appreciate your sincerity.
R u a replacement for my BF when he's not around? to take care of me? lol~
jus kiddin'. xP wait my BF kill me. lol~
we CZ-ed from 5pm to about 9pm.
lol this charbo play CZ, more excited than i do.
she shouted and scold
but made me laugh even more. xD
anyway, is World of Warcraft (WOW), Dota, really that FUN??
nowadays, most of the gamers in LAN shop play DOTA.
no one play CS lo....
really that fun meh? i tried WOW but i still prefer CS.
CS = more skilled game. ^^
mai siao siao~ xD
we waited damn looooong. for the bus. so i started snappin'.

this girl hor!
when i smile properly she do funny faces.
when i do funny face she smile properly.
see the center photo below. it made me LOL la hahaha~ she's so funny!!!

she's gonna strangle me next time when she sees this xP
aniway, i'm going to Malaysia tomoro.
will be back 2 days later......
my honey will be comin' to Singapore again. SOON. ^-^