went to Chambers.
[i take-away makan to dine-in at Chambers. can play & eat ma ^^]
Mushroom soup, Parmesan Fillet, and a can of iced lemon tea = S$14.80

i was sooo hungry. couldnt wait for ziyu to arrive le.
so i went in to Chambers 1st. 5pm.
soon after, she arrived. and bought me this....
Pearl Milk Tea~!
she came with her BF 'Zhugong'. my 1st time LAN gaming with him.
we started playing CZ.
see.... ziyu bullied by her BF LOL!
her face so funny la!
we played til 7pm.
woooo... love is in the air~ lol
i captured a SHORT clip while walking back. i screamed she tickled me lol!
funny la the two of 'em. smack here n there.
den her 'zhugong' bully her. kicked her in the ass LMAO~!!
seeing them being so loving.... make me miss my honey more laa.....
but hope my honey wont KICK ME IN THE ASS lol~! i know he wont xP
on our way back........ walking along the road...
random snaps.
i went to shop at NorthPoint on my own.
i like to shop alone. coz no need to stress about people waiting for me.
can take my ooooown sweeet time xD
i shopped for TWO hours. in THREE shops.
believe it or not? lol.
but im happy.
i found n bought the things i've been looking for. ^-^
[i take-away makan to dine-in at Chambers. can play & eat ma ^^]
Mushroom soup, Parmesan Fillet, and a can of iced lemon tea = S$14.80

i was sooo hungry. couldnt wait for ziyu to arrive le.
so i went in to Chambers 1st. 5pm.
soon after, she arrived. and bought me this....

she came with her BF 'Zhugong'. my 1st time LAN gaming with him.
we started playing CZ.

her face so funny la!
we played til 7pm.

i captured a SHORT clip while walking back. i screamed she tickled me lol!
funny la the two of 'em. smack here n there.
den her 'zhugong' bully her. kicked her in the ass LMAO~!!
seeing them being so loving.... make me miss my honey more laa.....
but hope my honey wont KICK ME IN THE ASS lol~! i know he wont xP
on our way back........ walking along the road...

i went to shop at NorthPoint on my own.
i like to shop alone. coz no need to stress about people waiting for me.
can take my ooooown sweeet time xD
i shopped for TWO hours. in THREE shops.
believe it or not? lol.
but im happy.
i found n bought the things i've been looking for. ^-^