this afternoon shigong came to my house.
he needed help (so urgently) for his blog.
it was corrupted. he messed it up. lol =x
chose a better blog skin, edited font colors, alignment, information........
took about 2 hours to create his new blog template.
who saved your blog?? thanks to who???! RAIN. lol.....
hope he is liking it. =)
left my house at 5pm. went to mao's house along with sha.
tonight is mao's 21st birthday celebration!!
they all helped to carry down mao's party food and stuffs.
headed to the BBQ pit area near blk 111 there. itz a BBQ party~
it's the usual group of us. the 'hometown kias'. only weijie didnt come.
they. slacking around.
starting the fire.......

me with shigong (left) and teowkiat (right).

Left: yanhong, shigong, teowkiat.

mao preparing the bbq fire.....
From left: rain, yiyun, shigong, 'dunno who' and his wife. =P

Left: they waiting to play basketball. Right: shigong & sheng challenging. =.="

BBQ makan~
shigong's ''1st time'' bbq food for people o. =D
we enjoyed the food.... talk-cock...... listened to EMO songs...... (-_\\)
here comes mao's 2.5kg birthday cake. so big...
the birthday boy. and davier so cute. lol. (look at mao's reaction -_-" <-- lol)

there goes the Birthday song. followed by making wishes. blowing the candles.
watch this video i recorded. very laggy tho. i dunno how to set the ''fps''. =\

later when mao returned, chiang sabo him AGAIN.
smashing the cake from his forehead all the way back to his hair LOL!
<----- the most funniest photo!!!
*noticed the cake all went INTO his nose. LOL! kelian de mao. xD
mao revenged successfully. below are the VICTIMS!
sha & shigong.
chiang & teowkiat.
sheng & clement.
xiong & rain. so ugly lol!
teowkiat and me were the most INNOCENT ones.
we didnt sabo mao. only took photos and recorded videos.
but we also kena sabo. lol T_T
anyway thanks mao for being gentle enough on my nose. lol~
also needa thanks cindy for asking them not to sabo me. ^-^
i realised that they used the birthday cake to play around.
i think most of us didnt eat it. what a waste. so much leftover tho.
my parents came to fetch me home at 11.30pm.
mao hope u enjoyed yourself and like the shirt. =)
where is he now..........
what is he doing..........
who is he with.........
why havent i hear from him...........
how am i not to worry.............
he needed help (so urgently) for his blog.
it was corrupted. he messed it up. lol =x
chose a better blog skin, edited font colors, alignment, information........
took about 2 hours to create his new blog template.
who saved your blog?? thanks to who???! RAIN. lol.....
hope he is liking it. =)
left my house at 5pm. went to mao's house along with sha.
tonight is mao's 21st birthday celebration!!
they all helped to carry down mao's party food and stuffs.
headed to the BBQ pit area near blk 111 there. itz a BBQ party~
it's the usual group of us. the 'hometown kias'. only weijie didnt come.
starting the fire.......
me with shigong (left) and teowkiat (right).
Left: yanhong, shigong, teowkiat.
From left: rain, yiyun, shigong, 'dunno who' and his wife. =P
Left: they waiting to play basketball. Right: shigong & sheng challenging. =.="
we enjoyed the food.... talk-cock...... listened to EMO songs...... (-_\\)
the birthday boy. and davier so cute. lol. (look at mao's reaction -_-" <-- lol)
there goes the Birthday song. followed by making wishes. blowing the candles.
watch this video i recorded. very laggy tho. i dunno how to set the ''fps''. =\
later when mao returned, chiang sabo him AGAIN.
smashing the cake from his forehead all the way back to his hair LOL!
*noticed the cake all went INTO his nose. LOL! kelian de mao. xD
mao revenged successfully. below are the VICTIMS!
teowkiat and me were the most INNOCENT ones.
we didnt sabo mao. only took photos and recorded videos.
but we also kena sabo. lol T_T
anyway thanks mao for being gentle enough on my nose. lol~
also needa thanks cindy for asking them not to sabo me. ^-^
i realised that they used the birthday cake to play around.
i think most of us didnt eat it. what a waste. so much leftover tho.
my parents came to fetch me home at 11.30pm.
mao hope u enjoyed yourself and like the shirt. =)
where is he now..........
what is he doing..........
who is he with.........
why havent i hear from him...........
how am i not to worry.............