during work (freetime) played MSN games with mao. lol lame~
after work. my eldest bro drove me down to Causeway Point.
met up chiang & mao around 7pm.
went to catch a movie at 7.20pm.

nice comedy. itz funny! and meaningful too.
i love the way the prisoners danced. lol!
worth watching. BUT. only for 18 years old and above.
RATED M18. not R18 =P
had dinner at Food Republic after the show.
i didnt eat tho. wasnt hungry.
after makan, home sweet home.
thanks chiang for sending me home.
anyway dun alwaez like that. wait becomes habit how?
maybe i should really start to forbid u from sending me home le.
im a big big girl. in a big big world. i am independent.
last but not least. before i turn in.
an emo poem. from an emo girl.
why would most guys be so 'ji hong'...
why would good friends ever compare me to other girls...
compared and shoved hurtful remarks in my face.
breaking my heart silently.
losing all my self-esteem.
it hurts so badly.
my own self-esteem & self confidence were already very low.
i've been trying to build up my own.
but their words were like bullets. breaking me into pieces.
why cant i be MYSELF.
why would people compare me with other girls.
yea. many girls have got sexy legs, hot body, big boobs, pretty face.
i know none of those credits to me.
but i have a crystal heart. who knows? NO ONE does.
they just judge me from the outside.
and im alwayz at the losing edge.
i'll alwayz lose. for sure.
im slowly fading.
my shadows are hiding away.
i hate the public. i feel kinda embarrassed.
facing the public, will only demoralise myself.
i never knew i was this imperfect til this extent.
dun worry. i aint angry at all.
but it just made me hate myself more...
words said cant be unsaid. broken hearts cant be unbroken.
just a few words could pull me down. look at how weak i am.
itz ok. i will build up myself again.
today i suddenly miss someone so much...
is he thinking of me tOo...?
after work. my eldest bro drove me down to Causeway Point.
met up chiang & mao around 7pm.
went to catch a movie at 7.20pm.
nice comedy. itz funny! and meaningful too.
i love the way the prisoners danced. lol!
worth watching. BUT. only for 18 years old and above.
RATED M18. not R18 =P
had dinner at Food Republic after the show.
i didnt eat tho. wasnt hungry.
after makan, home sweet home.
thanks chiang for sending me home.
anyway dun alwaez like that. wait becomes habit how?
maybe i should really start to forbid u from sending me home le.
im a big big girl. in a big big world. i am independent.
last but not least. before i turn in.
an emo poem. from an emo girl.
why would most guys be so 'ji hong'...
why would good friends ever compare me to other girls...
compared and shoved hurtful remarks in my face.
breaking my heart silently.
losing all my self-esteem.
it hurts so badly.
my own self-esteem & self confidence were already very low.
i've been trying to build up my own.
but their words were like bullets. breaking me into pieces.
why cant i be MYSELF.
why would people compare me with other girls.
yea. many girls have got sexy legs, hot body, big boobs, pretty face.
i know none of those credits to me.
but i have a crystal heart. who knows? NO ONE does.
they just judge me from the outside.
and im alwayz at the losing edge.
i'll alwayz lose. for sure.
im slowly fading.
my shadows are hiding away.
i hate the public. i feel kinda embarrassed.
facing the public, will only demoralise myself.
i never knew i was this imperfect til this extent.
dun worry. i aint angry at all.
but it just made me hate myself more...
words said cant be unsaid. broken hearts cant be unbroken.
just a few words could pull me down. look at how weak i am.
itz ok. i will build up myself again.
today i suddenly miss someone so much...
is he thinking of me tOo...?