~* Happy Birthday to Wilfred, Chun Ru, Sam (ICG), and Myself! *~
this morning accompanied my dad to the hospital again.
and then went to fetch my mum.
and had our lunch at......
River Garden, @ River View Hotel.
we used our 2 complimentary vouchers. for these two dishes.
Bak Kut Teh & Nasi Lemak.

[hey everyone out there. if you were to dine there, ask for the River View membership form to fill up for the FREE membership. which will be sent to you by post about 2 weeks later, with a complimentary voucher for either Bak Kut Teh or Nasi Lemak. worthy yea?]
my mum ordered this Club Sandwiches.
after our main dishes, my parents ordered these desserts.
Ice Kachang & Banana Split.

they gave us so many cherries upon request for 'more'. xD
after lunch, my dad sent me & my mum home.
my doggie marco~
at night, my family bought me a birthday cake.
Strawberry Shortcake from Four Leaves.

i dont like strawberries, but i like it's Four Leaves cream used on the cake.
it really melts in your mouth!
lol funny la this snap (bottom left).
after they finished singing the birthday song i just *SNAP*.
see, my sister-in-law's shocked face. lol~

*cut cut cut*
in my nightwear. xD

thanks for those people who sent me birthday wishes....
ziyu, Ajan, ah ong, lyte, jack, sandra, lyte, johanne, wilfred, jerene, jianming, lydia, may, etc.
some wished me in advance, some today.
and my only baby, wished me at the time of my birth time. =)
oh yea, an unexpected wish from that selfish cruel jerk tho. my ex.
forgiveness for always been cheating behind my back
& running away with other girl?
he did shit. i forgave once.
he took me for granted and cheated on me again & again.
same guy. cheated twice.
i would be stupid to forgive that shit and to be even friends.
with someone who's been so mean and heartless, cheating on me all those while.
i may be a forgiving person. but everyone has its own tolerance limits.
what does he treat me as? to play around, and come back to me.
and cheated on me again and ran away, and then asking to be friends again.
thanks. im not a TOY.
i know how afraid u r to face my parents. u're so afraid.
u better not even have the face to appear in front of me.
back off to your own heartless & selfish decision of life.
with your "so very understanding" mum, & another cruel bitch of yours
who came and said shit to me even after u ran away and i've gotten over u..
u should tell her i wont fall into her trap trying to hurt me, over a cheater like you.
anyway. yea. dont worry people. im still fine.
happy birthday to myself again.
another quiet birthday of mine tho.
good night!
this morning accompanied my dad to the hospital again.
and then went to fetch my mum.
and had our lunch at......
we used our 2 complimentary vouchers. for these two dishes.
Bak Kut Teh & Nasi Lemak.
[hey everyone out there. if you were to dine there, ask for the River View membership form to fill up for the FREE membership. which will be sent to you by post about 2 weeks later, with a complimentary voucher for either Bak Kut Teh or Nasi Lemak. worthy yea?]
after our main dishes, my parents ordered these desserts.
Ice Kachang & Banana Split.
they gave us so many cherries upon request for 'more'. xD
after lunch, my dad sent me & my mum home.
at night, my family bought me a birthday cake.
Strawberry Shortcake from Four Leaves.
i dont like strawberries, but i like it's Four Leaves cream used on the cake.
it really melts in your mouth!
lol funny la this snap (bottom left).
after they finished singing the birthday song i just *SNAP*.
see, my sister-in-law's shocked face. lol~
*cut cut cut*
thanks for those people who sent me birthday wishes....
ziyu, Ajan, ah ong, lyte, jack, sandra, lyte, johanne, wilfred, jerene, jianming, lydia, may, etc.
some wished me in advance, some today.
and my only baby, wished me at the time of my birth time. =)
oh yea, an unexpected wish from that selfish cruel jerk tho. my ex.
forgiveness for always been cheating behind my back
& running away with other girl?
he did shit. i forgave once.
he took me for granted and cheated on me again & again.
same guy. cheated twice.
i would be stupid to forgive that shit and to be even friends.
with someone who's been so mean and heartless, cheating on me all those while.
i may be a forgiving person. but everyone has its own tolerance limits.
what does he treat me as? to play around, and come back to me.
and cheated on me again and ran away, and then asking to be friends again.
thanks. im not a TOY.
i know how afraid u r to face my parents. u're so afraid.
u better not even have the face to appear in front of me.
back off to your own heartless & selfish decision of life.
with your "so very understanding" mum, & another cruel bitch of yours
who came and said shit to me even after u ran away and i've gotten over u..
u should tell her i wont fall into her trap trying to hurt me, over a cheater like you.
anyway. yea. dont worry people. im still fine.
happy birthday to myself again.
another quiet birthday of mine tho.
good night!