lotsa photos (from my Thailand trip) uploaded!
just wanna summarize them.
too many days of activities to remember.
i'll just let the pictures do the 'talking'.
21 September 09, Monday
snaps before leaving home.

my dad, eldest brother & sister sent my mum & i off to the airport.
had breakfast with my family before leaving home.
ate this at Terminal 1 basement food centre.
Route: Singapore - Bangkok
Flight No.: TG 404
Departure time: 12.25pm

flying with Thai Airways.
me and my mum's blur look.
food provided on the plane. lunchie~

beautiful clouds...

we finally arrived here after about 2 hours. "Hello Thailand!"

Ajan, Sangwan, Mr. Lyte and Mr. San came to fetch us.

they brought us to "Art & Crafts Centre" which i think its like a museum.
but by the time we arrived there, it's closed.
so we went to the nearby "Art & Crafts Village".

the shop owner showing us how those glass souvenirs are handmade.
he gave me this spare piece of glass heart. =)
Ajan bought lotsa glass souvenir displays from that shop for us.
sangwan & mummy~
ate this at Amazon Cafe at one of our stopovers.
not nice. =x
finally we arrived at our hotel in Bangkok.
it's Grand Diamond Suites Hotel.

yea. its really a junior suite room.
much bigger than those normal ones.
have a bedroom separated from the living/dining room.

isn't that cool? i love this hotel room.
and since it's quite cheap too.
S$103 for such a big room, its a reasonable price.
[of course through booking online luh... dont be kookoo enough to just walk-in to the hotel for rack rates =.="]

saw this Japanese restaurant along the street.

22 September 09, Tuesday
only staying in Bangkok for a night.
we're checking out.
gonna stay in Phetchaburi for the rest of the nights.

buffet breakfast at the hotel for about 400Baht (S$17) per pax.

beautiful clouds..... i just feel like eating them.
white candy flossss!
lol~ sangwan showed me what is this small tent used for.
had our dinner at MK Restaurant, Big C.

LOL~ funny glasses for sale!
sangwan, lyte, mummy.
23 September 09, Wednesday
me & mummy wore the same thingy~
went to Ajan's temple awhile.

then visited sangwan's house.
his baby's so cute!!!

her english name is Nicole. given by my mum. =)
here's the story....
sangwan & his wife were married for a year or two but haven't had any child.
my mum gave him some chocolates as gifts some time ago
and said to eat them and will help them to have baby.
and guess what, about a month later,
he called my mum so happily and said his wife is finally pregnant!
nicole sounds like 'nico'.
my mum's nickname is 'nini'.
and chocolates = cocoa.
nini + cocoa = nicole.
nice eh? hEex~
anybody wants the chocolates from my mum? lol.....

like father like daughter. see their smiles. =)


evening dessert time @ Swensen's.

so cheap. only S$2 per cup.

24 September 09, Thursday
breakfast at the motel.
lunch at Cha'am Beach.

nice beach eh..
a lil' boy selling magnet souvenirs.

LOL. H1N1 virus?
i thinking many people kept looking at me for looking like this.
sangwan sot lo. it's raining yet he brought us to this military park/museum.

partners? hmmm. lol.

politic speech? election? i'll elect for my mum. look at her. hahaa.

it's a wishing tree!

shopped a lil' at Premium Outlet.

at ajan's temple.
big kind doggie in the temple.
he eats almost everything (edible stuffs). lol.
had dinner at sangwan's place.
his wife and brother-in-law prepared dinner for us.
im touched by how they cooked so many non-spicy dishes just because of me.
as usually Thai loves to eat all spicy stuffs and almost all the dishes are spicy. =)

25 September 09, Friday
lyte planned to cook breakfast for us as he did promised he would.
people helping in the kitchen.

including mr. san, joke, ah keng, etc.
the cook of the day, lyte.
good job.
see this pretty bird, poor thing, it's hit by a car or something.
lyte found it laying on the road that morning & brought it back to the temple.
broken leg =(
she is a smart bird. she knows we arent trying to harm her. she never sturggle when we touch her.
monk novices in the temple preparing for exams,
and lil' students from other school came for english lessons.

tau suan~

at night they brought us to a KTV place as they thought i like to sing in those individual private rooms and not those open area bar, lounge, etc.

we got back to the hotel really late. around 3am. sooo tired.
26 September 09, Saturday
today ajan left Phetchaburi for Nong Khai already.

ice cream~
LOL~ doesn't this kookoo wig looks cute on me? haHahaa.

costs S$70. i didnt buy. so expensive....
if S$17 i'll buy. lol.
only S$0.85. crepe with 2 fillings.
i bought 3 sets of cute couple tees.
wonder if my baby will have the chance to wear them with me tho. =\
sangwan brought us to this place. "ah pa".
i love it. know why?
it's steamboat with teppanyaki (grilling).
and its freaking CHEAP.
it's like seoul garden kinda steamboat buffet,
but costs only about S$5.50 per pax. OMG!!

27 September 09, Sunday
my mum & the room maker in the motel.
were hungry so i dropped off and bought this pizza and ate it in the car.
nice yo. but not cheap.
luang phor Eh's temple.
luang phor Eh brought us to 2 other popular temples.

young girls selling ice cream.

a smart young girl selling cookies in the temple. she's cute.
but sad eh, in Thailand many people 'used' small kids to sell stuffs.

had dinner at sangwan's brother-in-law's food place. he's a cook.

love this saba.
tastes like japanese style Saba (fish).
28 September 09, Monday
breakfast at the motel.

sangwan brought us to Bangkok today~!
Central Plaza.
i'm happy that i bought new humour tees again! (at MBK centre).
i bought 2 for baby too. =P
japanese restaurant...

went to another temple in Bangkok to visit a monk my mum know of.
then saw this beautiful lighted temple neaby.

Tesco Lotus~
yea after i've been wanting so much to eat the fondue thingy,
finally we dined at Swensen's (again) on our last night in Thailand.

the chocolate fondue with ice cream & fruits always tempted me.
and because its cheap too (compared to Singapore's).
my mum & sangwan ate ice cream because i wanted to eat and its my treat but after we all finished our ice cream, we really felt like throwing up LOL.
29 September 09, Tuesday
our last day of our trip in Thailand.....
had our breakfast here.
saw these 2 cute squirrels.

arrived at the Bangkok airport after hours of driving.
goodbye Thailand.
sangwan departed us outside the airport.
we had a wonderful time having him with us everday to drive us around wherever we wanna go and help us buy whatever we want to eat. that's really alot of effort. it's not easy to drive all day and especially long journeys. thank you sangwan.
not forgetting to thank the rest who didnt send us off to the airport.
san & lyte, thanks for the companion and cooking.
and of course my Luang Phor (Ajan)...
who brought me and guided me to accomplish my dream.

Route: Bangkok - Singapre
Flight No.: TG 409
Departure time: 4.20pm.
beautiful clouds in the sky again...........
i just love looking at clouds and observing them.
sometimes u may even figure out some clouds may look like an object or person.

feel like diving into the clouds from above them. =D
u see that? it's heaven. =P
the sun shined above the sea of clouds...

my dad, eldest brother and sister came to fetch us from the airport.
home sweet home.
just wanna summarize them.
too many days of activities to remember.
i'll just let the pictures do the 'talking'.
21 September 09, Monday
snaps before leaving home.
my dad, eldest brother & sister sent my mum & i off to the airport.
had breakfast with my family before leaving home.
Route: Singapore - Bangkok
Flight No.: TG 404
Departure time: 12.25pm
flying with Thai Airways.
food provided on the plane. lunchie~
beautiful clouds...
we finally arrived here after about 2 hours. "Hello Thailand!"
Ajan, Sangwan, Mr. Lyte and Mr. San came to fetch us.
they brought us to "Art & Crafts Centre" which i think its like a museum.
but by the time we arrived there, it's closed.
so we went to the nearby "Art & Crafts Village".
the shop owner showing us how those glass souvenirs are handmade.
Ajan bought lotsa glass souvenir displays from that shop for us.
not nice. =x
finally we arrived at our hotel in Bangkok.
it's Grand Diamond Suites Hotel.
yea. its really a junior suite room.
much bigger than those normal ones.
have a bedroom separated from the living/dining room.
isn't that cool? i love this hotel room.
and since it's quite cheap too.
S$103 for such a big room, its a reasonable price.
[of course through booking online luh... dont be kookoo enough to just walk-in to the hotel for rack rates =.="]
22 September 09, Tuesday
only staying in Bangkok for a night.
we're checking out.
gonna stay in Phetchaburi for the rest of the nights.
buffet breakfast at the hotel for about 400Baht (S$17) per pax.
beautiful clouds..... i just feel like eating them.
lol~ sangwan showed me what is this small tent used for.
had our dinner at MK Restaurant, Big C.
LOL~ funny glasses for sale!
23 September 09, Wednesday
went to Ajan's temple awhile.
then visited sangwan's house.
his baby's so cute!!!
her english name is Nicole. given by my mum. =)
here's the story....
sangwan & his wife were married for a year or two but haven't had any child.
my mum gave him some chocolates as gifts some time ago
and said to eat them and will help them to have baby.
and guess what, about a month later,
he called my mum so happily and said his wife is finally pregnant!
nicole sounds like 'nico'.
my mum's nickname is 'nini'.
and chocolates = cocoa.
nini + cocoa = nicole.
nice eh? hEex~
anybody wants the chocolates from my mum? lol.....
like father like daughter. see their smiles. =)
evening dessert time @ Swensen's.
24 September 09, Thursday
lunch at Cha'am Beach.
a lil' boy selling magnet souvenirs.
i thinking many people kept looking at me for looking like this.
sangwan sot lo. it's raining yet he brought us to this military park/museum.
politic speech? election? i'll elect for my mum. look at her. hahaa.
it's a wishing tree!
shopped a lil' at Premium Outlet.
at ajan's temple.
he eats almost everything (edible stuffs). lol.
had dinner at sangwan's place.
his wife and brother-in-law prepared dinner for us.
im touched by how they cooked so many non-spicy dishes just because of me.
as usually Thai loves to eat all spicy stuffs and almost all the dishes are spicy. =)
25 September 09, Friday
lyte planned to cook breakfast for us as he did promised he would.
people helping in the kitchen.
including mr. san, joke, ah keng, etc.
the cook of the day, lyte.
see this pretty bird, poor thing, it's hit by a car or something.
lyte found it laying on the road that morning & brought it back to the temple.
she is a smart bird. she knows we arent trying to harm her. she never sturggle when we touch her.
monk novices in the temple preparing for exams,
and lil' students from other school came for english lessons.
tau suan~
at night they brought us to a KTV place as they thought i like to sing in those individual private rooms and not those open area bar, lounge, etc.
we got back to the hotel really late. around 3am. sooo tired.
26 September 09, Saturday
today ajan left Phetchaburi for Nong Khai already.
LOL~ doesn't this kookoo wig looks cute on me? haHahaa.
costs S$70. i didnt buy. so expensive....
if S$17 i'll buy. lol.
i bought 3 sets of cute couple tees.
wonder if my baby will have the chance to wear them with me tho. =\
sangwan brought us to this place. "ah pa".
it's steamboat with teppanyaki (grilling).
and its freaking CHEAP.
it's like seoul garden kinda steamboat buffet,
but costs only about S$5.50 per pax. OMG!!
27 September 09, Sunday
were hungry so i dropped off and bought this pizza and ate it in the car.
luang phor Eh brought us to 2 other popular temples.
young girls selling ice cream.
a smart young girl selling cookies in the temple. she's cute.
but sad eh, in Thailand many people 'used' small kids to sell stuffs.
had dinner at sangwan's brother-in-law's food place. he's a cook.
tastes like japanese style Saba (fish).
28 September 09, Monday
breakfast at the motel.
sangwan brought us to Bangkok today~!
i'm happy that i bought new humour tees again! (at MBK centre).
i bought 2 for baby too. =P
went to another temple in Bangkok to visit a monk my mum know of.
then saw this beautiful lighted temple neaby.
yea after i've been wanting so much to eat the fondue thingy,
finally we dined at Swensen's (again) on our last night in Thailand.
the chocolate fondue with ice cream & fruits always tempted me.
and because its cheap too (compared to Singapore's).
my mum & sangwan ate ice cream because i wanted to eat and its my treat but after we all finished our ice cream, we really felt like throwing up LOL.
29 September 09, Tuesday
our last day of our trip in Thailand.....
saw these 2 cute squirrels.
arrived at the Bangkok airport after hours of driving.
sangwan departed us outside the airport.
we had a wonderful time having him with us everday to drive us around wherever we wanna go and help us buy whatever we want to eat. that's really alot of effort. it's not easy to drive all day and especially long journeys. thank you sangwan.
not forgetting to thank the rest who didnt send us off to the airport.
san & lyte, thanks for the companion and cooking.
and of course my Luang Phor (Ajan)...
who brought me and guided me to accomplish my dream.
Route: Bangkok - Singapre
Flight No.: TG 409
Departure time: 4.20pm.
beautiful clouds in the sky again...........
i just love looking at clouds and observing them.
sometimes u may even figure out some clouds may look like an object or person.
feel like diving into the clouds from above them. =D
u see that? it's heaven. =P
the sun shined above the sea of clouds...
my dad, eldest brother and sister came to fetch us from the airport.
home sweet home.