morning + afternoon classes today.
zai brought this for us to share. Royce Choco!!! itz sooooo yummy o...

hm. during afternoon class.
small piecez of eraser parts kept flying to my table.. or kena me.
me kept turning around but everyone seems to be doing their own thingy.
-_-" i used my mirror & min's to get a reflection of da guyz behind.
whoz gonna be da culprit nehx....

this CaiGe wit his cheeky smile...
hez gonna be da culprit!! gotcha! hmphx! lolz....
we got back our business statistic test paper today.
caige's reaction when he juz got back his test paper.
n this is our BS lecturer, Mr Tan Chee Kian.
stood like a model seh. [sorrie mr tan. please dun sue me for this. >.<]
this pic was taken dayz ago.
notice a foot above min's head! omG~ toopid aaron. lol.
who is aaron?? this gangsta here.....
"hey you!!"
alrite. im heading to johor bahru lata.
u guyz beta wish me bac~
zai brought this for us to share. Royce Choco!!! itz sooooo yummy o...

hm. during afternoon class.
small piecez of eraser parts kept flying to my table.. or kena me.
me kept turning around but everyone seems to be doing their own thingy.
-_-" i used my mirror & min's to get a reflection of da guyz behind.
whoz gonna be da culprit nehx....

hez gonna be da culprit!! gotcha! hmphx! lolz....
we got back our business statistic test paper today.

stood like a model seh. [sorrie mr tan. please dun sue me for this. >.<]
notice a foot above min's head! omG~ toopid aaron. lol.
who is aaron?? this gangsta here.....

alrite. im heading to johor bahru lata.
u guyz beta wish me bac~