yeaH! one more wish striked off from my wishlist!!
woke up at 7am.
reached Harbourfront MRT station at 9.55am. [i wasnt late! lol]
met up ryan. his gf 'samantha'. aaron. min.
lata ah bao came.
da latecomerz are..... Edwin [caige] & Ron!
we had our breakfast at Food Republic, Vivo City.
after that, we bought some drinkz, bought da 'Sentosa Express' ticketz,
took da new Sentosa monorail into sentosa island!

[Ron was late 1 hour plus! we met him up at sentosa]
we then took da Sentosa tram to Siloso Beach.
we waiting for da tram.
we reached Siloso Beach at abt 11+am.

da sun is burning.
me & 'commando' Bao!
cai mei & cai ge.
min min & rain rain.
we played 'monkey catch ball' game.
lata, we play poker cardz.
those players who lose, will get forfeited. "rolling from da shore into da sea"!
a video of aaron'z forfeit!
a video of ryan's forfeit!

left: ryan right: aaron
min was forfeited. aaron dunno doin wat o! :X
we then played soccer on da sand... captain ball in da water!

caige posing...
BillaBong [rain] VS Roxy [min]. lol.
lata they started to throw us into da water! herez da video!
ryan being da 1st to be thrown into da sea!
me was thrown into da sea too!!
me was trying to get to da shore.
aaron tryin to grab min whoz holdin da camera.
n lastly, edwin was thrown into da sea!
[min min's part went missing]
this is our group photo!
a cut under my feet! pain pain.
lata we played poker gamez again.

min da loser. we buried her under da sand!
notice min min's face! 'dead coakcroach face'! lOlx!!

during sunset.. we played volleyball!
suddenly da rain poured! we all headed to da restroom. get changed.
my 1st time got sun-burnt!!!
my face is so red. so are theirz.
we all waiting for da Sentosa tram back.
this is da view from da 'Sentosa Express' station.
we took picz on da Sentosa Express. notice our red red reddish facez!!
caige. min. aaron.
ron. me. bao.
wat they doin?! stranggling me! lolx.
we went to Harbourfront Centre. ate Yoshinoya.
8+pm. took train home.
my sun burnz.... pain pain.... sobx.
legz are tired. tomoro schooling from 8-5pm!! shag~
woke up at 7am.
reached Harbourfront MRT station at 9.55am. [i wasnt late! lol]
met up ryan. his gf 'samantha'. aaron. min.
lata ah bao came.
da latecomerz are..... Edwin [caige] & Ron!
we had our breakfast at Food Republic, Vivo City.
after that, we bought some drinkz, bought da 'Sentosa Express' ticketz,
took da new Sentosa monorail into sentosa island!

[Ron was late 1 hour plus! we met him up at sentosa]
we then took da Sentosa tram to Siloso Beach.

we reached Siloso Beach at abt 11+am.

da sun is burning.

we played 'monkey catch ball' game.
lata, we play poker cardz.
those players who lose, will get forfeited. "rolling from da shore into da sea"!
a video of aaron'z forfeit!
a video of ryan's forfeit!

left: ryan right: aaron

we then played soccer on da sand... captain ball in da water!

lata they started to throw us into da water! herez da video!
ryan being da 1st to be thrown into da sea!
me was thrown into da sea too!!
me was trying to get to da shore.
aaron tryin to grab min whoz holdin da camera.
n lastly, edwin was thrown into da sea!
[min min's part went missing]

lata we played poker gamez again.

min da loser. we buried her under da sand!
notice min min's face! 'dead coakcroach face'! lOlx!!

suddenly da rain poured! we all headed to da restroom. get changed.
my 1st time got sun-burnt!!!

we took picz on da Sentosa Express. notice our red red reddish facez!!

we went to Harbourfront Centre. ate Yoshinoya.
8+pm. took train home.
my sun burnz.... pain pain.... sobx.
legz are tired. tomoro schooling from 8-5pm!! shag~