one wish, off from wishlist! yeaH~
had IT Lab lesson this morning.
we left at 10+am.
me. min. QQ. claire. bao. caige. ryan. ber. aaron. went to CCK Lot1.
had our breakfast/early lunch at da Food Junction.
after eating, we headed to da CCK Bus Interchange.
Bus 927 came at abt 1pm.
da bus journey was about 20mins to Mandai.
Singapore Zoological Garden!
purchased da tickets.
Admission + unlimited Tram ride = S$20/-
this is WE! at da main entrance!!

herez some photoz we took.

aaron the 'baboon'! keke.

they all looking so serious. watchin at Polarz!

yea. 'da tallest three'. XD
itz me with da lionz.

big big tortoise!
croco bite caige's @ss! claire is helpin out!
claire with 'meh meh'.
ryan feeding 'meh meh'.
rain with 'meh meh'.
aaron & me getting close to that creature~

now... look wat were caige & ber doing...... [below right].
after we took e above photoz... we walked further to find min & claire sitting on a bench. claire pointed out & said that there is something in da 'dark small cave' juz a distance away from us. me... caige.. n i dunno who else is behind us... walked towardz da small cave. den suddenly.. "Rraarrrr!!!!" ah bao & ryan dashed out of da small. lolx! yea they succeeded... we realli got a shock!! ggrrr.... heExx.. juz a waste we did not record down that moment.
in da tram!
in da loo loo~
bao ah bao..... watz on his mind... hEex.
we went to da main Souvenior Shop.
i love this pic!! we're under da luminous light!
min min took this one for me. lolx.
me & min.
our group photoz outside da souvenior shop.
freestyle again!
we left at about 6+pm. took cab home with claire. thanx claire.

we walked alot lot todae! went to many many places.
saw many many kinda animals. took a total of 104 photoz!!
notice that there'z not much photoz of animalz here?!
tho not all were uploaded in here......
i've uploaded them ALL in [[Rain's Photo Palace - Spore Zoo]]
hey gUyz! thanx for todae. for 'entertaining' me. accomplishing my wishes one by one. being so 'steady'. lOlx! i enjoyed. hope u guyz did too! love ya. *hUgGiez*
had IT Lab lesson this morning.
we left at 10+am.
me. min. QQ. claire. bao. caige. ryan. ber. aaron. went to CCK Lot1.
had our breakfast/early lunch at da Food Junction.
after eating, we headed to da CCK Bus Interchange.
Bus 927 came at abt 1pm.
da bus journey was about 20mins to Mandai.
Singapore Zoological Garden!
purchased da tickets.
this is WE! at da main entrance!!
herez some photoz we took.

now... look wat were caige & ber doing...... [below right].

after we took e above photoz... we walked further to find min & claire sitting on a bench. claire pointed out & said that there is something in da 'dark small cave' juz a distance away from us. me... caige.. n i dunno who else is behind us... walked towardz da small cave. den suddenly.. "Rraarrrr!!!!" ah bao & ryan dashed out of da small. lolx! yea they succeeded... we realli got a shock!! ggrrr.... heExx.. juz a waste we did not record down that moment.

we went to da main Souvenior Shop.

our group photoz outside da souvenior shop.
we left at about 6+pm. took cab home with claire. thanx claire.

we walked alot lot todae! went to many many places.
saw many many kinda animals. took a total of 104 photoz!!
notice that there'z not much photoz of animalz here?!
tho not all were uploaded in here......
i've uploaded them ALL in [[Rain's Photo Palace - Spore Zoo]]
hey gUyz! thanx for todae. for 'entertaining' me. accomplishing my wishes one by one. being so 'steady'. lOlx! i enjoyed. hope u guyz did too! love ya. *hUgGiez*