this morning headed to skool.
met up jace, gary, chang le & xiong @ ang mo kio.
vik was a lil' late. couldnt catch the 9.30am bus.
we waited for vik & let the bus went off. lol. thatz 'friends' man...... =)
we den catched the 10am bus.
reached skool. DSE. some of them continued their 'tests'.
ben & siwei also came. roy & sumann were late. but they did turn up.
xiong was dealing roulette with another guy.
that mysterious guy smiled n waved at me. i smiled n waved back. tho i find him sooo familiar, but i was thinking that maybe he's just one of the students i see in skool. so... didnt give a 2nd thot bout it.
siwei visited my blog in skool. he & jace spotted something...
my end of blog post wrote "itz 2.04am now le.... Zzz..." but the time stamped for the post is "11.52pm". not i lying nah.... i changed the time stamp coz im bloggin for 14Aug. if i let the time be "1.00am", the date of that post will be changed to 15Aug. thatz why....
1.25pm. me & xiong left skool. catched the 1.30pm shuttle bus back to amk.
took train back to yishun. met up nic there. no one was late. gOod!
xiong told about how much he likes the sushi at Sushi Deli inside NorthPoint.
which made me feel like eating it too. so da 3 of us went to buy.
i bought 5. nic bought 3? xiong bought 11!! wah he so zai. lol.
seeing nic carrying his 11 pounds bowling ball, somemore the weather were so hot.. we took bus 812 to Yishun Safra instead of walking...
reached bowling alley. not packed. good............
we bowled for 3 games each.
i entered their names for them [below]...
Nicholas Tron. Garrence Prime. Bumble Rain. lol!!
was enjoying my sushi while playing bowling o....
yum yum~ my favourites kinda sushi.
i snapped some pics here.
xiong's baby ball style. xD
xiong so funny la!
i lifted up his '9 pounds' ball, it'z so light. compared to my 10 pounds ball.
den i told nic.
rain: "eh... da bowling balls hor.. 9 pounds & 10 pounds de... weight difference sooo big o... or izzit xiong using 6 pounds ball?!"
nic: "no la... 9 and 10 pounds balls not much difference de... xiong is using 9 pounds one nah....."
rain: "but his ball is so light nor. can take with one hand & throw at people lo..."
nic: "lol. wah u so powerful mah?!"
rain: "not i powerful. is the ball very light lo..."
later nic tried lifting up xiong's ball. "wah. why ya ball so light de?? u using 6 pounds ar?!?!" rain: "lol! see... i told ya....... xD". and the funnier thing is that da way xiong threw that 6 pounds ball is majiam like the ball is so heavy nor!!! lol... we asked him to change that ball. lOlx!
herez the recorded scorez of our 9 games....
round 1: Nic 138 / Xiong 80 / Rain 80
round 2: Nic 115 / Xiong 90 / Rain 109
round 3: Nic 138 / Xiong 87 / Rain 133
lol. i had fun. nic is good. xiong is... ke lian. we kept laughin at him nah. lol.
i cant stop laughin when he gives that kinda sooo 'sian diao' face nor...
finished our bowling session.
walked back to North Point. ate KFC! finger licking good~
we ate. chatted. laughed. talked about ghosts. pranks in lift. etc. lol
was so cold at KFC. i caught a cold. *sneeze sneeze*
we den left the place.
went to Funland arcade at Golden Village.
dun have the Bishi Bashi game we wanna play de.
but saw initial d. hEex. they asked me to play if i feel like playin. itz so cheap there o. 50cents/game. same as Jurong Point de.
i played alone. as they watched by. keke.
we den go Starbucks. chilled out there. [saw Sani there].
i ordered my favourite....
Choco Cream Chip. Venti size.
xiong. a candid snap. but turned out nice. =)
nic. he likes sour stuffz. =]
we chit chat. laughed. alot. cooL~ [tho i kept sneezing]
got home around 10pm.
da things i saw in yahoo! auction, korkor bought for me le.....
this pinkie small hand pouch...
and a funny cute shirt.
im da new chairperson of AJFC. cooL yea?? ^-^
hmm. im still in the state of self torture.
met up jace, gary, chang le & xiong @ ang mo kio.
vik was a lil' late. couldnt catch the 9.30am bus.
we waited for vik & let the bus went off. lol. thatz 'friends' man...... =)
we den catched the 10am bus.
reached skool. DSE. some of them continued their 'tests'.
ben & siwei also came. roy & sumann were late. but they did turn up.
xiong was dealing roulette with another guy.
that mysterious guy smiled n waved at me. i smiled n waved back. tho i find him sooo familiar, but i was thinking that maybe he's just one of the students i see in skool. so... didnt give a 2nd thot bout it.
siwei visited my blog in skool. he & jace spotted something...
my end of blog post wrote "itz 2.04am now le.... Zzz..." but the time stamped for the post is "11.52pm". not i lying nah.... i changed the time stamp coz im bloggin for 14Aug. if i let the time be "1.00am", the date of that post will be changed to 15Aug. thatz why....
1.25pm. me & xiong left skool. catched the 1.30pm shuttle bus back to amk.
took train back to yishun. met up nic there. no one was late. gOod!
xiong told about how much he likes the sushi at Sushi Deli inside NorthPoint.
which made me feel like eating it too. so da 3 of us went to buy.
i bought 5. nic bought 3? xiong bought 11!! wah he so zai. lol.
seeing nic carrying his 11 pounds bowling ball, somemore the weather were so hot.. we took bus 812 to Yishun Safra instead of walking...
reached bowling alley. not packed. good............
we bowled for 3 games each.
i entered their names for them [below]...

was enjoying my sushi while playing bowling o....

i snapped some pics here.

xiong so funny la!
i lifted up his '9 pounds' ball, it'z so light. compared to my 10 pounds ball.
den i told nic.
rain: "eh... da bowling balls hor.. 9 pounds & 10 pounds de... weight difference sooo big o... or izzit xiong using 6 pounds ball?!"
nic: "no la... 9 and 10 pounds balls not much difference de... xiong is using 9 pounds one nah....."
rain: "but his ball is so light nor. can take with one hand & throw at people lo..."
nic: "lol. wah u so powerful mah?!"
rain: "not i powerful. is the ball very light lo..."
later nic tried lifting up xiong's ball. "wah. why ya ball so light de?? u using 6 pounds ar?!?!" rain: "lol! see... i told ya....... xD". and the funnier thing is that da way xiong threw that 6 pounds ball is majiam like the ball is so heavy nor!!! lol... we asked him to change that ball. lOlx!
herez the recorded scorez of our 9 games....
round 1: Nic 138 / Xiong 80 / Rain 80
round 2: Nic 115 / Xiong 90 / Rain 109
round 3: Nic 138 / Xiong 87 / Rain 133
lol. i had fun. nic is good. xiong is... ke lian. we kept laughin at him nah. lol.
i cant stop laughin when he gives that kinda sooo 'sian diao' face nor...
finished our bowling session.
walked back to North Point. ate KFC! finger licking good~
we ate. chatted. laughed. talked about ghosts. pranks in lift. etc. lol
was so cold at KFC. i caught a cold. *sneeze sneeze*
we den left the place.
went to Funland arcade at Golden Village.
dun have the Bishi Bashi game we wanna play de.
but saw initial d. hEex. they asked me to play if i feel like playin. itz so cheap there o. 50cents/game. same as Jurong Point de.
i played alone. as they watched by. keke.
we den go Starbucks. chilled out there. [saw Sani there].
i ordered my favourite....

we chit chat. laughed. alot. cooL~ [tho i kept sneezing]
got home around 10pm.
da things i saw in yahoo! auction, korkor bought for me le.....

and a funny cute shirt.
im da new chairperson of AJFC. cooL yea?? ^-^
hmm. im still in the state of self torture.