cried myself to sleep last nite. T_T woke up with swollen eyes. thankx to my sunglasses.
met up sumann at my bus stop. took bus to yishun mrt.
when i tapped my ez-link card, entered, and was waiting for sumann to top-up his card, i noticed a malay man [staff] in the Control Station kept pointing at me to another malay man & saying something. the malay staff den approached me. i thought he wanted to spot-check my bag [maybe i look like terrorist??], but instead.....
he asked: "are you chewing gum??"
i smiled. and replied "yea??"
he: "hm. chewing gums are not allowed."
i was like WTH! but i smiled & said: "wat?! i thought in Singapore, CHEWING of gums is allowed but BUYING/SELLING of gums is den prohibited???"
he: "no... cannot. later when the officers see, itz not good uh."
he den gave me tissue & asked me to spit it out. HELL!
i spit it out. and still can purposely ask him: "u got dustbin?"
he said 'no'. TOOPID!
really wth lo... majiam like im in primary or secondary skool and the teacher caught me eating sweets in class. dUhx!!! are they being RACIST?
i used to worked in the hotel industry and there's alwaez a kinda booklet for tourists. i've read it and it stated some common laws in Singapore. one of them is about chewing gums. and it did stated clearly that CHEWING IS ALLOWED. BUT NOT BUYING OR SELLING. weird huH? me oso dunno if that law has been changed. dun care nah.
in skool i told Adrian about that incident.
he said i shouldnt have spit it out. i should say im chewing "Nicotine chewing gum". oh yea huh. in addition, he said that if that guy were to approach him n ask him to spit it out, he will tell him to 'f*** off'. wow. cooL. lol.
today. had our Roulette Assessment.
we can choose our own number/queue [by taking the 'score paper' with numbers already written on it.]
i chose on of my favourite number. '7'.
number 1 is our crrooouupppiieerrrr Gary. *clap clap*
adrian called me out by my Chinese name. xD
my turn. gan jiong.
my tester is Mr Raj. i calmed down after talking to him. coz of his smile. =)
i made quite a number of mistakes o....
'chip change' of over maximum bets + invalid bets.
but my calculation. swee swee la. lol.
assessment over. *pHew* yeaH!! when celebration?!?! hEex...
went for lunch. den back to skool.
nothing much to do o. was so bored. we kept chipping chipping chipping.
3pm. breaktime.
smoking break.
they smoked. i snapped.
siwei at the back.
got back. chipping again. chip til bored again.
den we thot of something. "Relay chipping". lol was fun!!!!
we even tried 1-on-1 challenge, 500 chips per person o.
chipped too much. hand pain n tired. lol.
today is the first time i chipped so much o.
while waiting for roy to finish his assessment.
sumann........... lol. posing time! BTH him nah.
Mr James Carter. [Chris Tucker]. lOlx!
he likes snappingz. we like snappingz.

and this 'wth' pose. -_-"
*look there!*
we left skool at 5.40pm.
me & jace catched the 6pm bus. ZZzzz.....
korkor fetched me home from amk.

hmphx. it was all a dream. haha.
met up sumann at my bus stop. took bus to yishun mrt.
when i tapped my ez-link card, entered, and was waiting for sumann to top-up his card, i noticed a malay man [staff] in the Control Station kept pointing at me to another malay man & saying something. the malay staff den approached me. i thought he wanted to spot-check my bag [maybe i look like terrorist??], but instead.....
he asked: "are you chewing gum??"
i smiled. and replied "yea??"
he: "hm. chewing gums are not allowed."
i was like WTH! but i smiled & said: "wat?! i thought in Singapore, CHEWING of gums is allowed but BUYING/SELLING of gums is den prohibited???"
he: "no... cannot. later when the officers see, itz not good uh."
he den gave me tissue & asked me to spit it out. HELL!
i spit it out. and still can purposely ask him: "u got dustbin?"
he said 'no'. TOOPID!
really wth lo... majiam like im in primary or secondary skool and the teacher caught me eating sweets in class. dUhx!!! are they being RACIST?
i used to worked in the hotel industry and there's alwaez a kinda booklet for tourists. i've read it and it stated some common laws in Singapore. one of them is about chewing gums. and it did stated clearly that CHEWING IS ALLOWED. BUT NOT BUYING OR SELLING. weird huH? me oso dunno if that law has been changed. dun care nah.
in skool i told Adrian about that incident.
he said i shouldnt have spit it out. i should say im chewing "Nicotine chewing gum". oh yea huh. in addition, he said that if that guy were to approach him n ask him to spit it out, he will tell him to 'f*** off'. wow. cooL. lol.
today. had our Roulette Assessment.
we can choose our own number/queue [by taking the 'score paper' with numbers already written on it.]
i chose on of my favourite number. '7'.
number 1 is our crrooouupppiieerrrr Gary. *clap clap*
adrian called me out by my Chinese name. xD
my turn. gan jiong.
my tester is Mr Raj. i calmed down after talking to him. coz of his smile. =)
i made quite a number of mistakes o....
'chip change' of over maximum bets + invalid bets.
but my calculation. swee swee la. lol.
assessment over. *pHew* yeaH!! when celebration?!?! hEex...
went for lunch. den back to skool.
nothing much to do o. was so bored. we kept chipping chipping chipping.
3pm. breaktime.
smoking break.
they smoked. i snapped.

got back. chipping again. chip til bored again.
den we thot of something. "Relay chipping". lol was fun!!!!
we even tried 1-on-1 challenge, 500 chips per person o.
chipped too much. hand pain n tired. lol.
today is the first time i chipped so much o.
while waiting for roy to finish his assessment.
sumann........... lol. posing time! BTH him nah.

he likes snappingz. we like snappingz.

we left skool at 5.40pm.
me & jace catched the 6pm bus. ZZzzz.....
korkor fetched me home from amk.

hmphx. it was all a dream. haha.