PS: my blog's slideshow on the left profile column is updated with photoz! [Da Insanerz photoz + ICG photoz]
this [below] is the black-eyed white rabbit i was saying about.

sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute neh!!!!!!!
hmm. and herez a very. funny. and cool video from youtube.
-1,500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice! This is not the final routine, and definitely not a punishment! just a teaser.-
the prisoners in Philippines doing the Micheal Jackson's Zombie dance!!!!
so nice!!! the 'uncle' in the front dances so well o... so synchronized wor!
this [below] is the black-eyed white rabbit i was saying about.

sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute neh!!!!!!!
hmm. and herez a very. funny. and cool video from youtube.
-1,500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice! This is not the final routine, and definitely not a punishment! just a teaser.-
the prisoners in Philippines doing the Micheal Jackson's Zombie dance!!!!
so nice!!! the 'uncle' in the front dances so well o... so synchronized wor!