lecture lecture lecture today.
our junior batches joint our class for lecture this morning.
lecture made us so dead. which reminds us of Beauty World. xD
lunchtime. 1st time eating 'dry' Ban Mian o...... not bad nah.
after that. we skipped lesson. =P sorrie Ricky... -_-
laoda. me. kai & fm. went to Bukit Timah Shopping Centre.
itz gaming time~! we haven been lan gaming for so long o...
1.45pm - 5.10pm. we Storm The Front~
hmm....... im so happy i knifed kai. xDDD
den he & fm were trying to knife me back. loL~
kai did had his revenge. im used to being knifed by them tho. xP
anyway. i had fuN! ^-^
gaming over. laoda drove me & kai to Clementi MRT station as usual.
i got home at 'bout 7pm.
thinking of goin to school. makes me happy.
but on the other hand, sianx.
happy bcoz i get to see my goodie friends.
sianz bcoz gotta see smelly kidz.
like this morning. i just wanna be alone.
dun like stinky feelings.
but fm came forward to accompany me.
altho he knows i wanna be alone.
this made me swallowed my tears.
somehow. i just wanna be my normal self.
but. in this skool life. there are some obstruction.
tryin to make my life difficult.
itz da 1st time. i came across this kinda 小人.
but for da people who've been there for me.
to hold me back when i wanna avoid.
to listen when i get emo.
i will hold on. i will be optimistic. <3
thankx laoda. thankx fm. >_<
our junior batches joint our class for lecture this morning.
lecture made us so dead. which reminds us of Beauty World. xD
lunchtime. 1st time eating 'dry' Ban Mian o...... not bad nah.
after that. we skipped lesson. =P sorrie Ricky... -_-
laoda. me. kai & fm. went to Bukit Timah Shopping Centre.
itz gaming time~! we haven been lan gaming for so long o...
1.45pm - 5.10pm. we Storm The Front~
hmm....... im so happy i knifed kai. xDDD
den he & fm were trying to knife me back. loL~
kai did had his revenge. im used to being knifed by them tho. xP
anyway. i had fuN! ^-^
gaming over. laoda drove me & kai to Clementi MRT station as usual.
i got home at 'bout 7pm.
thinking of goin to school. makes me happy.
but on the other hand, sianx.
happy bcoz i get to see my goodie friends.
sianz bcoz gotta see smelly kidz.
like this morning. i just wanna be alone.
dun like stinky feelings.
but fm came forward to accompany me.
altho he knows i wanna be alone.
this made me swallowed my tears.
somehow. i just wanna be my normal self.
but. in this skool life. there are some obstruction.
tryin to make my life difficult.
itz da 1st time. i came across this kinda 小人.
but for da people who've been there for me.
to hold me back when i wanna avoid.
to listen when i get emo.
i will hold on. i will be optimistic. <3
thankx laoda. thankx fm. >_<
