last night jiejie went to Batam for a One-Day Tour organised by her company.
she bought this donuts back.
the dough itself is soft enough to challenge with Donut Factory o.
she also bought me this.

loving it. tho it fits my wrist. just nice lo.
todae. is da 2nd Death Anniversary.
in da remembrance of Eddie Guerrero. [1967-2005]
eddie. you are not forgotten. -_-
heres one of his tribute.
did a written assessment in skool.
CLOSED book wor... xP
our practical lesson. we learnt a different thingy. our practise style oso different.
got new position. "Pit Manager"
i was one of da chosen PM.
but i supervised 1st while laoda & croupier be da PM.
whoa. supervising. i told my PMs to 'demote' me back to dealer position lo.
lol~ so stressed. me not fast enough. will try to catch up.
but brain hang hang lo. needa upgrade da processor & RAM le. xD
after that. me & weiwei be da PMs.
itz more fun den being inspector la.
but hor... wah liao. i dunno how to 'choot' lo!!!!
jia lat. needed in casino de wor....
dunno how to whistle. dunno how to choot. die....
me choot... oso beri soft.
nvm. i will practise 'chooting'. xP
after skool. i planned to play Initial D alone. coz long time no play le.
got back yishun. alighted the mrt. coincidently saw chiang.
later we coincidently saw zhongyue. coincident moment. keke.
zhongyue went off. but chiang accompanied me to yishun GV de Funland.
which has just been renovated. more spacious o.
but chiang dun play. he watched me play. me lousy le lo. cannot break own record.
after that me headed home le.
tomoro can rest. =) recover my sleepless nites.
Sometimes Life Isn't Fair
But All Yu Gotta Do Is Keep Yur Head High
*&& Smile No Matter Whatz The Outcome ^-^
she bought this donuts back.

the dough itself is soft enough to challenge with Donut Factory o.
she also bought me this.

loving it. tho it fits my wrist. just nice lo.
todae. is da 2nd Death Anniversary.
in da remembrance of Eddie Guerrero. [1967-2005]
eddie. you are not forgotten. -_-
heres one of his tribute.
did a written assessment in skool.
CLOSED book wor... xP
our practical lesson. we learnt a different thingy. our practise style oso different.
got new position. "Pit Manager"
i was one of da chosen PM.
but i supervised 1st while laoda & croupier be da PM.
whoa. supervising. i told my PMs to 'demote' me back to dealer position lo.
lol~ so stressed. me not fast enough. will try to catch up.
but brain hang hang lo. needa upgrade da processor & RAM le. xD
after that. me & weiwei be da PMs.
itz more fun den being inspector la.
but hor... wah liao. i dunno how to 'choot' lo!!!!
jia lat. needed in casino de wor....
dunno how to whistle. dunno how to choot. die....
me choot... oso beri soft.
nvm. i will practise 'chooting'. xP
after skool. i planned to play Initial D alone. coz long time no play le.
got back yishun. alighted the mrt. coincidently saw chiang.
later we coincidently saw zhongyue. coincident moment. keke.
zhongyue went off. but chiang accompanied me to yishun GV de Funland.
which has just been renovated. more spacious o.
but chiang dun play. he watched me play. me lousy le lo. cannot break own record.
after that me headed home le.
tomoro can rest. =) recover my sleepless nites.
Sometimes Life Isn't Fair
But All Yu Gotta Do Is Keep Yur Head High
*&& Smile No Matter Whatz The Outcome ^-^