went to skool as usual.
morning. lecture.
in class. we had a lil' fun conversation with Ricky. [i forgot watz that about].
den they laughed at me... i said "chio.... ('laugh' in hokkien)"
Ricky was like "eh? rain u can speak hokkien ar?"
i replied "hokkien lang buay hiao gong hokkien way, sia suay de lo!" (a hokkien who cant speak hokkien, gonna be embarassing)
den they laughed again. benedict said i guai lan. lol~
me didnt feel asleep. but at once, i dozed off a lil'....
and that siwei turned back, bang my table so hard, "dun sleep!!"
-_- he juz shortened my life.... got a shock lo..
lunchtime. makan.
me ordered sliced fish milk soup. & laoda blanja me roti prata. thankiex =)
den croupier brought up about the dunno what cruise outing plan.
itz roy jio-ed jace. and jace jio-ed croupier. den they quiet quiet bo jio us.
kena shoot by siwei & me. lol. orbi~
i'm fine with da plan. but only if laoda AND siwei go, den i'll go.
coz somehow with laoda around, i wont feel left out. ^-^
after lunch, Final Assessment's written exam.
closed book. but of coz we open abit nah. lol~
thatz why we all sat behind in class. =P
Ricky: "after u finish, go through ya paper again"
so croupier & vik were shouting across the class 'going thru' da paper's answers together.
xD funny lo... den ricky were trying to stop croupier. LOL~
me were coughin coughin coughin so hard in class.
coughed til headache wor.... -_- dun like cough.
our 1st supervisory test has been postponed to next next wednesday.
and the Head, Rama, said itz gonna be closed book.
but it was stated that itz supposed to be open book.
den he said, typo error. hell~ like that oso can.
after that, practical.
our 1st time supervising the new batches students.
our 'inspecting' is more like 'teaching'. therez alot they do not know.
and there are some sarcastic ones. luckily neva kena me. but croupier & laoda.
they almost went bonkers. lol~
class was released at 4.45pm. tiring day. as itz friday too.
jace & vik didnt wait for me seh. went off with da 5pm bus.
not even calling me. juz jitao pangseh me like that. gooood. very well done.
like that de lo. nvm. im geting used to it. =)
me were so sleepy. slept in shuttle bus. mrt. feeder bus.
overslept in feeder bus. alighted one stop after my house's one.
den walked home... sianx nor....
one week holiday le.
tomoro im going in msia.
settle my PC games stuffz
& wanna buy movie dvdz. =)
see this baby. sooooooo cute nah...
definitely. in da future. my own baby. im gonna try this too. xD