last nite. wasnt really happy. so upset. again & again.
but. i remind myself of laoda's advices.
tho my heart doesnt listen.
i still gonna keep in mind of those words.
thankfully, hafiz (my cz fren) managed to cheer me up.
he didnt know how sad i was. he knows nothing.
he offered to train my awp skills when i asked him how to shoot w/o scoping.
from 2.45am. he started training me.
he is good as he can train you over the net and is so organised.
itz like when u pass stage 1 (accuracy), den will move on to stage 2.
his explanations & instructions were clear.
and the training did improve my basic awp skills. etc.
[i think im not his only trainee. he trained his frens too]
but da fun part was.........
we played CATCHING in CZ. have u tried before??
we 'tap' by using knife (left click), da person being tapped will be catcher.
lol. it was so fun nor~ believe me! xD
2 hours of 'training' til 5am.
i laughed & laughed til stomach pain.
and that, made me feel happier.
and perhaps bcoz of that,
i managed to sleep without tears.
hafiz. much much appreciated. =)
oh ya~ last nite. for the very 1st time......
i scolded someone whom i dunno in game.
he was being sooooo irritating team flashing his teammates on purpose.
and i even got killed bcoz of that.
i typed in message asking him to stop. but he didnt give a damn.
i got so fed up! i shouted into my mic for once and for all "STOP IT LA!!".
finally, he stopped.
but i felt guilty. LOL~
aniwae. been CZ-ing almost every night.
met new people. made new friends.
juz got into a 'fun clan' with nice people.
i juz hope that i am being treated nicely, bcoz of who i am.
treat me nice for me being myself.
and not JUST bcoz, i am a girl.
but. i remind myself of laoda's advices.
tho my heart doesnt listen.
i still gonna keep in mind of those words.
thankfully, hafiz (my cz fren) managed to cheer me up.
he didnt know how sad i was. he knows nothing.
he offered to train my awp skills when i asked him how to shoot w/o scoping.
from 2.45am. he started training me.
he is good as he can train you over the net and is so organised.
itz like when u pass stage 1 (accuracy), den will move on to stage 2.
his explanations & instructions were clear.
and the training did improve my basic awp skills. etc.
[i think im not his only trainee. he trained his frens too]
but da fun part was.........
we played CATCHING in CZ. have u tried before??
we 'tap' by using knife (left click), da person being tapped will be catcher.
lol. it was so fun nor~ believe me! xD
2 hours of 'training' til 5am.
i laughed & laughed til stomach pain.
and that, made me feel happier.
and perhaps bcoz of that,
i managed to sleep without tears.
hafiz. much much appreciated. =)
oh ya~ last nite. for the very 1st time......
i scolded someone whom i dunno in game.
he was being sooooo irritating team flashing his teammates on purpose.
and i even got killed bcoz of that.
i typed in message asking him to stop. but he didnt give a damn.
i got so fed up! i shouted into my mic for once and for all "STOP IT LA!!".
finally, he stopped.
but i felt guilty. LOL~
aniwae. been CZ-ing almost every night.
met new people. made new friends.
juz got into a 'fun clan' with nice people.
i juz hope that i am being treated nicely, bcoz of who i am.
treat me nice for me being myself.
and not JUST bcoz, i am a girl.
