this is gonna be a looong post.
i'll try my best to keep it short tho. xP
4pm. korkor drove mummy & i to Wat Ananda, the Thai temple @ Bukit Merah

the people & monks are sending the casket to Singapore Casket le.
but we stayed behind. for the Coach. which arrived at about 5pm.
were brought to Golden Mile Complex.

and left the place (after everyone boarded the bus) @ 6pm.
8.30pm. had dinner at msia dunno where. were so hungry.
had a few stopovers before arriving at Thai Custom @ 7am.
see the sky. we queued from....
to this.....
queue were moving soo slow. the staff looked so 'nua' de.
other people were saying about putting RM1 in between your passport,
the staff will chop ya passport & let u pass fast.
mummy wanted to follow. i stopped her. i was like....
"hUH?! we are not illegal immigrants leh. RM1 give or never give also will chop our passports wat...."
den she was like... "ya hor..."
8.35am. had our breakfast in Hat Yai.

food. so so ba.
head to Wat Tahin, Songkla. FYI, Wat = Temple, in thai.
reached there at 10.30am.
light b'fast.
went to the Main Shrine.
the Buddha.
the decorations, the casket, etc.

*pray pray*
sorrie people. i hope this didnt freak u out. if it does, i let u scold lo. =.=
our tour group photo.
had lunch.
and dessert. Sea coconut.
1.15pm. went to Wat Phrokhan. my late Long Phor Puang's temple.
itz not officially opened yet.
as the renovation works hasnt complete.
this. is his last wish. for the people. to help him accomplish.

"luk mi mi". every thai temple must hav this UNDER the temple.
yet these (above), have yet to put in.
put where?
under the ground here.
da Buddha in the Shrine.
2pm. finally. brought to our Resort hotel, in Songkla.
Haad Kaew Resort.
room no. 235.
above my expectation ba.
as they do provide an important item i would need......
after shower. while waiting for mama, i went......

LOL~ i know. insane. xP
during shower i spotted this big blue black @ my left hip bone area.
where & when i got this?!
i dun even remember....
me & mama. look-a-like ma? hEex.
the tour group were divided into 2.
shopping spree. or back to Wat Tahin.
i'm IN. for shopping!!
3.30pm-6pm shopping @ Hat Yai.
fortunately, the place we were brought to,
is the area mummy & i are familiar with! coOl~
we went to Swensen's. for dessert.
i had this Fondue for 2. (for myself instead) lol.
so CHEAP wor. compared to Spore's.
this. costs about...... 150Baht (about S$7). omG~
me bought a green & red Army Camou shirt.
and a pair of slippers.
@ 99Baht.
makes it easier. entering and leaving temple. (taking off shoes)
7.30pm. Back to Wat Tahin.
8.20pm-9.40pm Chant & Speech.

Long Phor Puang will be placed in this.

and displayed in the temple. for 1 year.
we returned to the hotel.
i was so excited when i found that there's internet facility!
whatz more can i ask for?!?! LOL~
i bought the internet prepaid card.
100 Baht. (about S$5) for 70mins.
started using at 10.30pm.
catched up with friends.
the net speed quite slow. juz by chatting. that 1 hour flies!
ended at 11.30pm.
went to look for mama at the poolside with the group, chilling out there.
uncle uncle offered me beer. nono.
but that 18 year old 'bui bui' pauline tried to act like an adult drinking & smoking. =.=" she just look like 14 to me tho.
me sat there. 15mins passed.
i jus find it so bored.
so i went back to purchased another internet prepaid card. xDD
played til 1am. viwawa MJ. S11 forum. etc.
turned in with mama @ 3+am.
woke up at 7am. -_-Zzzzzz

me with plaits. hEex
checked-out @ 8.30am.
9.30am. Wat Tahin.
paying my respect to him. T_T
11am-12.15am Chanting.
after that, had b'fast.
not nice. but bo bian. must eat.

a High Rank Monk.

Wat Ananda Chief Monk lighting the candles.
the devotees.
High Rank Monk from Hat Yai.

he promoting my late Long Phor a higher rank.
after the Chanting etc.
they closed the curtain.
that was when, tears followed.
me with the Hat Yai Chief Monk.
left the temple @ 1pm.
2pm. reached Hat Yai.
i skipped my meal at the temple coz.... the food dun suit me.
and wasnt hungry.
but upon reaching HatYai, mummy's fren, ah Huat uncle kept asking me to eat something before boarding the bus.
so i wandered around. walked pass a stall.
had fried rice.
3pm. Coach arrived. and we headed back to Singapore.
Thursday [Today]
returned to Singapore at 4am.
catched a cabbie back from Woodlands Checkpoint.
got home at 5am.
spotted this!

papa custom-made this row of closet attached with this study desk.
for my lappy!!! yeah~ finally i've got a permanent place for lappy. lol.
maybe i should head down to IKEA & buy a pink swivel chair ^-^
after shower and everything.
turned in @ 6am.
woke up at 1+pm.
3pm. a call from laoda.
aiseh. so 'eng'. wanna meet up. woOT! long time no see laoda le.
lol. actually he's meeting up Heuer. so asked me along too.
reached amk hub at about 5pm.
settled down at New York restaurant.
my first time dining there.
busy busy busy man.
sooo hungry............
we took quite sometime before ordering. so busy chatting. lol.
he ordered this Smoky Cheese BALLS to share.
he LOL upon seeing this. he even asked the waitress "are these BALLS?!"
xDDD.... oh man......
i had this Penne Mushroom Alfredo with Half Roasted Chic.
was soooooo full wor......
heuer came at... about 7pm.
he ordered this Fiery Wings.
spicy. i cant eat. lol.
i ordered this. Waffle with Ice cream.
OMG~ i know i've been eating lotz.
gotta go & buy my diet pills real soon le. xP
after makan. i spotted those candy floss sticks a distance away.
rain: "eh?! candy floss leh! free de huh?!"
laoda: "u want huh? papa take for u" (sounding very sarcastically)
rain: =.="
heuer: "nvm i ask for u"
waitress walked pass.
heuer: "excuse me? are those candy floss free?"
waitress: "yesh itz free."
heuer: "gimme one. for her. (pointing to me)"
den this kookoo laoda......
laoda: "err... one more!" (for himself)
wakakaka...... wth.... suan siao me..... in the end oso eat... xDD
there this sha sha de laoda. bleah! lol.
lil' girl feeling content holding onto the candy floss. xD
TAG [Heuer]. & rain.
they left at about 8pm.
i went shopping while waiting for meepok.
bought 2 bottles of nail paint.
fluorescent pink @ S$3.90
silver glitter @ S$2.90
and nail stickers too. =)
he arrived. we walked to central. dunno where.
chit-chat there. etc.
10+pm. walked to Jubilee.
slacked a lil' while at MOS Burger.
thankx pok.
this S. came in to Mos. headed to the toilet. came out. & left Mos.
=.=" without noticing we were there lo...... xD
we den went to the S11 kopitiam.
ver arrived at about 11pm.
chatted 'bout these n that.
and me, trying to catch up wat has been going on when i wasnt around.
*blur blur*
asked the table next to us to snap some pics.

my hp cam sucks or they did moved while taking these pics?
lol. nvm. better den nothing. =)
and i dunno wat was ver doing. xDD
just for memories ba. keke.
1am. S drove me home.
THANKX thankx alot. really. ^-^
hmm... tomoro is Gabe's bday. was invited to the chalet.
and probably another outing plan at night.
so... more updates comin up.
itz 5.51am now le. gonna go sleep. Zzzz....
i'll try my best to keep it short tho. xP
4pm. korkor drove mummy & i to Wat Ananda, the Thai temple @ Bukit Merah
the people & monks are sending the casket to Singapore Casket le.
but we stayed behind. for the Coach. which arrived at about 5pm.
were brought to Golden Mile Complex.
and left the place (after everyone boarded the bus) @ 6pm.
8.30pm. had dinner at msia dunno where. were so hungry.
had a few stopovers before arriving at Thai Custom @ 7am.
see the sky. we queued from....
queue were moving soo slow. the staff looked so 'nua' de.
other people were saying about putting RM1 in between your passport,
the staff will chop ya passport & let u pass fast.
mummy wanted to follow. i stopped her. i was like....
"hUH?! we are not illegal immigrants leh. RM1 give or never give also will chop our passports wat...."
den she was like... "ya hor..."
8.35am. had our breakfast in Hat Yai.
head to Wat Tahin, Songkla. FYI, Wat = Temple, in thai.
reached there at 10.30am.
went to the Main Shrine.
the decorations, the casket, etc.
sorrie people. i hope this didnt freak u out. if it does, i let u scold lo. =.=
1.15pm. went to Wat Phrokhan. my late Long Phor Puang's temple.
as the renovation works hasnt complete.
this. is his last wish. for the people. to help him accomplish.
"luk mi mi". every thai temple must hav this UNDER the temple.
yet these (above), have yet to put in.
put where?
2pm. finally. brought to our Resort hotel, in Songkla.
as they do provide an important item i would need......
after shower. while waiting for mama, i went......
during shower i spotted this big blue black @ my left hip bone area.
i dun even remember....
the tour group were divided into 2.
shopping spree. or back to Wat Tahin.
i'm IN. for shopping!!
3.30pm-6pm shopping @ Hat Yai.
fortunately, the place we were brought to,
is the area mummy & i are familiar with! coOl~
we went to Swensen's. for dessert.
so CHEAP wor. compared to Spore's.
this. costs about...... 150Baht (about S$7). omG~
me bought a green & red Army Camou shirt.
and a pair of slippers.
makes it easier. entering and leaving temple. (taking off shoes)
7.30pm. Back to Wat Tahin.
8.20pm-9.40pm Chant & Speech.
Long Phor Puang will be placed in this.
and displayed in the temple. for 1 year.
we returned to the hotel.
i was so excited when i found that there's internet facility!
whatz more can i ask for?!?! LOL~
i bought the internet prepaid card.
started using at 10.30pm.
catched up with friends.
the net speed quite slow. juz by chatting. that 1 hour flies!
ended at 11.30pm.
went to look for mama at the poolside with the group, chilling out there.
uncle uncle offered me beer. nono.
but that 18 year old 'bui bui' pauline tried to act like an adult drinking & smoking. =.=" she just look like 14 to me tho.
me sat there. 15mins passed.
i jus find it so bored.
so i went back to purchased another internet prepaid card. xDD
played til 1am. viwawa MJ. S11 forum. etc.
turned in with mama @ 3+am.
woke up at 7am. -_-Zzzzzz
me with plaits. hEex
checked-out @ 8.30am.
9.30am. Wat Tahin.
11am-12.15am Chanting.
after that, had b'fast.
High Rank Monk from Hat Yai.
after the Chanting etc.
they closed the curtain.
left the temple @ 1pm.
2pm. reached Hat Yai.
i skipped my meal at the temple coz.... the food dun suit me.
and wasnt hungry.
but upon reaching HatYai, mummy's fren, ah Huat uncle kept asking me to eat something before boarding the bus.
so i wandered around. walked pass a stall.
3pm. Coach arrived. and we headed back to Singapore.
Thursday [Today]
returned to Singapore at 4am.
catched a cabbie back from Woodlands Checkpoint.
got home at 5am.
spotted this!
papa custom-made this row of closet attached with this study desk.
for my lappy!!! yeah~ finally i've got a permanent place for lappy. lol.
maybe i should head down to IKEA & buy a pink swivel chair ^-^
after shower and everything.
turned in @ 6am.
woke up at 1+pm.
3pm. a call from laoda.
aiseh. so 'eng'. wanna meet up. woOT! long time no see laoda le.
lol. actually he's meeting up Heuer. so asked me along too.
reached amk hub at about 5pm.

my first time dining there.

sooo hungry............
we took quite sometime before ordering. so busy chatting. lol.

he LOL upon seeing this. he even asked the waitress "are these BALLS?!"
xDDD.... oh man......

was soooooo full wor......
heuer came at... about 7pm.

spicy. i cant eat. lol.

OMG~ i know i've been eating lotz.
gotta go & buy my diet pills real soon le. xP
after makan. i spotted those candy floss sticks a distance away.
rain: "eh?! candy floss leh! free de huh?!"
laoda: "u want huh? papa take for u" (sounding very sarcastically)
rain: =.="
heuer: "nvm i ask for u"
waitress walked pass.
heuer: "excuse me? are those candy floss free?"
waitress: "yesh itz free."
heuer: "gimme one. for her. (pointing to me)"
den this kookoo laoda......
laoda: "err... one more!" (for himself)
wakakaka...... wth.... suan siao me..... in the end oso eat... xDD

they left at about 8pm.
i went shopping while waiting for meepok.
bought 2 bottles of nail paint.
fluorescent pink @ S$3.90
silver glitter @ S$2.90
and nail stickers too. =)
he arrived. we walked to central. dunno where.
chit-chat there. etc.
10+pm. walked to Jubilee.
slacked a lil' while at MOS Burger.

this S. came in to Mos. headed to the toilet. came out. & left Mos.
=.=" without noticing we were there lo...... xD
we den went to the S11 kopitiam.
ver arrived at about 11pm.
chatted 'bout these n that.
and me, trying to catch up wat has been going on when i wasnt around.
*blur blur*
asked the table next to us to snap some pics.

my hp cam sucks or they did moved while taking these pics?
lol. nvm. better den nothing. =)

just for memories ba. keke.
1am. S drove me home.
THANKX thankx alot. really. ^-^
hmm... tomoro is Gabe's bday. was invited to the chalet.
and probably another outing plan at night.
so... more updates comin up.
itz 5.51am now le. gonna go sleep. Zzzz....