slipped into my fitful sleep with tears again.
perhaps my bedtime is my emo-est moment.
unable to fall asleep.
all kinda things would run through my mind.
& thinking about negative thingyz just gonna bring tearz.
recently. i dunno why.
i just wish i am much happier. on the inside.
slept for about 2 hours plus.
waking up at 7am. sleepyhead.
8am. korkor drove mummy & i to cousin's house.
invited our 'Master Bai' to reallocate my late aunt's tablet from my cousins' house to Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery.
me being da vain-pot. in my cousins' kitchen.

cousin sis laughed at me. xD
everything was done by 10.30am.
korkor den drove me & mummy to NorthPoint.
so coincidently, saw daddy!
he was queueing at the Money Changer.
i approached from behind.
quietly slipped out the paper sticking out from his back pocket.
he noticed nothing!
so i tried to 'steal' his wallet. [2 guys there thought i was a pickpocket -_-]
but before i could touch papa's wallet, he turned around. lol....
da 3 of us den had our breakfast at the Food Mall.
after makan, papa left for work.
mummy & i went for a lil' shopping.
i bought these...
Sexy Girl Hair Cologne @ S$16.80 from John Little.
furry hp strap @ S$2.55 from Minitoons.
mummy asked me to go for an hour of Foot Reflexology.
so we went. itz on the 3rd floor.
after da foot massage, da guy recommended me da Shoulder Reflexology.
so i went for it. 30 minutes...... of pain. xD
after the whole body massage, i felt..... tired. LOL.
calves are aching. from the massage.
all my toes turned pink. coz of blood circulation ba.
just got home. at about 3.30pm.
im glad my next few days will be occupied. i hope? lol.
tomoro.... not sure if AJFC is gonna meet out.
wednesday.... KTV. a date with QQ. =)
thursday.... accompanying mummy to dental clinic. again.
after that.... no plans le wor!!!! =(
im sooo 'eng' (free) now. no skool. no job.
and im gonna ROT. i dun wanna be Rotten Rain. nua & nua like laoda. LOL~
anyone wanna ask me out???? =.=
perhaps my bedtime is my emo-est moment.
unable to fall asleep.
all kinda things would run through my mind.
& thinking about negative thingyz just gonna bring tearz.
recently. i dunno why.
i just wish i am much happier. on the inside.
slept for about 2 hours plus.
waking up at 7am. sleepyhead.
8am. korkor drove mummy & i to cousin's house.
invited our 'Master Bai' to reallocate my late aunt's tablet from my cousins' house to Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery.
me being da vain-pot. in my cousins' kitchen.

cousin sis laughed at me. xD
everything was done by 10.30am.
korkor den drove me & mummy to NorthPoint.
so coincidently, saw daddy!
he was queueing at the Money Changer.
i approached from behind.
quietly slipped out the paper sticking out from his back pocket.
he noticed nothing!
so i tried to 'steal' his wallet. [2 guys there thought i was a pickpocket -_-]
but before i could touch papa's wallet, he turned around. lol....
da 3 of us den had our breakfast at the Food Mall.
after makan, papa left for work.
mummy & i went for a lil' shopping.
i bought these...

mummy asked me to go for an hour of Foot Reflexology.
so we went. itz on the 3rd floor.
after da foot massage, da guy recommended me da Shoulder Reflexology.
so i went for it. 30 minutes...... of pain. xD
after the whole body massage, i felt..... tired. LOL.
calves are aching. from the massage.
all my toes turned pink. coz of blood circulation ba.
just got home. at about 3.30pm.
im glad my next few days will be occupied. i hope? lol.
tomoro.... not sure if AJFC is gonna meet out.
wednesday.... KTV. a date with QQ. =)
thursday.... accompanying mummy to dental clinic. again.
after that.... no plans le wor!!!! =(
im sooo 'eng' (free) now. no skool. no job.
and im gonna ROT. i dun wanna be Rotten Rain. nua & nua like laoda. LOL~
anyone wanna ask me out???? =.=