my Valentine's Day gift.....
so sweet eh?
stop guessing.
itz from none other. but my notti lil' niece. ^-^
other den that.
i also received another Surprise gift....

i was one of the Viwawa Best Of Blog Merit Winners!! oh goSh~
tho the prize isnt that WOW. [$10 viwawa scratch card (1100 viwawa cash)]
but being the choosen one among the many, itz so great nah! ^-^
If laoda didnt call me at 11+am, i guess i might have overslept le.
itz our BIG DAY!!!

i rolled (permed) my hair.
dolled up myself.
even spent time video-recorded my full make-up procedures. xDD
interested to watch it?
hmm. i shall decide if i should post it up. lol.
herez some snapz i took using my lappy's integrated webcam.

2+pm. korkor drove me & mama to Turf City. where my skool is.
in the car. i started all my snappinz~

i lOve myself today.
my korkor~
vainglorious rain~
with her new pinkie tie.
can someone help her screw off her art of EMO-ing???
papa reached there before us.
korkor. mama. papa.
in my skool.
the feeling back to skool, seeing all those dudes, was like WOW! so great.
people went 'rain, rain....'. etc.
some even called '下雨'.
and some. even said 'xiaxue de meimei come oredi!'
this reminded me, in the beginning of the course,
some peepz said i look like xiaxue.
when they know i'm a Blogger too, they wondered if im her sister.
omg. hell. spare me. -_-
wei wei & me. laoda kaypo. lol. =x
kaixun. gary. karyan. laoda. da *angry* & *cheerful* rain.
they bullied me.
arthor & sam. busy with student registrations.
vik darlinx. eh 10 dollar! lol~
laoda. roulette dealer shot.
fangqing & me.
me & our Best asst trainer, our Lord AdrianO.
the dude who's been with us thru most stages, putting in lotza effort in training n guiding us, very caring and supportive. a good leader. a good advisor. a good fren. Thank eUu~
blurred. taken by shaky hands.
oh ya. they all hor.... kookoo de leh!
THAT time all wore NECKTIE, except for me, i wore BOW TIE.
today. ALL wore BOW TIE. only me, with my pinkie necktie. made me so odd.
Graduation Ceremony stage.
the drinks corner~

the father-like Trainer, Ricky!!
jia wei. i snap fom below. he snap from top. =.=
4pm.... more n more crowded....
my classmates.... slacking while waiting for ceremony to start.

da guys named my digi camera, "Flash Bang". =.= CS ar?
LOL~ itz all bcoz my cam's Flash, is real BRIGHT.
everytime it snapped*, the guys went 'whooaaa.....' (eyes pain) LOL~~
before giving out the certificates,
every representative from each batch gonna give a speech wor.
our batch de representative. Long Jia Wei.
SWEE la~ he did the best. wonderful. friendly. & entertaining speech.
i've recorded it !!! here it is!! check it out yO~
Mr Ricky Phuah.
a father-like trainer who is patient, caring, encouraging, etc etc.
Thank eUu too!
2 certificates.

Certificate in Casino Management.
Certificate in Dealing Table Games.
ICGTC Batch 05/07 Class photo

oh man. y adrianO stand-alone. dun emo leh. xP
the girls in my class. just US.
rain. chanel. fangqing. vicki.
da dude from part time class.
makan time!!
the buffet spread.
korkor & mama hungry le....
so am i.
western buffet. not bad eh? nice nice.
me. mama. korkor.
woOt~ da 2 "aunties" so fast make frens le.
im refering to mama & laoda's mama.
lol. frenly peeps.

back: heuer. vik. jiawei.
front: roy & rain.
bottoms up!!
yaaaaaamm.... SEH!!!
i left skool at 5+pm.
congratz & buhbye to all.
aniwae. i've created a Remix Slideshow.......
for the awesome & marvelous memories i had.
in ICGTC. as well as outside, with da nice nice guyz.
my Valentine's Day gift.....

stop guessing.
itz from none other. but my notti lil' niece. ^-^
other den that.
i also received another Surprise gift....

i was one of the Viwawa Best Of Blog Merit Winners!! oh goSh~
tho the prize isnt that WOW. [$10 viwawa scratch card (1100 viwawa cash)]
but being the choosen one among the many, itz so great nah! ^-^
If laoda didnt call me at 11+am, i guess i might have overslept le.
itz our BIG DAY!!!
i rolled (permed) my hair.
dolled up myself.
even spent time video-recorded my full make-up procedures. xDD
interested to watch it?
hmm. i shall decide if i should post it up. lol.
herez some snapz i took using my lappy's integrated webcam.

2+pm. korkor drove me & mama to Turf City. where my skool is.
in the car. i started all my snappinz~
i lOve myself today.
can someone help her screw off her art of EMO-ing???
papa reached there before us.
the feeling back to skool, seeing all those dudes, was like WOW! so great.
people went 'rain, rain....'. etc.
some even called '下雨'.
and some. even said 'xiaxue de meimei come oredi!'
this reminded me, in the beginning of the course,
some peepz said i look like xiaxue.
when they know i'm a Blogger too, they wondered if im her sister.
omg. hell. spare me. -_-
kaixun. gary. karyan. laoda. da *angry* & *cheerful* rain.
the dude who's been with us thru most stages, putting in lotza effort in training n guiding us, very caring and supportive. a good leader. a good advisor. a good fren. Thank eUu~
oh ya. they all hor.... kookoo de leh!
THAT time all wore NECKTIE, except for me, i wore BOW TIE.
today. ALL wore BOW TIE. only me, with my pinkie necktie. made me so odd.
the drinks corner~
my classmates.... slacking while waiting for ceremony to start.
da guys named my digi camera, "Flash Bang". =.= CS ar?
LOL~ itz all bcoz my cam's Flash, is real BRIGHT.
everytime it snapped*, the guys went 'whooaaa.....' (eyes pain) LOL~~
before giving out the certificates,
every representative from each batch gonna give a speech wor.
our batch de representative. Long Jia Wei.
SWEE la~ he did the best. wonderful. friendly. & entertaining speech.
i've recorded it !!! here it is!! check it out yO~
a father-like trainer who is patient, caring, encouraging, etc etc.
Thank eUu too!
2 certificates.
Certificate in Casino Management.
Certificate in Dealing Table Games.
ICGTC Batch 05/07 Class photo
oh man. y adrianO stand-alone. dun emo leh. xP
the girls in my class. just US.
da dude from part time class.
makan time!!
western buffet. not bad eh? nice nice.
woOt~ da 2 "aunties" so fast make frens le.
lol. frenly peeps.
back: heuer. vik. jiawei.
front: roy & rain.
bottoms up!!
i left skool at 5+pm.
congratz & buhbye to all.
aniwae. i've created a Remix Slideshow.......
for the awesome & marvelous memories i had.
in ICGTC. as well as outside, with da nice nice guyz.